diff --git a/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.Util.fs b/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.Util.fs
index 509945bc42..67239e943b 100644
--- a/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.Util.fs
+++ b/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.Util.fs
@@ -377,11 +377,16 @@ module Types =
     and makeEntity (com: IFableCompiler) (tdef: FSharpEntity) =
+        let makeFields (tdef: FSharpEntity) =
+            tdef.FSharpFields
+            // It's ok to use an empty context here, because we don't need to resolve generic params
+            |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.Name, makeType com Context.Empty x.FieldType)
+            |> Seq.toList
         let kind =
             if tdef.IsInterface then Fable.Interface
-            elif tdef.IsFSharpRecord then Fable.Record
             elif tdef.IsFSharpUnion then Fable.Union
-            elif tdef.IsFSharpExceptionDeclaration then Fable.Exception
+            elif tdef.IsFSharpRecord then makeFields tdef |> Fable.Record
+            elif tdef.IsFSharpExceptionDeclaration then makeFields tdef |> Fable.Exception
             elif tdef.IsFSharpModule || tdef.IsNamespace then Fable.Module
             else Fable.Class (getBaseClass com tdef)
         let genParams =
diff --git a/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.fs b/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.fs
index df2876a5ba..ec48881df8 100644
--- a/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.fs
+++ b/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/FSharp2Fable.fs
@@ -739,22 +739,19 @@ let rec private transformEntityDecl
         declInfo.AddIgnoredChild ent
         declInfo, ctx
+        let fableEnt = com.GetEntity ent
         // Unions, records and F# exceptions don't have a constructor
         let cons =
-            if ent.IsFSharpUnion
-            then [makeUnionCons()]
-            elif ent.IsFSharpRecord || ent.IsFSharpExceptionDeclaration
-            then ent.FSharpFields
-                 |> Seq.map (fun x -> (x.Name, makeType com ctx x.FieldType)) |> Seq.toList
-                 |> makeRecordCons
-                 |> List.singleton
-            else []
+            match fableEnt.Kind with
+            | Fable.Union -> [makeUnionCons()]
+            | Fable.Record fields
+            | Fable.Exception fields -> [makeRecordCons fields]
+            | _ -> []
         let compareMeths =
             // If F# union or records implement System.IComparable (in that case they
             // allways implement System.Equatable too) generate Equals and CompareTo methods
             // Note: F# compiler generates these methods too but see `IsIgnoredMethod`
             // Note: If `ReferenceEqualityAttribute` is used, the type doesn't implement IComparable 
-            let fableEnt = com.GetEntity ent
             let fableType = Fable.DeclaredType(fableEnt, fableEnt.GenericParameters |> List.map Fable.GenericParam)
             if ent.IsFSharpUnion && fableEnt.HasInterface "System.IComparable"
             then makeUnionCompareMethods com fableType
diff --git a/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/Fable2Babel.fs b/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/Fable2Babel.fs
index 05d715c65f..5fec96d71f 100644
--- a/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/Fable2Babel.fs
+++ b/src/fable/Fable.Compiler/Fable2Babel.fs
@@ -635,12 +635,17 @@ module Util =
         args, body
     let transformClass com ctx range (ent: Fable.Entity option) baseClass decls =
-        let declareMember range kind name args (body: Fable.Expr) typeParams hasRestParams isStatic =
+        let declareProperty com ctx name typ =
+            let typ = Babel.TypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation com ctx typ)
+            Babel.ClassProperty(Babel.Identifier(name), typeAnnotation=typ)
+            |> U2<Babel.ClassMethod,_>.Case2
+        let declareMethod range kind name args (body: Fable.Expr) typeParams hasRestParams isStatic =
             let name, computed = sanitizeName name
             let args, body, returnType, typeParams =
                 getMemberArgs com ctx args body typeParams hasRestParams
             Babel.ClassMethod(kind, name, args, body, computed, isStatic,
                 ?returnType=returnType, ?typeParams=typeParams, loc=range)
+            |> U2<_,Babel.ClassProperty>.Case1
         let baseClass = baseClass |> Option.map (transformExpr com ctx)
         |> List.map (function
@@ -651,21 +656,30 @@ module Util =
                     | Fable.Method -> Babel.ClassFunction, m.Name, m.IsStatic
                     | Fable.Getter | Fable.Field -> Babel.ClassGetter, m.Name, m.IsStatic
                     | Fable.Setter -> Babel.ClassSetter, m.Name, m.IsStatic
