A light-weight user's step-by-step guide for your website using Vanilla JS.
- User's walkthrough - can be used to guide user's to your website using modals and popovers.
- Slideshow - webtour can be used as slideshow within your website.
- Highlight element - can highlight specific element on the page without modifying the element position and style.
- Dynamic element - can target dynamically created element.
- Auto scroll - scroll automatically to popover's position.
- Keyboard control - allows control using next, back and esc keys.
- Update position on resize
WebTour highlight works by adding overlay to the page except for the highlighted element. It is basically an overlay with a hole showing the element that is highlighted. WebTour can highlight even on modals.
Include the files from dist
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/webtour.min.css">
<script src="/dist/webtour.min.js"></script>
Basic usage and Demo
const wt = new WebTour();
const wt = new WebTour();
const steps = [
element: '#step_1', //target element (if not defined then the popover will act like a modal at the center of the screen)
title: 'Popover title', //this is option if you don't want to add title
content: 'Popover content', //can be string or html string
placement: 'right-start', //top, top-start, top-end, left, left-start, left-end, right, right-start, right-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end
WebTour has onNext and onPrevious actions.
const wt = new WebTour();
const steps = [
element: '#step_1',
title: 'Popover title',
content: 'Popover content',
placement: 'left-start',
onNext: function () { //or ()=> {}
//perform actions here
onPrevious: function () {
//undo actions here
element: '#step_2',
title: 'Popover title',
content: 'Popover content',
placement: 'right-start',
onNext: function () {
//for dynamic elements - pause and resume onNext action
wt.isPaused = true; //pause tour
wt.showLoader(); //display a loader
//perform actions here
//wait for the dynamic element
const isPresent = setInterval(function(){
const nextTarget = document.querySelector('#step_3');
if (nextTarget){
clearInterval(isPresent); //important to prevent your tour to not iterate until end
wt.moveNext(); //go to next step - equivalent to wt.isPuased = false; wt.next();
}, 100)
//dynamically created target element
element: '#step_3',
title: 'Popover title',
content: 'Popover content',
placement: 'left-start',
const wt = new WebTour({
offset: 20, //distance from popover to target element
borderRadius: 3, //popover border radius
allowClose: true, //close on click outside
highlight: true, //show overlay
highlightOffset: 5, //overlay offset from target element
keyboard: true, //enable/disable keyboard controll
width: '300px', //specify popover's width
zIndex: 10050, //specify z-index
removeArrow: false, //show/hide popover arrow
autoScroll: true, //scroll into element
wt.labels.next = 'Next →';
wt.labels.prev = '← Back';
wt.labels.done = 'Done';
wt.labels.close = 'Close';
wt.labels = {
next: 'Next →',
prev: '← Back',
done: 'Done',
close: 'Close',
wt.start(startIndex = 0) //start the tour
wt.setSteps(steps) //requires array of step object { element, title, content, placement } - provide one option
wt.render(step); //requires step object { element, title, content, placement } - provide one option
wt.next(); //trigger next action
wt.previous(); //trigger previous
wt.moveNext(); //resume tour and move next
wt.movePrevious(); //resume tour and move previous
This library is created out of frustration of using existing user's walkthrough library that does not support dynamic element targeting.
- Floating popover positioning (top-center, top-start, top-end, middle-center (default), midle-left, middle-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-end)
- Add option to hide buttons
- Add option close button
- Add hints