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mGENRE for fairseq

First make sure that you have fairseq installed. Since fairseq is going through breaking changes please install it from this fork using:

git clone --branch fixing_prefix_allowed_tokens_fn
cd fairseq
pip install --editable ./

as described in the fairseq repository since pip install fairseq has issues.


mGENRE for transformers

First make sure that you have transformers >=4.2.0 installed. NOTE: we used fairseq for all experiments in the paper. The huggingface/transformers models are obtained with a conversion script.

Then load the trie and define the function to apply the constraints with the entities trie

import sys
import pickle
from genre.trie import Trie, MarisaTrie

with open("../data/lang_title2wikidataID-normalized_with_redirect.pkl", "rb") as f:
    lang_title2wikidataID = pickle.load(f)

# fast but memory inefficient prefix tree (trie) -- it is implemented with nested python `dict`
# NOTE: loading this map may take up to 10 minutes and occupy a lot of RAM!
# with open("../data/titles_lang_all105_trie_with_redirect.pkl", "rb") as f:
#     trie = Trie.load_from_dict(pickle.load(f))

# memory efficient but slower prefix tree (trie) -- it is implemented with `marisa_trie`
with open("../data/titles_lang_all105_marisa_trie_with_redirect.pkl", "rb") as f:
    trie = pickle.load(f)

Then, load the model

# for pytorch/fairseq
from genre.fairseq_model import mGENRE
model = mGENRE.from_pretrained("../models/fairseq_multilingual_entity_disambiguation").eval()

# for huggingface/transformers
# from genre.hf_model import mGENRE
# model = mGENRE.from_pretrained("../models/hf_multilingual_entity_disambiguation").eval()

and simply use .sample to make predictions constraining using prefix_allowed_tokens_fn

sentences = ["[START] Einstein [END] era un fisico tedesco."]
# Italian for "[START] Einstein [END] was a German physicist."

    prefix_allowed_tokens_fn=lambda batch_id, sent: [
        e for e in trie.get(sent.tolist())
        if e < len(model.task.target_dictionary)
        # for huggingface/transformers
        # if e < len(model2.tokenizer) - 1
[[{'text': 'Albert Einstein >> it', 'score': tensor(-0.0808)},
  {'text': 'Albert Einstein (disambiguation) >> en', 'score': tensor(-1.0998)},
  {'text': 'Alfred Einstein >> it', 'score': tensor(-1.4337)},
  {'text': 'Alberto Einstein >> it', 'score': tensor(-1.4619)},
  {'text': 'Einstein >> it', 'score': tensor(-1.5765)}]]

Additionally, we can use the lang_title2wikidataID dictionary to map the generated strings to Wikidata identifiers via the function text_to_id. The boolean parameter marginalise enables the aggregation of scores by entity ID

    prefix_allowed_tokens_fn=lambda batch_id, sent: [
        e for e in trie.get(sent.tolist())
        if e < len(model.task.target_dictionary)
        # for huggingface/transformers
        # if e < len(model2.tokenizer) - 1
    text_to_id=lambda x: max(lang_title2wikidataID[tuple(reversed(x.split(" >> ")))], key=lambda y: int(y[1:])),
[[{'id': 'Q937',
   'texts': ['Albert Einstein >> it',
    'Alberto Einstein >> it',
    'Einstein >> it'],
   'scores': tensor([-0.0808, -1.4619, -1.5765]),
   'score': tensor(-0.0884)},
  {'id': 'Q60197',
   'texts': ['Alfred Einstein >> it'],
   'scores': tensor([-1.4337]),
   'score': tensor(-3.2058)},
  {'id': 'Q15990626',
   'texts': ['Albert Einstein (disambiguation) >> en'],
   'scores': tensor([-1.0998]),
   'score': tensor(-3.6478)}]]

Similar to GENRE we can use a mention table to restrict the search space to a number of candidates. We need fist two addinional dictionaries:

# mapping between mentions and Wikidata IDs and number of times they appear on Wikipedia
with open("../data/mention2wikidataID_with_titles_label_alias_redirect.pkl", "rb") as f:
    mention2wikidataID = pickle.load(f)
# mapping between wikidataIDs and (lang, title) in all languages
with open("../data/wikidataID2lang_title-normalized_with_redirect.pkl", "rb") as f:
    wikidataID2lang_title = pickle.load(f)

then let's build the temporary trie for the mention and run inference

sentences = ["[START] Einstein [END] era un fisico tedesco."]
# Italian for "[START] Einstein [END] was a German physicist."

# building a temporary trie for the mention (to the purpose of
# demonstraing the use of the mention table, let's restrict the
# prediction to only candidates in Italian!)
trie_of_mention = Trie([
    [2] + model.encode(f"{name} >> {lang}")[1:].tolist()
    for qid in mention2wikidataID["Einstein"]
    for lang, name in wikidataID2lang_title.get(qid, [])
    if lang == "it"

# getting predictions
    prefix_allowed_tokens_fn=lambda batch_id, sent: [
        e for e in trie_of_mention.get(sent.tolist())
        if e < len(model.task.target_dictionary)
        # for huggingface/transformers
        # if e < len(model2.tokenizer) - 1
    text_to_id=lambda x: max(lang_title2wikidataID[tuple(reversed(x.split(" >> ")))], key=lambda y: int(y[1:])),
[[{'id': 'Q937',
   'texts': ['Albert Einstein >> it',
    'Alberto Einstein >> it',
    'Einstein >> it'],
   'scores': tensor([-0.0808, -1.4619, -1.5765]),
   'score': tensor(-0.0884)},
  {'id': 'Q60197',
   'texts': ['Alfred Einstein >> it'],
   'scores': tensor([-1.4337]),
   'score': tensor(-3.2058)},
  {'id': 'Q13426745',
   'texts': ['Albert Einstein (album) >> it'],
   'scores': tensor([-2.0844]),
   'score': tensor(-5.8956)}]]