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Added support for outDir
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ncave committed Sep 25, 2020
1 parent 736f300 commit ca6855c
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Showing 12 changed files with 265 additions and 192 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vscode/launch.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "transform tests to JS",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/build/fable-compiler-js/src/fable-compiler-js/src/app.fs.js",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/build/fable-compiler-js/src/fable-compiler-js/dist/app.js",
"args": ["${workspaceRoot}/tests/Main/Fable.Tests.fsproj", "build/tests-js"],
"stopOnEntry": true
Expand Down
214 changes: 112 additions & 102 deletions build.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,36 +67,37 @@ let runFable projectDir =
runFableWithArgs projectDir []

let buildLibrary() =
let projectDir = fullPath "src/fable-library"
let buildDir = fullPath "build/fable-library"
let projDir = fullPath "src/fable-library"

cleanDirs [buildDir]
runTypescript projDir

runFableWithArgs projDir [
"--define FX_NO_BIGINT"
"--fable-library src/fable-library"
"--extension .js"
runTypescript projectDir

runFableWithArgs projectDir [
"--outDir " + buildDir
"--fable-library " + buildDir
"--exclude Fable.Core"
"--define FX_NO_BIGINT"

// Move js files to build folder
let moveJsFile oldDir newDir (file: string) =
if file.EndsWith(".js") then
let newPath = newDir </> file
let newDir = dirname newPath
if not(pathExists newDir) then
moveFile (oldDir </> file) newPath

for file in dirFiles projDir do
if isDirectory (projDir </> file) then
let dir = file
if not(List.contains dir ["lib"; "bin"; "obj"]) then
for file in dirFiles (projDir </> dir) do
moveJsFile projDir buildDir (dir </> file)
moveJsFile projDir buildDir file
// // Move js files to build folder
// let moveJsFile oldDir newDir (file: string) =
// if file.EndsWith(".js") then
// let newPath = newDir </> file
// let newDir = dirname newPath
// if not(pathExists newDir) then
// makeDirRecursive(newDir)
// moveFile (oldDir </> file) newPath

// for file in dirFiles projectDir do
// if isDirectory (projectDir </> file) then
// let dir = file
// if not(List.contains dir ["lib"; "bin"; "obj"]) then
// for file in dirFiles (projectDir </> dir) do
// moveJsFile projectDir buildDir (dir </> file)
// else
// moveJsFile projectDir buildDir file

let watchLibrary() =
let libDir = "src/fable-library"
Expand All @@ -110,30 +111,47 @@ let buildLibraryTs() =
let projectDir = "src/fable-library"
let buildDirTs = "build/fable-library-ts"
let buildDirJs = "build/fable-library-js"

cleanDirs [buildDirTs; buildDirJs]

runFableWithArgs projectDir [
"--define FX_NO_BIGINT"
"--fable-library src/fable-library"
"--outDir " + buildDirTs
"--fable-library " + buildDirTs
"--extension .ts" // .fs.ts?
"--exclude Fable.Core"
"--define FX_NO_BIGINT"
// TODO: cleanDirs [buildDirTs </> "fable-library"]
// TODO: copy *.ts/*.js from projectDir to buildDir
runInDir buildDirTs "npx tsc --init --target es2020 --module es2020 --allowJs"
runInDir buildDirTs ("npx tsc --outDir ../../" + buildDirJs)

let quicktest () =
if pathExists "build/fable-library" |> not then
if not (pathExists "build/fable-library") then

concurrently [|
"dotnet watch -p src/Fable.Cli run -- watch --cwd ../quicktest --exclude Fable.Core --force-pkgs"
"npx nodemon src/quicktest/Quicktest.fs.js"

let compileFcs() =
runFableWithArgs "src/fable-standalone/src" [
let buildStandalone() =
let projectDir = "src/fable-standalone/src"
let libraryDir = "build/fable-library"
let buildDir = "build/fable-standalone"
let distDir = "src/fable-standalone/dist"

if not (pathExists libraryDir) then

// cleanup
cleanDirs [buildDir; distDir]
makeDirRecursive distDir

// build standalone bundle
runFableWithArgs projectDir [
"--outDir " + buildDir + "/bundle"
"--fable-library " + libraryDir
Expand All @@ -147,31 +165,19 @@ let compileFcs() =

let buildStandalone() =
let buildDir = "build/fable-standalone"
let libraryDir = "build/fable-library"
let projectDir = "src/fable-standalone/src"
let distDir = "src/fable-standalone/dist"
if pathExists libraryDir |> not then

