This chapter contains information helpful when you want to engage in development of this project.
If you want to engage in development of this project you should have the following libraries and tools available.
- unixodbc
- unixodbc-dev
- libboost-date-time-dev
- libboost-locale-dev
- libboost-system-dev
Example: Install of required system libraries on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install unixodbc unixodbc-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-locale-dev libboost-system-dev
Make sure the local is setup appropriately.
Example: Setting up an english locale
sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
Currently it is required that the integration-test-docker-environment project is checked out in parallel to this project. For more details on this have a look at the Settings in
Expected Layout:
├─ ...
├─ ...
git clone
poetry shell poetry install
make sure you have the poetry shell active whenever you want to work in the workspace
pre-commit install
This may need to be rerun if you want or do add non standard hook types, for further details see pre-commit install -h.
Most repeating and complex tasks within this project are automated using the task runner nox. To get an overview about the available tasks just run:
nox -l
All task(s) which will be run by default will have a leading *. In order to run a specific task execute the following command:
nox -s <task-name>
You can modify or add new task by editing the file
Install all python dependencies needed for development
# make sure you are using the virtual environment poetry has setup for this project poetry shell
Run all tests with pyodbc connector
nox -s "verify(connector='pyodbc')"
Run all tests with turbodbc connector
nox -s "verify(connector='turbodbc')"
If something still is not working or unclear, you may want to look into the CI/CD action files.
Currently we keep our changelog in a single file CHANGELOG.rst. For every relevant change an entry in the unreleased section of the changelog is added. When a release is created the unreleased section is turned into the section for the release, by replacing the section title with the version number and the release date of the release. Afterwards a new empty unreleased section must be added at the top of the changelog.
Example of CHANGELOG.rst before 5.0.0 release:
.. _changelog-unreleased:
✨ Added
* Some more changes ...
.. _changelog-4.0.0:
4.0.0 — 2022-12-01
✨ Added
* Some changes ...
Example of CHANGELOG.rst after 5.0.0 release:
.. _changelog-unreleased:
.. _changelog-5.0.0:
5.0.0 - 2023-01-01
✨ Added
* Some more changes ...
.. _changelog-4.0.0:
4.0.0 — 2022-12-01
✨ Added
* Some changes ...
For more general information on, why and for whom to create a changelog, have a look at keepachangelog.