It generates the docker-compose.yml
file from the configured network.
It generates the docker-compose.yml
file from the configured network.
$ symbol-bootstrap compose
-h, --help It shows the help of this command.
-t, --target=target [default: target] The target folder where the symbol-bootstrap network is generated
-u, --user=user [default: current] User used to run the services in the docker-compose.yml file. "current" means
the current user.
--logger=logger [default: Console,File] The loggers the command will use. Options are: Console,File,Silent. Use
',' to select multiple loggers.
--noPassword When provided, Bootstrap will not use a password, so private keys will be stored in plain text.
Use with caution.
--offline If --offline is used, Bootstrap resolves the configuration without querying the running network.
--password=password A password used to encrypt and decrypt private keys in preset files like addresses.yml and
preset.yml. Bootstrap prompts for a password by default, can be provided in the command line
(--password=XXXX) or disabled in the command line (--noPassword).
--upgrade It regenerates the docker compose and utility files from the <target>/docker folder
$ symbol-bootstrap compose
See code: src/commands/compose.ts