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1211 lines (747 loc) · 33.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1211 lines (747 loc) · 33.8 KB

Release Notes

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[0.67.0] - 2024-05-02

  • Rebranding changes

[0.66.0] - 2023-10-18


  • Added fields: BlockchainMessage { src_code_hash dst_code_hash }, BlockchainTransaction { code_hash }, Message { src_code_hash dst_code_hash } , Transaction { code_hash }.
  • Added arguments: blockchain.messages(src_code_hash dst_code_hash), blockchain.transactions(code_hash).
  • In TCP_ADNL request mode Q-Server uses Everscale LiteServer API as an account provider.


  • Account provider JSON RPC terminated a process in case of request timeout.
  • GraphQL queries with body more than 100KB was failed with PayloadTooLargeError: request entity too large. The size of the body is increased up to 50MB.

[0.65.4] - 2023-09-29


  • config.blockBocs.s3.numBuckets field

[0.65.3] - 2023-09-14


  • Added support for node-jrpc protocol changes.

  • Added cache for the last key block. Config parameters:

    • last-key-block-cache-enabled – default is true.
    • last-key-block-cache-ttl-ms – cached block TTL. Default is five min. This cached block is returned for the following queries:
    • blocks(
          filter: { key_block: { eq: true } workchain_id: { eq: -1 } }
          orderBy: [{ direction: DESC path: "seq_no" }] )
          limit: 1
    • blockchain {
  • Added timeouts for external service queries:

    • config.queries.maxRuntimeInS – timeout seconds for ArangoDB queries.
    • config.accountProvider.evernodeRpc.timeout – timeout millis for Evernode RPC queries.
    • config.blockBocs.s3.timeout – timeout millis for block storage S3 queries.
  • Added support for YAML config file.

  • Added request.duration timing stat.

[0.65.2] - 2023-09-14


  • blocks.boc should not use block's BOC provider (block S3 storage).

[0.65.1] - 2023-09-12


  • blockchain.account.transactions_by_lt pagination cursor is a transaction lt. So before and after args should be specified as a string with bigint representation (e.g. 0xabc for hex or 123 for dec). Cursors are returned using 0x hex bigint representation.

[0.65.0] - 2023-09-10


  • Added field BlockchainBlock.signatures – available only in non archive mode.
  • Added support for ArangoDB url format http://server:8529/_db/blockchain
  • Account info resolver now uses EvernodeRPC boc or meta queries.
  • Added argument – works only with Evernode RPC.


  • was null

[0.64.0] - 2023-08-09


  • Added account BOC provider via evernode RPC (new config parameter 'accountProvider`).

[0.63.0] - 2023-07-25


  • Added BOC parsing for transactions, messages and blocks in archive database when user selects non parsed fields.

[0.62.0] - 2023-07-20


  • trace field in transaction is a list of VM step info objects


  • implemented support for archive parameter in all blockchain queries.
  • archive parameter was not propagated to the nested join queries.


  • All user parameters that are enums are now checked for typos on startup

[0.61.0] - 2023-07-04


  • trace field in transaction

  • archive parameter in blockchain signle-entity fields (block, block_by_seq_no, transaction, message). When is true the blockchain requests use an archive database with full blockchain history but reduced field set.

  • transactions_by_lt query is added to blockchain.account to paginate account transactions by logical time

  • thread parameter in blockchain.block_by_seq_no and blockchain.blocks is deprecated. shard parameter should be used instead

  • blockchain.prev_shard_blocks and blockchain.next_shard_blocks queries for blocks chain iteration

  • blockchain.transactions_by_in_msg query for retrieving transaction by inbound message

  • blocks collection latency is calculated from gen_utime of masterchain block which has commited last known shard block

[0.60.1] - 2023-06-21


  • Latency calculation failed

[0.60.0] - 2023-06-21


  • Added config parameter archive to blockchain.blocks, blockchain.transactions sections. Specifies config for the database used in blockchain API when the archive parameter is true.

  • Added parameter archive to blockchain lists fields. When is true the blockchain requests use an archive database with full blockchain history but reduced field set.

  • Added config parameters hot to specify default values for,, blockchain.accounts.

  • Added config parameters archive to specify default values for blockchain.blocks.archive, blockchain.transactions.archive.

