diff --git a/docs/sphinx_setup/api/api_reference.rst b/docs/sphinx_setup/api/api_reference.rst
index 933be0844e9c9f..867da0096b0344 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx_setup/api/api_reference.rst
+++ b/docs/sphinx_setup/api/api_reference.rst
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ API Reference
:maxdepth: 2
+ ie_python_api/api
- ie_python_api/api
+ nodejs_api/nodejs_api.rst
-OpenVINO toolkit offers **APIs for Python, C, and C++** which share most features (C++ being the
+OpenVINO toolkit offers **APIs for Python, C++, C, and JavaScript (Node.js)** which share most features (C++ being the
most comprehensive one), have a common structure, naming convention styles, namespaces,
and no duplicate structures.
diff --git a/docs/sphinx_setup/api/nodejs_api/nodejs_api.rst b/docs/sphinx_setup/api/nodejs_api/nodejs_api.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..adeab58d514d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sphinx_setup/api/nodejs_api/nodejs_api.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+OpenVINO Node.js API
+.. meta::
+ :description: Explore Node.js API and implementation of its features in Intel®
+ Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit.
+OpenVINO Node.js API is distributed as an *openvino-node* npm package that contains JavaScript
+wrappers with TypeScript types descriptions and a script that downloads the OpenVINO Node.js
+bindings for current OS.⠀
+System requirements
+.. list-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Operating System
+ - Architecture
+ - Software
+ * - Windows, Linux, macOS
+ - x86, ARM (Windows ARM not supported)
+ - `Node.js version 20.5.1 and higher `__
+Install openvino-node package
+To install the package, use the following command:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ npm install openvino-node
+.. note::
+ The *openvino-node* npm package runs in Node.js environment only and provides
+ a subset of :doc:`OpenVINO Runtime C++ API <../c_cpp_api/group__ov__cpp__api>`.
+Use openvino-node package
+1. Import openvino-node package. Use the ``addon`` property to reach general exposed entities:
+ .. code-block:: js
+ const { addon: ov } = require('openvino-node');
+2. Load and compile a model, then prepare a tensor with input data. Finally, run inference
+ on the model with it to get the model output tensor:
+ .. code-block:: js
+ const { addon: ov } = require('openvino-node');
+ // Load model
+ const core = new ov.Core();
+ const model = await ov.readModel('path/to/model', 'path/to/model/weights');
+ // Compile model
+ const compiledModel = await ov.compileModel(model, 'CPU');
+ // Prepare tensor with input data
+ const tensorData = new Float32Array(image.data);
+ const shape = [1, image.rows, image.cols, 3];
+ const inputTensor = new ov.Tensor(ov.element.f32, shape, tensorData);
+ const inferRequest = compiledModel.createInferRequest();
+ const modelOutput = inferRequest.infer([inputTensor]);
+For more extensive examples of use, refer to the following scripts:
+- `Hello Classification Sample `__
+- `Hello Reshape SSD Sample `__
+- `Image Classification Async Sample `__
+OpenVINO API features
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 15 85
+ :class: nodejs-features
+ * - ``addon``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ Core()
+ Tensor()
+ PartialShape()
+ element
+ preprocess:
+ resizeAlgorithms
+ PrePostProcessor()
+ * - ``CompiledModel``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ outputs: Output[]
+ inputs: Output[]
+ constructor()
+ output(nameOrId?: string | number): Output
+ input(nameOrId?: string | number): Output
+ createInferRequest(): InferRequest
+ * - ``Core``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ constructor()
+ compileModel(model: Model, device: string, config?: { [option: string]: string }): Promise
+ compileModelSync(model: Model, device: string, config?: { [option: string]: string }): CompiledModel
+ readModel(modelPath: string, binPath?: string): Promise
+ readModel(modelBuffer: Uint8Array, weightsBuffer?: Uint8Array): Promise;
+ readModelSync(modelPath: string, binPath?: string): Model
+ readModelSync(modelBuffer: Uint8Array, weightsBuffer?: Uint8Array): Model;
+ * - ``InferRequest``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ constructor()
+ setTensor(name: string, tensor: Tensor): void
+ setInputTensor(idxOrTensor: number | Tensor, tensor?: Tensor): void
+ setOutputTensor(idxOrTensor: number | Tensor, tensor?: Tensor): void
+ getTensor(nameOrOutput: string | Output): Tensor
+ getInputTensor(idx?: number): Tensor
+ getOutputTensor(idx?: number): Tensor
+ getCompiledModel(): CompiledModel
+ inferAsync(inputData?: { [inputName: string]: Tensor |SupportedTypedArray} | Tensor[] | SupportedTypedArray[]): Promise<{ [outputName: string] : Tensor}>;
+ infer(inputData?: { [inputName: string]: Tensor |SupportedTypedArray} | Tensor[] | SupportedTypedArray[]): { [outputName: string] : Tensor};
+ * - ``InputInfo``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ tensor(): InputTensorInfo;
+ preprocess(): PreProcessSteps;
+ model(): InputModelInfo;
+ * - ``InputModelInfo``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ setLayout(layout: string): InputModelInfo;
+ * - ``InputTensorInfo``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ setElementType(elementType: element | elementTypeString ): InputTensorInfo;
+ setLayout(layout: string): InputTensorInfo;
+ setShape(shape: number[]): InputTensorInfo;
+ * - ``Model``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ outputs: Output[]
+ inputs: Output[]
+ output(nameOrId?: string | number): Output
+ input(nameOrId?: string | number): Output
+ getName(): string
+ * - ``Output``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ anyName: string;
+ shape: number[];
+ constructor()
+ toString(): string
+ getAnyName(): string
+ getShape(): number[]
+ getPartialShape(): number[]
+ * - ``OutputInfo``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ tensor(): OutputTensorInfo;
+ * - ``OutputTensorInfo``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ setElementType(elementType: element | elementTypeString ): InputTensorInfo;
+ setLayout(layout: string): InputTensorInfo;
+ * - ``PrePostProcessor``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ constructor(model: Model)
+ build(): PrePostProcessor
+ input(): InputInfo
+ output(): OutputInfo
+ * - ``preprocess.element``
+ - u8, u16, u32, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
+ * - ``preprocess.resizeAlgorithm``
+ * - ``PreProcessSteps``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ resize(algorithm: resizeAlgorithm | string): PreProcessSteps;
+ * - ``Tensor``
+ -
+ .. code-block:: ts
+ data: number[]
+ constructor(type: element, shape: number[], tensorData?: number[] | SupportedTypedArray): Tensor
+ getElementType(): element
+ getShape(): number[]
+ getData(): number[]