// cleanup
cleanDirs [buildDir; distDir]
makeDirRecursive distDir

// build
// build standalone worker
runFableWithArgs (projectDir + "/Worker") [
"--outDir " + buildDir + "/worker"
"--fable-library " + libraryDir

// bundle
run (sprintf "npx rollup %s/Main.fs.js --file %s/bundle.js --format umd --name __FABLE_STANDALONE__" projectDir buildDir)
run (sprintf "npx rollup %s/Worker/Worker.fs.js --file %s/worker.js --format esm" projectDir buildDir)

// minimize
// make standalone bundle dist
run (sprintf "npx rollup %s/bundle/Main.js -o %s/bundle.js --format umd --name __FABLE_STANDALONE__" buildDir buildDir)
run (sprintf "npx terser %s/bundle.js -o %s/bundle.min.js --mangle --compress" buildDir distDir)
// run (sprintf "npx terser %s/worker.js -o %s/worker.min.js --mangle --compress" buildDir distDir)

// make standalone worker dist
run (sprintf "npx rollup %s/worker/Worker.js -o %s/worker.js --format esm" buildDir buildDir)
run (sprintf "npx webpack --entry ./%s/worker.js --output ./%s/worker.min.js --config ./%s/../worker.config.js" buildDir distDir projectDir)

// print bundle size
Expand All @@ -181,6 +187,7 @@ let buildStandalone() =
// Put fable-library files next to bundle
let libraryTarget = distDir </> "fable-library"
copyDirRecursive libraryDir libraryTarget

// These files will be used in the browser, so make sure the import paths include .js extension
// let reg = Regex(@"^import (.*"".*)("".*)$", RegexOptions.Multiline)
// getFullPathsInDirectoryRecursively libraryTarget
Expand All @@ -202,71 +209,75 @@ let buildStandalone() =
// else sprintf "%i.%i.%i%s" staMajor staMinor (staPatch + 1) comPrerelease)

let buildCompilerJs() =
let projectDir = "src/fable-compiler-js/src"
let libraryDir = "build/fable-library"
let buildDir = "build/fable-compiler-js"
let distDir = "src/fable-compiler-js/dist"

let projectDir = "src/fable-compiler-js"
runFableWithArgs (projectDir </> "src") [
if not (pathExists "build/fable-standalone") then

cleanDirs [buildDir; distDir]
makeDirRecursive distDir

runFableWithArgs projectDir [
"--outDir " + buildDir
"--fable-library " + libraryDir
"--exclude Fable.Core"

cleanDirs [projectDir </> "dist"]
// run (sprintf "npx rollup %s/src/app.fs.js --file %s/dist/app.js --format umd --name Fable" projectDir projectDir)
// run (sprintf "npx terser %s/dist/app.js -o %s/dist/app.min.js --mangle --compress" projectDir projectDir)
run (sprintf "npx rollup %s/app.js -o %s/app.js --format umd --name Fable" buildDir distDir)
run (sprintf "npx terser %s/app.js -o %s/app.min.js --mangle --compress" distDir distDir)

// Compile to commonjs modules
runTypescript "src/fable-compiler-js"
// Copy fable-library
copyDirRecursive ("build/fable-library") (projectDir </> "dist/fable-library")
copyDirRecursive ("build/fable-library") (distDir </> "fable-library")
// Copy fable-metadata
copyDirRecursive ("src/fable-metadata/lib") (projectDir </> "dist/fable-metadata")

let compileAndRunTests(compileTests) =
runFableWithArgs "clean" ["tests"]
run "npx mocha tests/Main -r esm --reporter dot -t 10000"
copyDirRecursive ("src/fable-metadata/lib") (distDir </> "fable-metadata")

let testJs() =
compileAndRunTests(fun () ->
run "node src/fable-compiler-js tests/Main/Fable.Tests.fsproj")

// let projectDir = "src/fable-compiler-js"
// let buildDir = "build/tests-js"
// if not (pathExists "build/fable-standalone") then
// buildStandalone()
// if not (pathExists "build/fable-compiler-js") then
// buildCompilerJs()

// cleanDirs [buildDir]

// // Link fable-compiler-js to local packages
// runInDir projectDir "npm link ../fable-metadata"
// runInDir projectDir "npm link ../fable-standalone"