  • Removed deprecated config parameters --data-mut Q_DATA_MUT --data-hot Q_DATA_HOT --data-cold Q_DATA_COLD --data-cache Q_DATA_CACHE --data-counterparties Q_DATA_COUNTERPARIES --slow-queries-mut Q_SLOW_QUERIES_MUT --slow-queries-hot Q_SLOW_QUERIES_HOT --slow-queries-cold Q_SLOW_QUERIES_COLD --slow-queries-cache Q_SLOW_QUERIES_CACHE --slow-queries-counterparties Q_SLOW_QUERIES_COUNTERPARTIES

[0.59.0] - 2023-06-07


  • Added parameter archive to blockchain lists fields.

  • Added blockBocs config parameter allowing to resolve block bocs from external S3 compatible storage. See for details.

  • Removed a database sharding.

  • Added helpful error messages in case of invalid in and notIn filter {in: null}.

  • Database query deduplication.

[0.58.0] - 2023-06-07


  • master_seq_no field in blocks, transactions and messages representing seq_no of masterchain block which commited the block, transaction or message
  • chain_order in messages is derived from src_chain_order and dst_chain_order
  • message.counterparties in blockchain API are not limited to internal messages

[0.57.0] - 2023-05-10


  • Case-insensitive filtering in args: blockchain.block(hash), blockchain.transaction(hash), blockchain.message(hash)

  • Address filtering in args (accepts address in any format): blockchain.account(address), messages.src, messages.dst, transactions.account_addr,

  • Address formatting args in fields:, blockchain.transaction.account_addr, blockchain.message.src, blockchain.message.dst, messages.src, messages.dst, transactions.account_addr,

  • accounts(filter:{id:{eq:""}}), accounts(filter:{id:{in:[""]}}), blockchain.account(address:"") returns account of type NonExist if an account is missing in current shard state.

  • Support new config parameter 44 (black list)

[0.56.0] - 2023-05-09


  • Post external messages to JRPC endpoint

[0.55.1] - 2023-04-03


  • Fast queries exceptions in slow detector.

[0.55.0] - 2023-03-20


  • Support new caps in capabilities_flags.


  • PageInfo.startCursor and PageInfo.endCursor were required.

[0.54.4] - 2023-02-16


  • Remove "UNSTABLE" marks from blockchain API
  • Add indexHint to messages(filter: {src: *, dst: *, created_at: *, * } orderBy: {path: "created_at"}) queries

[0.54.3] - 2022-12-27


  • From now slow detector will properly interpret id orderBy path as _key

[0.54.2] - 2022-10-26


  • From now Info.latency always returns last known cached latency. Every 30 seconds (latency cache TLL) it start background refreshing.

[0.54.1] - 2022-10-26


  • increase Q_REQUESTS_MAX_SIZE default to 64kb

[0.54.0] - 2022-10-05


  • increase Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_MAX_FILTER_SIZE default to 64kb


  • removed obsolete auth mutations (revokeAccessKeys, registerAccessKeys) and all other auth related logic.
  • removed obsolete finishOperation mutation.

[0.53.4] - 2022-09-15


  • capabilities_flags companion field to p8 config parameter capabilities


  • in: [] (empty list) filter now leads to an empty query result as expected
  • notIn: [] (empty list) filter now is ignored as expected

[0.53.3] - 2022-09-06


  • Fix memory leak in Promise.race()

[0.53.2] - 2022-08-24


  • Add new option --query-max-timeout-arg or Q_QUERY_MAX_TIMEOUT_ARG.
    This adds upper boundary for timeout parameter in collection API queries.
    Default is 24 hours.


  • Support timeout argument values >= 2^31 (by coercing them down using --query-max-timeout-arg).
    It is needed for ever-sdk + evernode-se with time shifts > 24 days.
  • Tweak waitFor logic to properly support --query-wait-for-period values less than 100 ms

[0.53.1] - 2022-08-19


  • Fix src_account and dst_account joins for multiple databases (hot, cold) case.

[0.53.0] - 2022-08-18


  • Add src_account and dst_account joins to BlockchainMessage type (used in blockchain queries)

  • Increase max allowed joins depth for blockchain { transaction }, blockchain { transactions } and blockchain { account { transactions } } queries from 1 to 2 to allow in_message { src_account } and out_messages { dst_account } joins.

