require 'fastly'
api_instance =
All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
create_mutual_tls_authentication | POST /tls/mutual_authentications | Create a Mutual Authentication |
delete_mutual_tls | DELETE /tls/mutual_authentications/{mutual_authentication_id} | Delete a Mutual TLS |
get_mutual_authentication | GET /tls/mutual_authentications/{mutual_authentication_id} | Get a Mutual Authentication |
list_mutual_authentications | GET /tls/mutual_authentications | List Mutual Authentications |
patch_mutual_authentication | PATCH /tls/mutual_authentications/{mutual_authentication_id} | Update a Mutual Authentication |
create_mutual_tls_authentication(opts): <MutualAuthenticationResponse> # Create a Mutual Authentication
Create a mutual authentication using a bundle of certificates to enable client-to-server mutual TLS.
api_instance =
opts = {
mutual_authentication:, # MutualAuthentication |
# Create a Mutual Authentication
result = api_instance.create_mutual_tls_authentication(opts)
p result
rescue Fastly::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling MutualAuthenticationApi->create_mutual_tls_authentication: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
mutual_authentication | MutualAuthentication | [optional] |
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delete_mutual_tls(opts) # Delete a Mutual TLS
Remove a Mutual TLS authentication
api_instance =
opts = {
mutual_authentication_id: 'mutual_authentication_id_example', # String | Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication.
# Delete a Mutual TLS
rescue Fastly::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling MutualAuthenticationApi->delete_mutual_tls: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
mutual_authentication_id | String | Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication. |
nil (empty response body)
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get_mutual_authentication(opts): <MutualAuthenticationResponse> # Get a Mutual Authentication
Show a Mutual Authentication.
api_instance =
opts = {
mutual_authentication_id: 'mutual_authentication_id_example', # String | Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication.
include: 'include_example', # String | Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: `tls_activations`. Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication.
# Get a Mutual Authentication
result = api_instance.get_mutual_authentication(opts)
p result
rescue Fastly::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling MutualAuthenticationApi->get_mutual_authentication: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
include | String | Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: tls_activations . Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication. |
[optional] |
mutual_authentication_id | String | Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication. |
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list_mutual_authentications(opts): <MutualAuthenticationsResponse> # List Mutual Authentications
List all mutual authentications.
api_instance =
opts = {
include: 'include_example', # String | Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: `tls_activations`. Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication.
page_number: 1, # Integer | Current page.
page_size: 20, # Integer | Number of records per page.
# List Mutual Authentications
result = api_instance.list_mutual_authentications(opts)
p result
rescue Fastly::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling MutualAuthenticationApi->list_mutual_authentications: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
include | String | Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: tls_activations . Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication. |
[optional] |
page_number | Integer | Current page. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of records per page. | [optional][default to 20] |
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patch_mutual_authentication(opts): <MutualAuthenticationResponse> # Update a Mutual Authentication
Update a Mutual Authentication.
api_instance =
opts = {
mutual_authentication_id: 'mutual_authentication_id_example', # String | Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication.
mutual_authentication:, # MutualAuthentication |
# Update a Mutual Authentication
result = api_instance.patch_mutual_authentication(opts)
p result
rescue Fastly::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling MutualAuthenticationApi->patch_mutual_authentication: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
mutual_authentication_id | String | Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication. | |
mutual_authentication | MutualAuthentication | [optional] |