diff --git a/packages/react-dom/src/__tests__/ReactDOMImageLoad-test.internal.js b/packages/react-dom/src/__tests__/ReactDOMImageLoad-test.internal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..bc7316349196a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react-dom/src/__tests__/ReactDOMImageLoad-test.internal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ *
+ * @emails react-core
+ */
+'use strict';
+let React;
+let Scheduler;
+// let ReactCache;
+let ReactDOM;
+// let Suspense;
+let originalCreateElement;
+// let TextResource;
+// let textResourceShouldFail;
+let images = [];
+let onLoadSpy = null;
+let actualLoadSpy = null;
+function PhaseMarkers({children}) {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('render start');
+ React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('last layout');
+ });
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('last passive');
+ });
+ return children;
+function last(arr) {
+ if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
+ if (arr.length) {
+ return arr[arr.length - 1];
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ throw new Error('last was passed something that was not an array');
+function Text(props) {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue(props.text);
+ return props.text;
+// function AsyncText(props) {
+// const text = props.text;
+// try {
+// TextResource.read([props.text, props.ms]);
+// Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue(text);
+// return text;
+// } catch (promise) {
+// if (typeof promise.then === 'function') {
+// Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue(`Suspend! [${text}]`);
+// } else {
+// Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue(`Error! [${text}]`);
+// }
+// throw promise;
+// }
+// }
+function Img({src: maybeSrc, onLoad, useImageLoader, ref}) {
+ const src = maybeSrc || 'default';
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('Img ' + src);
+ return ;
+function Yield() {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('Yield');
+ Scheduler.unstable_requestPaint();
+ return null;
+function loadImage(element) {
+ const event = new Event('load');
+ element.__needsDispatch = false;
+ element.dispatchEvent(event);
+describe('ReactDOMImageLoad', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.resetModules();
+ React = require('react');
+ Scheduler = require('scheduler');
+ // ReactCache = require('react-cache');
+ ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
+ // Suspense = React.Suspense;
+ onLoadSpy = jest.fn(reactEvent => {
+ const src = reactEvent.target.getAttribute('src');
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('onLoadSpy [' + src + ']');
+ });
+ actualLoadSpy = jest.fn(nativeEvent => {
+ const src = nativeEvent.target.getAttribute('src');
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('actualLoadSpy [' + src + ']');
+ nativeEvent.__originalDispatch = false;
+ });
+ // TextResource = ReactCache.unstable_createResource(
+ // ([text, ms = 0]) => {
+ // let listeners = null;
+ // let status = 'pending';
+ // let value = null;
+ // return {
+ // then(resolve, reject) {
+ // switch (status) {
+ // case 'pending': {
+ // if (listeners === null) {
+ // listeners = [{resolve, reject}];
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // if (textResourceShouldFail) {
+ // Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue(
+ // `Promise rejected [${text}]`,
+ // );
+ // status = 'rejected';
+ // value = new Error('Failed to load: ' + text);
+ // listeners.forEach(listener => listener.reject(value));
+ // } else {
+ // Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue(
+ // `Promise resolved [${text}]`,
+ // );
+ // status = 'resolved';
+ // value = text;
+ // listeners.forEach(listener => listener.resolve(value));
+ // }
+ // }, ms);
+ // } else {
+ // listeners.push({resolve, reject});
+ // }
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // case 'resolved': {
+ // resolve(value);
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // case 'rejected': {
+ // reject(value);
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // },
+ // };
+ // },
+ // ([text, ms]) => text,
+ // );
+ // textResourceShouldFail = false;
+ images = [];
+ originalCreateElement = document.createElement;
+ document.createElement = function createElement(tagName, options) {
+ const element = originalCreateElement.call(document, tagName, options);
+ if (tagName === 'img') {
+ element.addEventListener('load', actualLoadSpy);
+ images.push(element);
+ }
+ return element;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(HTMLImageElement.prototype, 'src', {
+ get() {
+ return this.getAttribute('src');
+ },
+ set(value) {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('load triggered');
+ this.__needsDispatch = true;
+ this.setAttribute('src', value);
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ document.createElement = originalCreateElement;
+ });
+ it('captures the load event if it happens before commit phase and replays it between layout and passive effects', async function() {
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ React.startTransition(() =>
+ root.render(
+ ,
+ ),
+ );
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ 'render start',
+ 'Img default',
+ 'Yield',
+ ]);
+ const img = last(images);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded([
+ 'actualLoadSpy [default]',
+ // no onLoadSpy since we have not completed render
+ ]);
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield([
+ 'a',
+ 'load triggered',
+ 'last layout',
+ 'last passive',
+ ]);
+ expect(img.__needsDispatch).toBe(true);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded([
+ 'actualLoadSpy [default]', // the browser reloading of the image causes this to yield again
+ 'onLoadSpy [default]',
+ ]);
+ expect(onLoadSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('captures the load event if it happens after commit phase and replays it', async function() {
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ React.startTransition(() =>