[0.52.1] - 2022-07-07


  • UNSTABLE! stringify-key-in-aql-comparison parameter – if true then AQL will use TO_STRING(doc._key) conversion if _key comparison operator is used in filter (e.g. { id: { lt: "123" }).

  • New paramter --walking-use-cache or Q_WALKING_USE_CACHE.
    Set this parameter to true to serve the block walking algorithm from the Redis cache


  • BlockchainTransaction fields: orig_status_name, status_name, tr_type_name


  • Fix rare race condition in waitFor

[0.52.0] - 2022-06-03


  • master config p30, p40, p42 fields types
  • prev_code_hash account field
  • allow_latest_inconsistent_data option in paginated blockchain queries:

    By default there is a delay of realtime data (several seconds) to ensure impossibility of data inserts before the latest accessible cursor. Now it became possible to disable this guarantee and thus - to reduce delay of realtime data by setting this flag to true.

  • two config options for reading external subscriptions health messages from Redis channel
    • subscriptions-health-redis-channel
    • subscriptions-health-timeout


  • blockchain.master_seq_no_range behavior for edge cases (when boundaries are close to first and/or latests blocks) E.g. for time_start=time_end=now this function used to return end<start but now it returns end=null, because a masterblock for end doesn't exist yet.
  • max_shard_gen_utime_string and min_shard_gen_utime_string in BlockMaster


  • faster and more reliable ArangoDB query for blockchain.master_seq_no_range.end


See the migration guide


  • blockchain.workchain_blocks. Use blockchain{ blocks } instead.
  • blockchain.workchain_transactions. Use blockchain{ transactions } instead.
  • blockchain.account_transactions. Use blockchain{ account{ transactions } } instead.
  • explainQueryAccounts
  • explainQueryTransactions
  • explainQueryMessages
  • explainQueryBlocks
  • explainQueryBlockSignatures
  • explainQueryZerostates
  • getAccountsCount
  • getTransactionsCount
  • getAccountsTotalBalance
  • QueryExplanation and SlowReason types

[0.51.2] - 2022-05-10


  • configuration option ignore-messages-for-latency to exclude messages latency from total latency for networks without service messages

[0.51.1] - 2022-05-05


  • joins in subscriptions (e.g. in_message and out_messages for transactions) for external subscriptions mode

[0.51.0] - 2022-05-03


  • Subscription.remReceipts subscription.
  • field.
  • remp config section.


  • rempReceipts returns internal server error when redis is inaccessible
  • rempReceipts subscription terminated q-server if redis disconnected unexpectedly

[0.50.0] - 2022-04-22


  • new subscriptions-mode config parameter with three options: disabled, arango (default), external - describes which backend should be used for subscriptions
  • new external subscriptions mode (publishes filters to Kafka and gets documents from Redis)


  • use-listeners config parameter (use subscriptions-mode instead)


  • prettify code:)

[0.49.1] - 2022-04-07


  • Fixed documentation about deprecated and soon to be removed API parts
  • Added init_code_hash to BlockchainAccount and ext_in_msg_fee to BlockchainTransaction types (affected queries are blockchain {...})

[0.49.0] - 2022-03-29


  • New functions:
    • blockchain { account { messages }} to fetch account messages
    • blockchain { block } to fetch block by hash
    • blockchain { block_by_seq_no } to fetch block by (workchain, thread, seq_no) triplet
    • blockchain { transaction } to fetch transaction by hash
    • blockchain { message } to fetch message by hash


  • Fixed created_at_string and status_name fields resolvers in BlockchainMessage
  • Messages subscriptions now ignore patch records

[0.48.1] - 2022-03-16


  • Fix blockchain.account(address).info

[0.48.0] - 2022-03-16


  • Support for null in scalar filter. e.g. filter: { last_paid: null }. Means missing filter.
  • Add new functions to blockchain root api:
    • account, allows:
      • to fetch account info (e.g. boc) via info field
      • to fetch transaction info via transactions (similar to now deprecated blockchain.account_transactions)
    • blocks (is similar to now deprecated workchain_blocks)
    • transactions (is similar to now deprecated workchain_transactions)


  • blockchain.workchain_blocks. Use blockchain{ blocks } instead.
  • blockchain.workchain_transactions. Use blockchain{ transactions } instead.
  • blockchain.account_transactions. Use blockchain{ account{ transactions } } instead.