// // Test fable-compiler-js locally
// run ("node " + projectDir + " tests/Main/Fable.Tests.fsproj " + buildDir + " --commonjs")
// run ("npx mocha " + buildDir + " --reporter dot -t 10000")
// // and another test
// runInDir "src/fable-compiler-js/test" "node .. test_script.fsx --commonjs"
// runInDir "src/fable-compiler-js/test" "node bin/test_script.js"

// // Unlink local packages after test
// runInDir projectDir "npm unlink ../fable-metadata && cd ../fable-metadata && npm unlink"
// runInDir projectDir "npm unlink ../fable-standalone && cd ../fable-standalone && npm unlink"
let fableDir = "src/fable-compiler-js"
let buildDir = "build/tests-js"

if not (pathExists "build/fable-compiler-js") then

cleanDirs [buildDir]

// Link fable-compiler-js to local packages
runInDir fableDir "npm link ../fable-metadata"
runInDir fableDir "npm link ../fable-standalone"

// Test fable-compiler-js locally
run ("node " + fableDir + " tests/Main/Fable.Tests.fsproj " + buildDir)
run ("npx mocha " + buildDir + " -r esm --reporter dot -t 10000")

// Another local fable-compiler-js test
runInDir (fableDir </> "test") "node .. test_script.fsx"
runInDir (fableDir </> "test") "node test_script.fsx.js"

// Unlink local packages after test
runInDir fableDir "npm unlink ../fable-metadata && cd ../fable-metadata && npm unlink"
runInDir fableDir "npm unlink ../fable-standalone && cd ../fable-standalone && npm unlink"

let test() =
compileAndRunTests(fun () ->
if pathExists "build/fable-library" |> not then
let projectDir = "tests/Main"
let libraryDir = "build/fable-library"
let buildDir = "build/tests"

if not (pathExists libraryDir) then

runFableWithArgs projectDir [
"--outDir " + buildDir
"--fable-library " + libraryDir
"--exclude Fable.Core"

runFableWithArgs "tests/Main" [
"--exclude Fable.Core"
run (sprintf "npx mocha %s -r esm --reporter dot -t 10000" buildDir)

runInDir "tests/Main" "dotnet run"
runInDir projectDir "dotnet run"
if envVarOrNone "APPVEYOR" |> Option.isSome then

Expand All @@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ let coverage() =
if pathExists "./bin/tools/reportgenerator" then "bin/tools/reportgenerator"
else "bin\\tools\\reportgenerator.exe"

if pathExists "build/fable-library" |> not then
if not (pathExists "build/fable-library") then

cleanDirs ["build/tests"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,7 +402,6 @@ match argsLower with
| ("fable-library-ts"|"library-ts")::_ -> buildLibraryTs()
| ("fable-compiler-js"|"compiler-js")::_ -> buildCompilerJs()
| ("fable-standalone"|"standalone")::_ -> buildStandalone()
| "fcs"::_ -> compileFcs()
| "download-standalone"::_ -> downloadStandalone()
| "publish"::restArgs -> publishPackages restArgs
| "github-release"::_ ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"build-compiler-js": "fable src/fable-compiler-js/src/fable-compiler-js.fsproj build/fable-compiler-js/out",
"postbuild-compiler-js": "rollup build/fable-compiler-js/out/app.js --file src/fable-compiler-js/dist/app.js --format umd --name Fable",
"minify-compiler-js": "terser src/fable-compiler-js/dist/app.js -o src/fable-compiler-js/dist/app.min.js --mangle --compress",
"test-js": "node src/fable-compiler-js/dist/app.js tests/Main/Fable.Tests.fsproj build/tests-js --commonjs",
"test-js": "node src/fable-compiler-js/dist/app.js tests/Main/Fable.Tests.fsproj build/tests-js",
"posttest-js": "mocha build/tests-js --reporter dot -t 10000"
"dependencies": {
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Fable.Cli/Entry.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Commands:
clean Clean generated JS files
--outDir Redirect compilation output files to a directory
--define Defines a symbol for use in conditional compilation
--extension Extension for generated JS files (default .fs.js)
--verbose Print more info during compilation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ type Runner =
{ ProjectFile = projFile
FableLibraryPath = argValue "--fable-library" args
RootDir = rootDir
OutDir = argValue "--outDir" args
ForcePackages = hasFlag "--force-pkgs" args
Exclude = argValue "--exclude" args
Define = defines
Expand Down

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