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Turborepo starter

This is a pnpm turborepo Next.js with Material UI.

What's inside?

This turborepo uses pnpm as a package manager. It includes the following packages/apps:

Apps and Packages

  • web: another Next.js app with Material UI
  • eslint-config-custom: eslint configurations
  • tsconfig: tsconfig.jsons used throughout the monorepo

Each package/app is 100% TypeScript.


To build all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd my-app
pnpm run build


To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd my-app
pnpm run dev


This repo is configured to be built with Docker, and Docker compose. To build all apps in this repo:

# Create a network, which allows containers to communicate
# with each other, by using their container name as a hostname
docker network create app_network

# Build prod using new BuildKit engine
COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml build

# Start prod in detached mode
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d

Open http://localhost:3000.

To shutdown all running containers:

# Stop all running containers
docker kill $(docker ps -aq) && docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

To clear space:

# Free space
docker system prune -af --volumes

Remote Caching

This example includes optional remote caching. In the Dockerfiles of the apps, uncomment the build arguments for TURBO_TEAM and TURBO_TOKEN. Then, pass these build arguments to your Docker build.

You can test this behavior using a command like:

docker build -f apps/web/Dockerfile . --build-arg TURBO_TEAM=“your-team-name” --build-arg TURBO_TOKEN=“your-token“ --no-cache


A pnpm turborepo Next.js with Material UI






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