  • In blockchain.key_blocks rename seq_no argument to master_seq_no_range.


  • Prepare code for messages joins in TBD blockchain and account messages queries.

[0.47.1] - 2022-03-02


  • X-Evernode-Expected-Account-Boc-Version header handler did not handle lowercase version of the header.

[0.47.0] - 2022-02-28


  • Support X-Evernode-Expected-Account-Boc-Version header. 1 (default) means old version, 2 – new (with init_code_hash field).

  • Support boc1 field in accounts collection. boc field contains new 2 version, boc1 contains downgraded to 1 version.

  • account.init_code_hash – account 's initial code hash (when it was deployed).

[0.46.0] - 2022-02-17


  • Add joined fields to blockchain.account_transactions and blockchain.workchain_transactions:
    • account
    • in_message
    • out_messages


  • when argument in all joined fields (for example, transaction.in_message's when argument)
  • the following root queries:
    • explainQueryAccounts
    • explainQueryTransactions
    • explainQueryMessages
    • explainQueryBlocks
    • explainQueryBlockSignatures
    • explainQueryZerostates
    • getAccountsCount
    • getTransactionsCount
    • getAccountsTotalBalance
  • QueryExplanation type

Check the deprecation schedule, policy and migration guides for more info


  • Collection filters should allow incorrect ids in the setup with multiple hot databases. Example affected query: blocks(filter:{id:{eq:"a"}}) { id }.

[0.45.1] - 2022-02-04


  • Fix recurring join queries when trying to fetch non-existent documents

[0.45.0] - 2021-11-18


  • New blockchain UNSTABLE root query, which features reliable pagination with cursor of blocks and transactions:
    • master_seq_no_range to transform time range into masterchain seq_no range
    • key_blocks - paginate through key blocks
    • workchain_blocks with optional filter by thread (former 'shard')
    • workchain_transactions
    • account_transactions

Later, it will be expanded with messages pagination.


  • Without chain ranges verification database the verified boundary now 10 seconds ago instead of 120.


  • StatsD reporting now has timeout to tackle with rare freeze problem

[0.44.5] - 2021-11-15


  • Bump apollo-server from 2.16.1 to 2.25.3

[0.44.4] - 2021-10-25


  • diagnostic timeout added to statsD reporting
  • "Cannot read property 'length' of null" error

[0.44.3] - 2021-10-25


  • q-server didn't write error messages to log

[0.44.2] - 2021-10-22


  • subscriptions with joins didn't work
  • subscriptions for companion fields (*_name, *_string) didn't work

[0.44.1] - 2021-10-22


  • subscriptions for accounts didn't work

[0.44.0] - 2021-10-11

New schema fields

  • file_hash in block
  • file_hash and root_hash in zerostate
  • ext_in_msg_fee in message


  • API functions sorted in logical order


  • gen_software_capabilities block field is big integer

[0.43.0] - 2021-09-22

New schema fields

  • main (number of masterchain validators) parameter added in ValidatorSet type
  • chain_order fields added in blocks, transactions, messages
  • chainOrderBoundary (the boundary before which no data inserts are possible) field added in info


  • Flexible data sources configuration (including separation/sharding for accounts, blocks, messages/transactions). Old data configurations are deprecated now but supported yet. For details see README.
  • Option to set max execution time for queries on ArangoDb side
  • Option to configure polling period in waitFor queries (queries with timeout)
  • Memjs data cache support for hot databases


  • Joins loading optimisations.
  • Latency refreshing optimisation.
  • Info query optimisation.
  • Better jaeger tracing.
  • When messages database is sharded, use two collections messages and messages_complement for queries
  • New qserver.stats.error.internal StartD counter for internal server errors


  • Subscriptions for sharded data sources

[0.42.1] 2021-08-09


  • Q-Server failed on StatsD sending

[0.42.0] 2021-07-15


  • optimizations for queries with OR – use two simple sorted queries instead of using OR AQL operator.
  • filter-or-conversion option to select filter OR conversion strategy (see README).
  • ESLINT configuration and npm commands run npm eslint and run npm eslint-fix.

[0.41.0] 2021-07-08


  • config config parameter added that allows to specify the configuration via JSON-based config file
  • config file reload without restart on SIGHUP signal
  • optimizations for aggregation queries MIN and MAX were made – use simple sorted queries instead of COLLECT AGGREGATE.
  • port q-server code base to TypeScript

[0.40.0] 2021-06-28


  • slow-queries config parameter allows specifying how to handle slow queries (see README for details).
  • IMPORTANT! zerostates collection must reside in mut database (where the accounts reside).