+ root.render(
+ ,
+ ),
+ );
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ 'render start',
+ 'Img default',
+ 'load triggered',
+ 'last layout',
+ ]);
+ Scheduler.unstable_requestPaint();
+ const img = last(images);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded([
+ 'actualLoadSpy [default]',
+ 'onLoadSpy [default]',
+ ]);
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield(['last passive']);
+ expect(img.__needsDispatch).toBe(false);
+ expect(onLoadSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
+ it('it replays the last load event when more than one fire before the end of the layout phase completes', async function() {
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ function Base() {
+ const [src, setSrc] = React.useState('a');
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ function UpdateSrc({setSrc}) {
+ React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
+ setSrc('b');
+ }, [setSrc]);
+ return null;
+ }
+ React.startTransition(() => root.render());
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ 'render start',
+ 'Img a',
+ 'Yield',
+ ]);
+ const img = last(images);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [a]']);
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ 'load triggered',
+ 'last layout',
+ // the update in layout causes a passive effects flush before a sync render
+ 'last passive',
+ 'render start',
+ 'Img b',
+ 'Yield',
+ // yield is ignored becasue we are sync rendering
+ 'last layout',
+ 'last passive',
+ ]);
+ expect(images.length).toBe(1);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [b]', 'onLoadSpy [b]']);
+ expect(onLoadSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
+ it('replays load events that happen in passive phase after the passive phase.', async function() {
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ root.render(
+ ,
+ );
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield([
+ 'render start',
+ 'Img default',
+ 'load triggered',
+ 'last layout',
+ 'last passive',
+ ]);
+ const img = last(images);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded([
+ 'actualLoadSpy [default]',
+ 'onLoadSpy [default]',
+ ]);
+ expect(onLoadSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
+ it('captures and suppresses the load event if it happens before passive effects and a cascading update causes the img to be removed', async function() {
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ function ChildSuppressing({children}) {
+ const [showChildren, update] = React.useState(true);
+ React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
+ if (showChildren) {
+ update(false);
+ }
+ }, [showChildren]);
+ return showChildren ? children : null;
+ }
+ React.startTransition(() =>
+ root.render(
+ ,
+ ),
+ );
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ 'render start',
+ 'Img default',
+ 'Yield',
+ ]);
+ const img = last(images);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [default]']);
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield([
+ 'a',
+ 'load triggered',
+ 'last layout',
+ 'last passive',
+ ]);
+ expect(img.__needsDispatch).toBe(true);
+ loadImage(img);
+ // we expect the browser to load the image again but since we are no longer rendering
+ // the img there will be no onLoad called
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [default]']);
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushWithoutYielding();
+ expect(onLoadSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('captures and suppresses the load event if it happens before passive effects and a cascading update causes the img to be removed, alternate', async function() {
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ function Switch({children}) {
+ const [shouldShow, updateShow] = React.useState(true);
+ return children(shouldShow, updateShow);
+ }
+ function UpdateSwitchInLayout({updateShow}) {
+ React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
+ updateShow(false);
+ }, []);
+ return null;
+ }
+ React.startTransition(() =>
+ root.render(
+ {(shouldShow, updateShow) => (
+ <>
+ {shouldShow === true ? (
+ <>
+ >
+ ) : null}
+ ,
+ >
+ )}
+ ,
+ ),
+ );
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ // initial render
+ 'render start',
+ 'Img default',
+ 'Yield',
+ ]);
+ const img = last(images);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [default]']);
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield([
+ 'a',
+ 'load triggered',
+ // img is present at first
+ 'last layout',
+ 'last passive',
+ // sync re-render where the img is suppressed
+ 'render start',
+ 'last layout',
+ 'last passive',
+ ]);
+ expect(img.__needsDispatch).toBe(true);
+ loadImage(img);
+ // we expect the browser to load the image again but since we are no longer rendering
+ // the img there will be no onLoad called
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [default]']);
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushWithoutYielding();
+ expect(onLoadSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ // it('captures the load event if it happens in a suspended subtree and replays it between layout and passive effects on resumption', async function() {
+ // function SuspendingWithImage() {
+ // Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('SuspendingWithImage');
+ // return (
+ // }>
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // );
+ // }
+ // const container = document.createElement('div');
+ // const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ // React.startTransition(() => root.render());
+ // expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield([
+ // 'SuspendingWithImage',
+ // 'Suspend! [A]',
+ // 'render start',
+ // 'Img default',
+ // 'Loading...',
+ // ]);
+ // let img = last(images);
+ // loadImage(img);
+ // expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [default]']);
+ // expect(onLoadSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ // // Flush some of the time
+ // jest.advanceTimersByTime(50);
+ // // Still nothing...
