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new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/creating-google-service-account.md b/creating-google-service-account.md
index f23024a..c41ff4f 100644
--- a/creating-google-service-account.md
+++ b/creating-google-service-account.md
@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
-# Creating a Google Service Account
+# Using a Google Service Account Key with EAS
-If you’d like to submit your Android app to Google Play Store with `eas submit` you need to create a Google Service Account key. To do this, the following steps are required:
+A Google Service Account Key is a credential in the form of a JSON file that you can obtain via Google Cloud for a particular Google Service Account.
+EAS requires a Google Service Account Key to be uploaded and configured for the following use cases:
+1. Submitting your Android app to Google Play Store with `eas submit`
+2. Sending Android notifications via `api.expo.dev/push/send` using the FCM V1 protocol
+> **Note:** Beginning in June 2024, all Android notifications must be sent using the FCM V1 protocol.
+You can configure separate Google Service Account Keys for each of these use cases, or upload a single Google Service Account Key and use it for both use cases (provided that the correct authorizations are in place for that Service Account in Google Cloud Console).
+The steps for each use case are detailed below.
+ ## Uploading a Google Service Account Key for Play Store Submissions
+ To set up a Google Service Account Key for Play Store Submissions via `eas submit`, the following steps are required:
- Create a Google Cloud project (optional if you already have one)
- Create a Google Service Account and create and download the JSON key file
@@ -43,3 +58,59 @@ If you’d like to submit your Android app to Google Play Store with `eas submit
9. That's all! From now on, you can use the generated Google Service Account key to upload your app with `eas submit`.
+## Using a Google Service Account Key for Sending Android Notifications via FCM V1
+Here are the steps to set up a Google Service Account Key for sending Android Notifications via FCM V1.
+### Configuring a new Google Service Account Key for Android Notifications using FCM V1
+Here are the steps to configure a new Google Service Account Key in EAS for sending Android Notifications using FCM V1.
+1. (If you already have a Firebase project for your app, continue to the next step.) Create a new Firebase project for your app in the [Firebase Console](https://console.firebase.google.com)
+2. In the Firebase console, open Settings > [Service Accounts](https://console.firebase.google.com/project/_/settings/serviceaccounts/adminsdk) for your project
+3. Click **Generate New Private Key**, then confirm by clicking **Generate Key**. Securely store the JSON file containing the private key.
+4. Upload the JSON file to EAS and configure it for sending Android notifications. This can be done in EAS CLI or via [expo.dev](https://expo.dev).
+ - using EAS CLI: run `eas credentials` > `Android` > `production` > `Google Service Accounts` > `FCM V1`
+ - using [expo.dev](https://expo.dev): navigate to credentials page for your project (`expo.dev/accounts//projects//credentials`) > click on the Android application identifier > find the section entitled "FCM V1 service account key" > click **Add a service account key** > upload your JSON credential and click **Save**
+5. You're all set! You can now send notifications to Android devices via Expo Push Notifications using the FCM V1 protocol.
+### Using an existing Google Service Account Key to Send Android Notifications using FCM V1
+1. Open the [IAM Admin page](https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam?authuser=0) in Google Cloud Console. In the Permissions tab, locate the Principal you intend to modify and click the pencil icon for **Edit Principal**.
+2. Click **Add Role** and select the `Firebase Messaging API Admin` role from the dropdown. Click **Save**.
+3. Tell EAS which JSON credential file to use for sending FCM V1 notifications, either via EAS CLI or the [expo.dev](https://expo.dev) website. You can upload a new JSON file or select a previously uploaded file.
+ - using EAS CLI: run `eas credentials` > `Android` > `production` > `Google Service Accounts` > `FCM V1`
+ - using [expo.dev](https://expo.dev): navigate to credentials page for your project (`expo.dev/accounts//projects//credentials`) > click on the Android application identifier > find the section entitled "FCM V1 service account key" > click **Add a service account key** > upload your JSON credential and click **Save**
+4. You're all set! You can now send notifications to Android devices via Expo Push Notifications using the FCM V1 protocol.