  • Incorrect sort order result when sorting fields are not included into the result set.
  • Query returned more than limit records (and exceeded records were sorted wrong).

[0.39.3] 2021-06-18


  • incorrect sort order result when sorting by two or more fields.

[0.39.2] 2021-06-16


  • info query returned incorrect latency

[0.39.1] 2021-05-26


  • info query failed if collections was empty

[0.39.0] 2021-05-14


  • info fields
    • blocksLatency calculated as now() - max(blocks.gen_utime)
    • messagesLatency calculated as now() - max(messages.created_at)
    • transactionsLatency calculated as now() - max(
    • latency calculated as max(blocks_latency, messages_latency, transactions_latency)
  • statsd-reset-interval config parameter. Q-Server will recreate statsd socket periodically if this parameter is specified. 0 means disabled recreation.


  • querying of the lastBlockTime and latency fields took a long time over big collections during write loads. AQL queries used for max time were simplified (got rid of COLLECT AGGREGATE).

[0.38.0] 2021-04-26


  • Now you can retrieve account's code_hash from messages and transactions in the result set of fields: joined account fields were added to messages and transactions: messages.src_account , messages.dst_account, transaction.account. Remember, you can not filter by fields of joined objects.


  • Some queries took a long time for execution. For example messages query with dst_transaction for the external outbound message if msg_type wasn't included into the result set.

[0.37.0] 2021-04-19


  • lastBlockTime field of info query returns MAX(blocks.gen_utime). This value is updated in realtime.


  • counterparties sort order was ascending.

[0.36.0] 2021-04-13


  • counterpaties query that allows to retrieve account counterparties, i.e. accounts that the account interacted with, sorted by last interaction (internal message between accounts) time
  • counterparties subscription that allows to get updates in counterparties list.
  • data-counterparties configuration parameter specifies endpoint to the database with counterparties collection.

[0.35.0] 2021-03-23


  • requests-max-size config parameter sets limit of request message size in bytes. Default value is 16384 bytes.

0.34.1 – Mar 11, 2021


  • Aggregation of fields with negative values.

0.34.0 – Mar 2, 2021


  • boc field in zerostate collection.

0.33.0 – Feb 25, 2021


  • bits, cells and public_cells fields in accounts collection representing account used storage statistics for storage fee calculation.

0.32.0 – Feb 16, 2021


  • qserver.subscription.count StatsD counter.
  • Filters for fields with a hex encoded content (id's, hashes and so on) can be represented in any case. Q-Server converts filter values into lower case before use.

0.31.2 – Jan 28, 2021


  • notIn with more than two elements generates wrong AQL condition.

0.31.1 – Jan 27, 2021


  • id notIn was detected as a fast.

0.31.0 – Jan 12, 2021


  • Fields in the schema are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • When the server responds with the timeout termination error, in addition to the error message server attaches the reason why this query was detected as a slow.
  • explainQuery* queries that examine the provided query parameters and return the conclusion – is this query fast or potentially slow. In case when the query is marked as slow, the additional information is provided about the reasons why this query is slow.


  • Before: if query timeout was triggered before the db responded, the client would receive a successful result with an empty result set. Now: in this situation the client will receive error " request terminated due to timeout".
  • Before: Q-Server crashed if statsd endpoint was unavailable. Now: StatsD socket recreates on statsd sending error.
  • Tailing comma is ignored in ArangoDB configuration string.

0.30.0 – Dec 15, 2020


  • info.endpoints field returns list of alternative endpoints

0.29.2 – Nov 13, 2020


  • ZerostateAccount schema info

0.29.1 – Nov 13, 2020


  • zerostates uses immutable database

0.29.0 – Nov 13, 2020


  • zerostates query to access blockchain Zero State.

0.28.7 – Nov 10, 2020


  • Update node-fetch version to 2.6.1

0.28.6 – Oct 24, 2020


  • MemcachedClient: use hashedKey constructed from fingerprint of cold collection sizes
  • MemcachedClient: hotUpdate fingerprint on mutator dropCachedDbInfo

0.28.5 – Oct 20, 2020


  • crash when subscription filter is invalid.
  • aggregation of empty set failed when it runs over partitioned data.

