This file is used to list changes made in each version of the perl cookbook.
- Testing updates
- Require Chef 12 or later
- Added support for SUSE / openSUSE and IBM zlinux
- Removed installation of the libwww-perl package, which is not required for Perl to function out of the box and can be installed by CPAN instead
- Resolved Chef 13 compatibility warnings in the cpan_module provider
- Updated the Windows Perl download URL to the new server
- Updated Perl to on Windows
- Added the windows cookbook as a dependency so the Windows install converges
- Added module install / uninstall to the default Test Kitchen suite
- Added a basic Kitchen Inspec test to ensure perl is installed
- Added build-essential to the test cookbook so module installs would complete
- Added perl-devel to RHEL 6+ hosts
- Rewrote cpan_module definition as a LWRP with Chefspec tests and matchers
- Add the ability to select version in the cpan_module LWRP
- Fixed cpan_module incompatibility with Chef 12
- Fixed download location for cpanm to prevent failures on the redirect
- Removed Chef 10 compatibility. This cookbook now requires 11+
- Added libwww-perl installation on Debian systems
- Added support for RHEL/CentOS 7 and Fedora to the default.rb recipe
- Added source_url and issues_url metadata
- Added a chefignore file to limit files uploaded to the server
- Updated Contributing and Testing docs
- Added a rakefile for simplified testing
- Added and maintainers.toml file and a Rake task for generating MD from TOML
- Updated platforms tested in Kitchen CI and update the Kitchen config format
- Updated to the standard chef .rubocop.yml file
- Updated all testing and development gems to the latest
- Add basic Chefspec test
- Updated Travis CI to test on modern ruby versions and reenabled rspec and foodcritic testing
- Added cookbook version and Travis CI badges to the readme
- Added a .foodcritic file to skip FC015
- Removed all references to Opscode
- Remove the Gemfile.lock that shouldn't have been committed
- [COOK-4725] Use windows_path to set the PATH
- COOK-4013 - add omnios support to perl cookbook
- [COOK-2973]: perl cookbook has foodcritic errors
- [COOK-1765] - Install Strawberry Perl on Windows in Perl Cookbook
- [COOK-1300] - add support for Mac OS X
- [COOK-1129] - move lists of perl packages to attributes by platform
- [COOK-1279] - resolve regression from COOK-1129
- [COOK-1299] - use App::cpanminus (cpanm) to install "cpan packages"
- [COOK-1279] Re-factor recipe and fix platform_version 5 bug for redhat family platforms
- [COOK-1129] centos/redhat needs the CPAN RPM installed
- Current released version