Simple self-contained demo of HTML5 Web Audio APIs used with the WebRTC getUserMedia API used to capture live audio input from the microphone.
It doesn't do anything terribly exciting, it just loops the input stream to the output and renders a simple oscilloscope visualisation.
The main aim is just to play with the API and include references to the APIs used so I can find them quickly again :-)
navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, successCallback, errorCallback);
"Interesting" Browser Issues
A couple of browser quirks caused a bit of pain as I was experimenting with getUserMedia and WebAudio.
Firefox (Using FF 34):
Distorted Audio (a sort of "wobbly" sound)
By default Firefox getUserMedia seemed to be horribly distorted, but worked
fine on Chrome and Opera. I eventually tracked it down to Firefox doing some
post-processing of the input by default.
search for "getusermedia"
(Automatic Gain Control & Acoustic Echo Cancellation) should both be set to false.
It would be nice if these were controllable via getUserMedia constraints, but for Firefox at least a global about:config setting is currently required.
"Disappearing" Microphone input
A MediaStreamAudioSourceNode will get prematurely garbage-collected due to a bug in Firefox, which causes the microphone
to spontaneously switch off after five or so seconds. This normally occurs because
the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode tends to get created in the getUserMedia success
callback in a line like this:
var input = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
The issue (for Firefox) is the local reference in the scope of the gUM success callback. If, however, we use a more global reference to the input variable it won't get prematurely garbage-collected:
var input;
// In the getUserMedia success callback - note the use of the "global" reference.
input = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
Chrome (39.0.2171.99 (64-bit)) & Opera (Using opera 26.0):
ScriptProcessorNodes "randomly" stop processing
Chrome and Opera have their own premature garbage-collection issue. In their
case it relates to ScriptProcessorNodes (not actually used in webaudio-scope).
An AudioNode should live as long as there are any references to it including a connection reference which occurs if another AudioNode is connected to it. As per the specification: (clause 3.)
but with Chrome and Opera the ScriptProcessorNode gets garbage collected when the normal object reference goes out of scope. This is a bug covered in these references: