diff --git a/packages/react-client/src/ReactFlightClient.js b/packages/react-client/src/ReactFlightClient.js
index ade358b4186a2..ad1c051408de1 100644
--- a/packages/react-client/src/ReactFlightClient.js
+++ b/packages/react-client/src/ReactFlightClient.js
@@ -73,8 +73,21 @@ import {
import getComponentNameFromType from 'shared/getComponentNameFromType';
+import {getOwnerStackByComponentInfoInDev} from 'shared/ReactComponentInfoStack';
import isArray from 'shared/isArray';
+import * as React from 'react';
+// TODO: This is an unfortunate hack. We shouldn't feature detect the internals
+// like this. It's just that for now we support the same build of the Flight
+// client both in the RSC environment, in the SSR environments as well as the
+// browser client. We should probably have a separate RSC build. This is DEV
+// only though.
+const ReactSharedInternals =
export type {CallServerCallback, EncodeFormActionCallback};
interface FlightStreamController {
@@ -2282,6 +2295,22 @@ function resolveDebugInfo(
+let currentOwnerInDEV: null | ReactComponentInfo = null;
+function getCurrentStackInDEV(): string {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (enableOwnerStacks) {
+ const owner: null | ReactComponentInfo = currentOwnerInDEV;
+ if (owner === null) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return getOwnerStackByComponentInfoInDev(owner);
+ }
+ // We don't have Parent Stacks in Flight.
+ return '';
+ }
+ return '';
function resolveConsoleEntry(
response: Response,
value: UninitializedModel,
@@ -2310,34 +2339,44 @@ function resolveConsoleEntry(
const owner = payload[2];
const env = payload[3];
const args = payload.slice(4);
- if (!enableOwnerStacks) {
- // Printing with stack isn't really limited to owner stacks but
- // we gate it behind the same flag for now while iterating.
- bindToConsole(methodName, args, env)();
- return;
- }
- const callStack = buildFakeCallStack(
- response,
- stackTrace,
- env,
- bindToConsole(methodName, args, env),
- );
- if (owner != null) {
- const task = initializeFakeTask(response, owner, env);
- initializeFakeStack(response, owner);
- if (task !== null) {
- task.run(callStack);
+ // There really shouldn't be anything else on the stack atm.
+ const prevStack = ReactSharedInternals.getCurrentStack;
+ ReactSharedInternals.getCurrentStack = getCurrentStackInDEV;
+ currentOwnerInDEV = owner;
+ try {
+ if (!enableOwnerStacks) {
+ // Printing with stack isn't really limited to owner stacks but
+ // we gate it behind the same flag for now while iterating.
+ bindToConsole(methodName, args, env)();
- // TODO: Set the current owner so that captureOwnerStack() adds the component
- // stack during the replay - if needed.
- }
- const rootTask = getRootTask(response, env);
- if (rootTask != null) {
- rootTask.run(callStack);
- return;
+ const callStack = buildFakeCallStack(
+ response,
+ stackTrace,
+ env,
+ bindToConsole(methodName, args, env),
+ );
+ if (owner != null) {
+ const task = initializeFakeTask(response, owner, env);
+ initializeFakeStack(response, owner);
+ if (task !== null) {
+ task.run(callStack);
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: Set the current owner so that captureOwnerStack() adds the component
+ // stack during the replay - if needed.
+ }
+ const rootTask = getRootTask(response, env);
+ if (rootTask != null) {
+ rootTask.run(callStack);
+ return;
+ }
+ callStack();
+ } finally {
+ ReactSharedInternals.getCurrentStack = prevStack;
- callStack();
function mergeBuffer(
diff --git a/packages/react-client/src/__tests__/ReactFlight-test.js b/packages/react-client/src/__tests__/ReactFlight-test.js
index ce0d2861d668c..40d18b8e706c8 100644
--- a/packages/react-client/src/__tests__/ReactFlight-test.js
+++ b/packages/react-client/src/__tests__/ReactFlight-test.js
@@ -2918,7 +2918,7 @@ describe('ReactFlight', () => {
- // @gate enableServerComponentLogs && __DEV__
+ // @gate enableServerComponentLogs && __DEV__ && enableOwnerStacks
it('replays logs, but not onError logs', async () => {
function foo() {
return 'hello';
@@ -2928,12 +2928,21 @@ describe('ReactFlight', () => {
throw new Error('err');
+ function App() {
+ return ReactServer.createElement(ServerComponent);
+ }
+ let ownerStacks = [];
// These tests are specifically testing console.log.
// Assign to `mockConsoleLog` so we can still inspect it when `console.log`
// is overridden by the test modules. The original function will be restored
// after this test finishes by `jest.restoreAllMocks()`.
const mockConsoleLog = spyOnDevAndProd(console, 'log').mockImplementation(
- () => {},
+ () => {
+ // Uses server React.
+ ownerStacks.push(normalizeCodeLocInfo(ReactServer.captureOwnerStack()));
+ },
let transport;
@@ -2946,14 +2955,20 @@ describe('ReactFlight', () => {
ReactServer = require('react');
ReactNoopFlightServer = require('react-noop-renderer/flight-server');
transport = ReactNoopFlightServer.render({
- root: ReactServer.createElement(ServerComponent),
+ root: ReactServer.createElement(App),
+ expect(ownerStacks).toEqual(['\n in App (at **)']);
+ mockConsoleLog.mockImplementation(() => {
+ // Switching to client React.
+ ownerStacks.push(normalizeCodeLocInfo(React.captureOwnerStack()));
+ });
+ ownerStacks = [];
// The error should not actually get logged because we're not awaiting the root
// so it's not thrown but the server log also shouldn't be replayed.
@@ -2973,6 +2988,8 @@ describe('ReactFlight', () => {
expect(typeof loggedFn2).toBe('function');
+ expect(ownerStacks).toEqual(['\n in App (at **)']);
it('uses the server component debug info as the element owner in DEV', async () => {
@@ -3159,18 +3176,18 @@ describe('ReactFlight', () => {
jest.mock('react', () => React);
- assertConsoleErrorDev(
- [
- 'Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.' +
- ' See https://react.dev/link/warning-keys for more information.',
- 'Error objects cannot be rendered as text children. Try formatting it using toString().\n' +
- ' Womp womp: {Error}
\n' +
- ' ^^^^^^^',
- ],
- // We should have a stack in the replay but we don't yet set the owner from the Flight replaying
- // so our simulated polyfill doesn't end up getting any component stacks yet.
- {withoutStack: true},
- );
+ assertConsoleErrorDev([
+ 'Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.' +
+ ' See https://react.dev/link/warning-keys for more information.\n' +
+ ' in Bar (at **)\n' +
+ ' in App (at **)',
+ 'Error objects cannot be rendered as text children. Try formatting it using toString().\n' +
+ ' Womp womp: {Error}
\n' +
+ ' ^^^^^^^\n' +
+ ' in Foo (at **)\n' +
+ ' in Bar (at **)\n' +
+ ' in App (at **)',
+ ]);
it('can filter out stack frames of a serialized error in dev', async () => {
diff --git a/packages/react-server/src/ReactFlightServer.js b/packages/react-server/src/ReactFlightServer.js
index 3b39a4367b53d..dc17b8010883b 100644
--- a/packages/react-server/src/ReactFlightServer.js
+++ b/packages/react-server/src/ReactFlightServer.js
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ import {DefaultAsyncDispatcher} from './flight/ReactFlightAsyncDispatcher';
import {resolveOwner, setCurrentOwner} from './flight/ReactFlightCurrentOwner';
-import {getOwnerStackByComponentInfoInDev} from './flight/ReactFlightComponentStack';
+import {getOwnerStackByComponentInfoInDev} from 'shared/ReactComponentInfoStack';
import {
@@ -968,6 +968,7 @@ function callWithDebugContextInDEV(
// a fake owner during this callback so we can get the stack trace from it.
// This also gets sent to the client as the owner for the replaying log.
const componentDebugInfo: ReactComponentInfo = {
+ name: '',
env: task.environmentName,
owner: task.debugOwner,
@@ -2063,6 +2064,23 @@ function escapeStringValue(value: string): string {
+function isReactComponentInfo(value: any): boolean {
+ // TODO: We don't currently have a brand check on ReactComponentInfo. Reconsider.
+ return (
+ ((typeof value.debugTask === 'object' &&
+ value.debugTask !== null &&
+ // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding]
+ typeof value.debugTask.run === 'function') ||
+ value.debugStack instanceof Error) &&
+ (enableOwnerStacks
+ ? isArray((value: any).stack)
+ : typeof (value: any).stack === 'undefined') &&
+ typeof value.name === 'string' &&
+ typeof value.env === 'string' &&
+ value.owner !== undefined
+ );
let modelRoot: null | ReactClientValue = false;
function renderModel(
@@ -2574,28 +2592,15 @@ function renderModelDestructive(
if (__DEV__) {
- if (
- // TODO: We don't currently have a brand check on ReactComponentInfo. Reconsider.
- ((typeof value.debugTask === 'object' &&
- value.debugTask !== null &&
- // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding]
- typeof value.debugTask.run === 'function') ||
- value.debugStack instanceof Error) &&
- (enableOwnerStacks
- ? isArray((value: any).stack)
- : typeof (value: any).stack === 'undefined') &&
- typeof value.name === 'string' &&
- typeof value.env === 'string' &&
- value.owner !== undefined
- ) {
+ if (isReactComponentInfo(value)) {
// This looks like a ReactComponentInfo. We can't serialize the ConsoleTask object so we
// need to omit it before serializing.
const componentDebugInfo: Omit<
'debugTask' | 'debugStack',
> = {
- name: value.name,
- env: value.env,
+ name: (value: any).name,
+ env: (value: any).env,
owner: (value: any).owner,
if (enableOwnerStacks) {
@@ -3259,6 +3264,24 @@ function renderConsoleValue(
return Array.from((value: any));
+ if (isReactComponentInfo(value)) {
+ // This looks like a ReactComponentInfo. We can't serialize the ConsoleTask object so we
+ // need to omit it before serializing.
+ const componentDebugInfo: Omit<
+ ReactComponentInfo,
+ 'debugTask' | 'debugStack',
+ > = {
+ name: (value: any).name,
+ env: (value: any).env,
+ owner: (value: any).owner,
+ };
+ if (enableOwnerStacks) {
+ // $FlowFixMe[cannot-write]
+ componentDebugInfo.stack = (value: any).stack;
+ }
+ return componentDebugInfo;
+ }
// $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return]
return value;
diff --git a/packages/react-server/src/flight/ReactFlightComponentStack.js b/packages/shared/ReactComponentInfoStack.js
similarity index 100%
rename from packages/react-server/src/flight/ReactFlightComponentStack.js
rename to packages/shared/ReactComponentInfoStack.js