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Releases: etsy/open-api

3.0.0 General Release 2024-02-05

05 Feb 16:58
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To help protect shoppers’ privacy, we put some additional limits on the buyer info we share via the Etsy API. It only affects buyer_email address field: most applications will not see this field returned in the responses of the endpoints anymore. Only in rare cases is this information included.

This change does not impact your API key’s ability to leverage the Etsy API. It will only affect if the buyer_email address field is returned in the responses of the endpoints. If your application is not authorized to access this field, the endpoint will still return responses as normal, without this field being present in the response.

3.0.0 General Release 2024-01-26

26 Jan 19:36
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Bug Fixes:

  • Change ShopReceipt payment_email field to nullable.

3.0.0 General Release 2024-01-18

18 Jan 15:43
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Addressed a bug in the documentation missing the “nulll” label for nullable fields. If your application generates models from the OAS schema, please regenerate them using the latest version.

3.0.0 General Release 2023-12-19

19 Dec 15:41
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  • Updated ShopListing.getListing to better explain why an error might be occurring. Now, in some scenarios a 422 will be returned with additional information as opposed to just a generic 500 error.

3.0.0 General Release 2023-12-11

11 Dec 14:46
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  • We have updated the response of ShopListing.getListing to accurately reflect the translation field as a key-value map as intended. Now, when the value is not empty, a map of all supported languages returned. Languages without a translation will be mapped to null, while languages with translations will be mapped to their appropriate values. If the value is empty, a map of all supported languages is returned, all keyed to null. Please see updated documentation for examples.

3.0.0 General Release 2023-08-08

09 Aug 18:29
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  • Prevent client's from deleting all listing images. Listings must have at least one image.

3.0.0 General Release 2023-06-15

20 Jun 15:47
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  • Shops located in countries that are members of the EU, EEA and Switzerland are now eligible to set policy_additional data on the Shop via the updateShop api endpoint.

3.0.0 General Release 2023-05-31

31 May 20:32
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Breaking changes


  • was_canceled filter added - With a value of true, only canceled receipts are returned. With a value of false only non-canceled receipts are returned. By default, all receipts are returned.
  • status values added: fully refunded and partially refunded


  • alt_text input field is now limited to 250 characters; an error will occur if this length is exceeded

3.0.0 General Release 2023-04-18

19 Apr 19:13
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We are adding a new boolean filter; was_canceled to the getShopReceipts endpoint. The behavior is as follows:

if true, the endpoint will only return the canceled receipts.
if false, the endpoint will only return non-canceled receipts.
If null, the endpoint will return all receipts, including those with a canceled status.

For the time being, in order to immediate need of canceled receipts in a non-breaking way, if you do not provide a value, the value will default to false and the endpoint will only return non-canceled receipts. This mimics the endpoint's current behavior.

We plan to release an update soon that will change the default value of this flag to null, which will have a breaking change. More on that in the coming weeks.

3.0.0 General Release 2023-04-06

07 Apr 20:25
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  • Adds optional policy_additional parameter to the updateShop endpoint. This parameter should be used to update a shop's additional policy. Please note that the policy_additional parameter should only be set for shops located in the EU. Passing a value for this parameter for shops outside of the EU, will result in an error.