-                declareMember m.Range kind name m.Arguments m.Body m.GenericParameters m.HasRestParams isStatic
+                declareMethod m.Range kind name m.Arguments m.Body m.GenericParameters m.HasRestParams isStatic
             | Fable.ActionDeclaration _
             | Fable.EntityDeclaration _ as decl ->
                 failwithf "Unexpected declaration in class: %A" decl)
-        |> List.map U2<_,Babel.ClassProperty>.Case1
-        |> fun meths ->
+        |> fun members ->
             let id = ent |> Option.map (fun x -> identFromName x.Name)
-            let typeParams =
+            let typeParams, members =
                 match com.Options.declaration, ent with
                 | true, Some ent ->
-                    ent.GenericParameters
-                    |> List.map Babel.TypeParameter
-                    |> Babel.TypeParameterDeclaration |> Some 
-                | _ -> None
-            Babel.ClassExpression(Babel.ClassBody(meths, ?loc=range),
+                    let typeParams =
+                        ent.GenericParameters
+                        |> List.map Babel.TypeParameter
+                        |> Babel.TypeParameterDeclaration |> Some
+                    let props =
+                        match ent.Kind with
+                        | Fable.Union ->
+                            ["Case", Fable.String; "Fields", Fable.Array Fable.Any]
+                            |> List.map (fun (name, typ) -> declareProperty com ctx name typ)
+                        | Fable.Record fields | Fable.Exception fields ->
+                            fields |> List.map (fun (name, typ) -> declareProperty com ctx name typ)
+                        | _ -> []
+                    typeParams, props@members
+                | _ -> None, members
+            Babel.ClassExpression(Babel.ClassBody(members, ?loc=range),
                     ?id=id, ?typeParams=typeParams, ?super=baseClass, ?loc=range)
     let declareInterfaces (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) isClass =
@@ -676,8 +690,8 @@ module Util =
         let interfaces =
             match ent.Kind with
             | Fable.Union -> "FSharpUnion"::ent.Interfaces
-            | Fable.Record -> "FSharpRecord"::ent.Interfaces
-            | Fable.Exception -> "FSharpException"::ent.Interfaces
+            | Fable.Record _ -> "FSharpRecord"::ent.Interfaces
+            | Fable.Exception _ -> "FSharpException"::ent.Interfaces
             | _ -> ent.Interfaces
         [ getCoreLibImport com ctx "Util"
           typeRef com ctx ent None
@@ -836,7 +850,7 @@ module Util =
                     declareClass com ctx declareMember modIdent
                         ent privateName entDecls entRange baseClass true
                     |> List.append <| acc
-                | Fable.Union | Fable.Record | Fable.Exception ->                
+                | Fable.Union | Fable.Record _ | Fable.Exception _ ->                
                     declareClass com ctx declareMember modIdent
                         ent privateName entDecls entRange None false
                     |> List.append <| acc
diff --git a/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Babel.fs b/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Babel.fs
index 9cec76cb7c..94691ee451 100644
--- a/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Babel.fs
+++ b/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Babel.fs
@@ -526,10 +526,11 @@ type ClassMethod(kind, key, args, body, computed, ``static``,
 /// ES Class Fields & Static Properties
 /// https://github.com/jeffmo/es-class-fields-and-static-properties
 /// e.g, class MyClass { static myStaticProp = 5; myProp /* = 10 */; }
-type ClassProperty(key, value, ?loc) =
+type ClassProperty(key, ?value, ?typeAnnotation, ?loc) =
     inherit Node("ClassProperty", ?loc = loc)
     member x.key: Identifier = key
-    member x.value: Expression = value
+    member x.value: Expression option = value
+    member x.typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation option = typeAnnotation
 type ClassBody(body, ?loc) =
     inherit Node("ClassBody", ?loc = loc)
diff --git a/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Fable.fs b/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Fable.fs
index 930ff9041e..320ad098a4 100644
--- a/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Fable.fs
+++ b/src/fable/Fable.Core/AST/AST.Fable.fs
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ type Type =
 (** ##Entities *)
 and EntityKind =
     | Module
-    | Class of baseClass: (string*Expr) option
     | Union
-    | Record
-    | Exception
+    | Record of fields: (string*Type) list
+    | Exception of fields: (string*Type) list
+    | Class of baseClass: (string*Expr) option
     | Interface
 and Entity(kind, file, fullName, genParams, interfaces, decorators, isPublic) =