0.28.4 – Oct 19, 2020


  • MemcachedClient: by using memjs library

0.28.3 – Oct 18, 2020


  • MaxListenersExceededWarning in case when more than 6 joined objects in result.

0.28.2 – Oct 6, 2020


  • Size limit for external messages (60000).

0.28.1 – Sep 15, 2020


  • Aggregation functions worked wrong on partitioned data.

0.28.0 – Aug 15, 2020


  • Request broker that supports new gate-node arch (hot-dbs, cold-cache, cold-dbs).


  • False execution of subscriptions that had some_big_int_field: { ne: null } in filter.

0.27.9 – Aug 21, 2020


  • acc_type field in Account expanded with NonExist status

0.27.8 – Aug 12, 2020


  • mam mutation dropCachedDbInfo to reset cached indexes.


  • Update indexes retries if index creation has failed on the timeout.
  • Basic Debian image updated from "Stretch" to "Buster" to meet dependencies.

0.27.7 – Jul 31, 2020


  • Release resources associated with aborted GraphQL requests.

0.27.6 – Jul 27, 2020


  • StatsD counter qserver.start with additional tag {version=package.json.version}.

0.27.5 – Jul 23, 2020


  • Slow detector must detects queries like FILTER workchain_id == -1 SORT seq_no DESC as a fast query.

0.27.4 – Jul 20, 2020


  • Field state_hash in accounts collection

0.27.3 – Jul 16, 2020


  • Add message tracing at: 1) post request 2) db notification / message has inserted

0.27.2 – Jul 8, 2020


  • Field created_by in blocks.


  • Query builder generates reduced RETURN section according to the result set requested by user.

0.27.1 – Jun 16, 2020


  • Queries like { signatures: { any: { node_id: { in: ["1", "2"] } } } } generates optimized AQL like (doc.signatures[*].node_id IN @v1) OR (doc.signatures[*].node_id IN @v2).

0.27.0 – Jun 3, 2020


  • Support for signed numbers encoded with strings.

  • Field balance_delta and balance_delta_other of Transaction.

  • when arg to join fields – ability to include joined objects into result set only if some conditions met.

    In following example we return dst_transaction only for messages with value greater than zero:

    query {
        messages {
            dst_transaction(timeout: 0, when: { value: { gt: "0" } }) {
  • Unit test infrastructure is now suitable for TDD. It starts q-server and performs graphql queries during tests.

    ⚠️ Important to CI: you must run tests in environment correctly configured to start q-server connected to valid Arangodb with enough for tests set of data. You can configure q-server using env variables due to README.


  • Unix time strings now correctly show unix seconds.

0.26.3 – May 7, 2020


  • Fields Block.key_field and Block.boc.
  • Field expireAt in post requests.
  • Field time in info query.
  • src_transaction will wait only when messages.created_lt !== 0 (because there is no transaction for such messages).


  • master config p20, p21, p18 fields types

0.26.2 – May 6, 2020


  • master config p17 field sizes

0.26.1 – May 4, 2020


  • Aggregates on nested array fields failed with value.substr is not function.
  • Slow detector for MIN MAX aggregates must use a specified field as order by to detect fast query.
  • Indexes reloaded from db first time on demand and then every 1 hour.
  • Config p17 stake types.

0.26.0 – May 2, 2020


  • companion fields *_string for fields that holds unix time values
  • timeout argument (default to 40sec) to all join fields (used to wait joined document in condition of eventual consistency)
  • companion fields *_hash containing BOC root hash for code, data and library fields in accounts and messages
  • qserver.query.failed - statsd counter for failed queries
  • qserver.query.slow - statsd counter for slow queries
  • - statsd counter for node requests
  • - statsd counter for failed node requests
  • Q_KEEP_ALIVE configuration parameter specify interval in ms of keep alive messages for active subscriptions (default 60000).


  • array any filter with single field eq operator optimized to <param> IN <path-to-field> AQL
  • aggregate with empty filter and single COUNT uses RETURN LENGTH(<collection>)


  • fixed seq_no field in BlockSignatures (it contained shard ident before), added correct shard field.
  • aggregation functions must return null when no data to aggregate (was [Object object])

0.25.0 – Apr 17, 2020


  • Schema graph enhancements
  • Filter language enhancements

Breaking Compatibility

  • some ENV configuration variables have renamed (to be prefixed with Q_).


