This project adds Apache Pig syntax highlighting to any editor that uses GtkSourceView.
Pig 0.15 is supported in the master branch. For Pig 0.11 - 0.14, follow the instructions below, but take the files from the appropriate release.
Place the appropriate pig.lang file in your gedit installation and restart gedit. Files with the .pig extension should be highlighted.
Go to the language-specs directory within your gedit installation (normally within C:\Program Files (x86)\gedit\share\gtksourceview-2.0)
Add the pig.lang file from the gtksourceview-2.0 directory in this repository there.
If it does not exist, add the gtksourceview-3.0 directory and its contents from this repository to ~/.local/share/
If it does exist, add the appropriate pig.lang file from this repository there.
When you are done, the file's path should be ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/pig.lang
Add the pig.lang files from this repository to their matching directories in /usr/share
When you are done, the file's path should be /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/pig.lang