The KTBS_BIB_JS is a JS package used to communicate with KTBS ( Kernel of Trace Based Systems ) on the client side. Samotraces.js provides a set of tools to visualise and manage traces. We have added a tools to visualize a model for this framework.
Samothraces.js offers differents class for creating traces, storage traces and obsels in KTBS and retrieving all the informations about stored traces from the KTBS :[KTBS.Resource.js] (, KTBS.Base.js , KTBS.Trace.js, [Obsel.js] (
Samotraces.js offers differents trace visualisation widgets. Each widget provide a graphical user interface.
For more information about the widget in samotrace.js, have a look on this link :
We have added classes to samotraces.js that allows the visualization of model :
- [KTBS.Model.js] ( :this class allows you to generate the list of object 'ObselType {"type:" ","attributes": []} ' from the model data (json format)
- [WidgetDisplayModel.js] ( : widget display the model , with obsels types represented graphically as images.
- [ObselTypeInspectorCocher.js] ( :Widget for visualising an Obsel Type as an HTML list.
current_obsel1 = new Samotraces.Selector('obsel');
new Samotraces.UI.Widgets.ObselTypeInspectorCocher('obselinspector1',current_obsel1);
model = new Samotraces.KTBS.Model(dataModel);
Mod = new Samotraces.UI.Widgets.DisplayModel ('model1',model,options);
For a detailed description of the framwork samotraces.js please have a look on its official documentation