This package implements a simple interface for hector_quadrotor to ROSPlan.
It features simple planning domain with three operators takeoff
, land
and flysquare
to demonstrate ROSPlan connection to quadrotor drone.
Get the prerequisites:
(for Indigo) Install ROSPlan according to instructions.
Install hector quadrotor demo package:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-hector-quadrotor-demo
Get the code:
cd src/
git clone
Compile everything:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
Start rviz and gazebo:
roslaunch rosplan_interface_quadrotor test_quadrotor_plan.launch
Initialize KnowledgeBase:
roscd rosplan_interface_quadrotor/common/scripts/
Expected output:
The quadrotor will takeoff, fly square and land.