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Papers |
papers |
{% assign pubs = page.sorted %} {% for pubyear in (2005..2020) reversed %} {% for p in %} {% if[0][0] == pubyear %} {% assign pubs = pubs | push: p %} {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% for p in pubs %} {% if page.featured contains %} {% include bibentry.html %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% for p in pubs %}{% if p.type == "report" %} {% include bibentry.html %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% for p in pubs %}{% if p.type == "article-journal" %} {% include bibentry.html %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% for p in pubs %} {% if p.type == "reference-entry"%} {% include bibentry.html %} {% endif %} {% if p.type == "chapter"%} {% include bibentry.html %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% comment %}
T. Poisot (2012) L'ABC de la spécialisation: apparition, biodiversité, conservation. Le Prisme à Idées 4, 49-52. Vulgarization paper in French for the special issue From uncertainty to risk. [pdf]( {{ site.url }}/reprints/poisot_prisme_abc.pdf).
P. Desjardins-Proulx, T. Poisot, & D. Gravel (2012). A simple algorithm to study phylogeographies & speciation patterns in space. ArXiV. [pdf]({{ site.url }}/reprints/phdp_arxiv_wagner.pdf).
P.S. Jørgensen, V. Bonhomme, T.H.G. Ezard, R.A. Hayes, T. Poisot, R. Salguero-gomez, S. Vizzini, N. Zimmerman. (2011) A global network of next generation ecologists. INTECOL Bulletin 5 (2) 4-6. [pdf]({{ site.url }}/reprints/jorgensen_intecol_innge.pdf).
T. Poisot (2011) The digitize Package: Extracting Numerical Data from Scatterplots. The R Journal 3 (1) 25–26. [pdf]({{ site.url }}/reprints/poisot_rjournal_digitize.pdf), R package.
T. Poisot, A. Simková, P. Hyrsl & S. Morand (2009) Interactions between immunocompetence, somatic condition and parasitism in the chub Leuciscus cephalus in early spring. Journal of Fish Biology 75 (7) 1667-1682. [pdf]({{ site.url }}/reprints/poisot_jfishb_chub.pdf).
Hart et al.
Mattias phage thing
Morand Nunn
Desjardins Proulx arxiv
{% endcomment %}