+ // expect(Scheduler).toFlushWithoutYielding();
+ // // Flush the promise completely
+ // jest.advanceTimersByTime(50);
+ // // Renders successfully
+ // expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['Promise resolved [A]']);
+ // expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ // 'A',
+ // // img was recreated on unsuspended tree causing new load event
+ // 'render start',
+ // 'Img default',
+ // 'last layout',
+ // ]);
+ // expect(images.length).toBe(2);
+ // img = last(images);
+ // expect(img.__needsDispatch).toBe(true);
+ // loadImage(img);
+ // expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded([
+ // 'actualLoadSpy [default]',
+ // 'onLoadSpy [default]',
+ // ]);
+ // expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield(['last passive']);
+ // expect(onLoadSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ // });
+ it('correctly replays the last img load even when a yield + update causes the host element to change', async function() {
+ let externalSetSrc = null;
+ let externalSetSrcAlt = null;
+ function Base() {
+ const [src, setSrc] = React.useState(null);
+ const [srcAlt, setSrcAlt] = React.useState(null);
+ externalSetSrc = setSrc;
+ externalSetSrcAlt = setSrcAlt;
+ return srcAlt || src ? : null;
+ }
+ function YieldingWithImage({src}) {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('YieldingWithImage');
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue('Committed');
+ });
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ }
+ const container = document.createElement('div');
+ const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
+ root.render();
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushWithoutYielding();
+ React.startTransition(() => externalSetSrc('a'));
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYieldThrough([
+ 'YieldingWithImage',
+ 'Img a',
+ 'Yield',
+ ]);
+ let img = last(images);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [a]']);
+ ReactDOM.flushSync(() => externalSetSrcAlt('b'));
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded([
+ 'YieldingWithImage',
+ 'Img b',
+ 'Yield',
+ 'b',
+ 'load triggered',
+ 'Committed',
+ ]);
+ expect(images.length).toBe(2);
+ img = last(images);
+ expect(img.__needsDispatch).toBe(true);
+ loadImage(img);
+ expect(Scheduler).toHaveYielded(['actualLoadSpy [b]', 'onLoadSpy [b]']);
+ // why is there another update here?
+ expect(Scheduler).toFlushAndYield([
+ 'YieldingWithImage',
+ 'Img b',
+ 'Yield',
+ 'b',
+ 'Committed',
+ ]);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/react-dom/src/client/ReactDOMHostConfig.js b/packages/react-dom/src/client/ReactDOMHostConfig.js
index 97eb494ecba2a..fbd04da485fe3 100644
--- a/packages/react-dom/src/client/ReactDOMHostConfig.js
+++ b/packages/react-dom/src/client/ReactDOMHostConfig.js
@@ -146,17 +146,6 @@ const STYLE = 'style';
let eventsEnabled: ?boolean = null;
let selectionInformation: null | SelectionInformation = null;
-function shouldAutoFocusHostComponent(type: string, props: Props): boolean {
- switch (type) {
- case 'button':
- case 'input':
- case 'select':
- case 'textarea':
- return !!props.autoFocus;
- }
- return false;
export * from 'react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHostConfigWithNoPersistence';
export function getRootHostContext(
@@ -307,7 +296,17 @@ export function finalizeInitialChildren(
hostContext: HostContext,
): boolean {
setInitialProperties(domElement, type, props, rootContainerInstance);
- return shouldAutoFocusHostComponent(type, props);
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'button':
+ case 'input':
+ case 'select':
+ case 'textarea':
+ return !!props.autoFocus;
+ case 'img':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
export function prepareUpdate(
@@ -428,12 +427,25 @@ export function commitMount(
// does to implement the `autoFocus` attribute on the client). But
// there are also other cases when this might happen (such as patching
// up text content during hydration mismatch). So we'll check this again.
- if (shouldAutoFocusHostComponent(type, newProps)) {
- ((domElement: any):
- | HTMLButtonElement
- | HTMLInputElement
- | HTMLSelectElement
- | HTMLTextAreaElement).focus();
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'button':
+ case 'input':
+ case 'select':
+ case 'textarea':
+ if (newProps.autoFocus) {
+ ((domElement: any):
+ | HTMLButtonElement
+ | HTMLInputElement
+ | HTMLSelectElement
+ | HTMLTextAreaElement).focus();
+ }
+ return;
+ case 'img': {
+ if ((newProps: any).src) {
+ ((domElement: any): HTMLImageElement).src = ((domElement: any): HTMLImageElement).src;
+ }
+ return;
+ }