  • block join added to Message, Transaction, and BlockSignatures
  • OR combination operator in filters
  • Added new fields (gen_utime, seq_no, workchain_id, proof, validator_list_hash_short , catchain_seqno, sig_weight) into BlockSignatures
  • aggregation queries: aggregateBlockSignatures, aggregateBlocks, aggregateTransactions , aggregateMessages, aggregateAccounts
  • --statsd-tags (Q_STATSD_TAGS) config parameter to specify additional tags


  • all configuration env variables changed to be prefixed with Q_

0.24.9 – Apr 13, 2020


  • internal memory optimizations
  • jaeger injection format has changed from BINARY to TEXT_MAP


  • shuffle_mc_validators field to CatchainConfig struct (config param 28)
  • new_catchain_ids field to ConsensusConfig struct (config param 29)
  • jaeger endpoint without protocol part will use agent instead of collector.

0.24.8 – Apr 9, 2020



  • supported new type of outbound message dequeueShort (msg_type: 7): added fields msg_env_hash , next_workchain, next_addr_pfx, import_block_lt to OutMsg type.

0.24.7 – Apr 8, 2020


StatsD support


  • --statsd-server parameter (Q_STATSD_SERVER env) config option to specify StatsD server address
  • qserver.doc.count, qserver.query.count, qserver.query.time, statsd metrics

0.24.6 – Apr 5, 2020


Stability fixes


  • slow queries detector use filter and orderBy analysis
  • fixed string format for big numbers
  • change arangochair dependency to forked version (cause of dropped original repository)
  • type of total_weight and weight fixed to u64

0.24.5 – Mar 27, 2020


Stability fixes


  • operationId parameter to query methods
  • finishOperations mutation


  • inactive listeners were reduced with help of operation ids
  • subscriptions with arrays crash

0.24.4 – Mar 20, 2020


Scheme enhancements Security fixes


  • all big number fields can be optionally parametrized with format argument HEX (default) or DEC.
  • Message contains new joined fields src_transaction (from where this message was originated) and dst_transaction (where this message was handled).
  • --mam-access-keys and MAM_ACCESS_KEYS config to protect mam endpoint.
  • all queries and mutations inside single GraphQL request must use the same access key.


  • change type of transaction_id to string
  • auth parameter of subscription changed to accessKey
  • invalid accessKey treated by subscribe as a valid key
  • all internal errors are logged as is but converted to Service temporary unavailable before sending to client
  • server side stack traces are truncated before sending to client
  • waitFor 2 minute limit timeout has been removed

0.24.3 – Mar 2, 2020


Stability fixes


  • min_shard_gen_utime and max_shard_gen_utime fields in block.master


  • joined objects returned as null if joined object inserted in DB later than parent object.

0.24.2 – Feb 19, 2020


Ability to set restrictions to accounts for particular access keys


  • accessKey optional header used instead of authorization.
  • keys passed to registerAccessKeys as structures (instead of strings) and include restrictToAccounts optional field


  • message & transaction ids in out_msg_descr

0.24.1 – Feb 11, 2020


  • --trace-service (or Q_TRACE_SERVICE env) specify service name that will be used in jaeger.
  • --trace-tags (or Q_TRACE_TAGS env) specify additional tags associated with a spans.

0.24.0 - Feb 10, 2020


  • Auth support


  • --auth-endpoint (or AUTH_ENDPOINT env) config option. Specify address of auth service.
  • authorization optional header added to specify access token.
  • accessKey optional parameter added to all GraphQL queries to specify access token in GraphQL playground.
  • getManagementAccessKey query one time management access key.
  • registerAccessKeys mutation to register account's access keys.
  • revokeAccessKeys mutation to revoke account's access keys.

0.23.0 - Feb 5, 2020


  • OpenTracing (jaeger) support
  • workchain_id field added alongside with account address to accounts.workchain_id , transactions.workchain_id, messages.src_workchain_id, messages.dst_workchain_id
  • field prev_key_block_seqno into blocks collection

0.22.0 - January 22, 2020


  • Support for redirecting slow queries to alternative db connection.
  • In scalar operations undefined (or missing) value is treated as null.


  • Skip execution of queries with false filter.