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Cooked Validators

Build Cardano transactions and interact with your Plutus validators. Enables you to write the first layer of your off-chain code as if you were using the Contract monad, but provides property-based tests at the transaction level.

A Quick Example

Say you followed the tutorial on the Split contract up to and including the "Defining the validator script" section. At the end, you should have a splitValidator function that executes the on-chain part of the Split contract.

Now, in order to interact with that contract, we need to write the off-chain code that generates and sends the necessary transactions to the blockchain. We can do part of that with cooked-validators, in a very similar fashion to how we would do it in the Contract monad. Instead of relying on the Contract monad directly, though, we will use an arbitrary monad that is an instance of MonadBlockChain.

Locking funds is trivial, all we need to do is send the amount of funds we wish to lock to the script:

txLock :: (MonadBlockChain m) => SplitDatum -> m ()
txLock datum = void $ validateTxConstr
      [PaysScript splitValidator datum (Pl.lovelaceValueOf $ Split.amount datum)]

Note how txLock is defined for an arbitrary m such that MonadBlockChain m. In particular, it is defined for Contract, for MockChain, and also for StagedMockChain, which is what we will be using for testing our splitValidator.

Unlocking funds is a little more interesting. To keep things simple we will unlock the first split datum which we're a recipient of.

txUnlock :: (MonadBlockChain m) => m ()
txUnlock = do
  pkh <- ownPaymentPubKeyHash
  (output, datum@(Split.SplitDatum r1 r2 amount)) : _ <-
    scriptUtxosSuchThat splitValidator (isARecipient pkh)
  let half = div amount 2
  void $ validateTxConstr
      [ SpendsScript script () (output, datum),
        PaysPK r1 (Pl.lovelaceValueOf $ half),
        PaysPK r2 (Pl.lovelaceValueOf $ amount - half)

Here, we first get our own pubkey hash, then we select the first output that belong to splitValidator such that we are a recipient. If there is no such output, the pattern-match will fail and we will return an error. The isARecipient predicate is defined as:

isARecipient :: Pl.PubKeyHash -> SplitDatum -> a -> Bool
isARecipient pkh datum _ = pkh `elem` [recipient1 datum, recipient2 datum]

These two functions are what we could call the core of the user interface of splitValidator. In fact, we can use them as is to be our endpoints:

endpoints :: (AsContractError e) => Promise w SplitSchema e ()
endpoints = endpoint @"lock" (txLock . mkSplitData)
   `select` endpoint @"unlock" (const txUnlock)
  where mkSplitData :: LockArgs -> SplitDatum

And, because Contract w s e is an instance of MonadBlockChain, thats all there is to it, you can just reuse your MonadBlockChain code without any modifications. But we're not interested in just using it. We also want to make sure that our contract implementation is correct.


When writing tests we're often interested in interacting with our validators from the perspective of multiple wallets. That is where the MonadMockChain class comes in handy. It provides us with the means to execute some tr :: (MonadBlockChain m) => m () from different wallets. For instance:

-- Some contract functionality that gets used as part of
-- the production off-chain code
tr :: (MonadBlockChain m) => m ()
tr = do ...

-- In a testing scenario, runs @tr@ from Bob's wallet.
trByBob :: (MonadMockChain m) => m ()
trByBob = tr `as` bobWallet

Unit Tests

Let us start by writing a unit test that exercises our splitValidator and ensures that the execution succeeds:

test1 :: TestTree
test1 = testCase "Simple trace succeeds" $ testSucceeds $ do
  txLock lockParams `as` wallet 1
  txUnlock `as` wallet 2
  lockParams = SplitDatum (walletPKHash $ wallet 2) (walletPKHash $ wallet 3) 2_000_000

Here, we're executing txLock lockParams from wallet 1's point of view, where we lock 2 ada to be split amongst wallets 2 and 3, then we attempt to unlock as wallet 2. Our expectation is that this should possible, hence we use testSucceeds which ensures that all the transactions in that trace succeeded. It is worth noting that we are using the same txLock and txUnlock that we used to create our endpoints, but instantiated to a different type when testing.

Property-based Tests

Going from unit tests to property-based tests requires nothing but standard QuickCheck: we use Test.QuickCheck.forAll to generate some parameters then specify our test using the combinators from Cooked.MockChain.Testing.

Say that we wanted to lift test1 above to a property-based test. We could do so by writing a Test1Params record, then writing a function that maps a Test1Params into a MonadMockChain. To make the code snippet shorter, lets use a 4-tuple instead of defining a custom record:

test2 :: TestTree
test2 = testProperty "Arbitrary simple trace succeeds" $
    forAll genParam $ \(w1, w2, amm, w') -> testSucceeds $ do
      let lockParams = SplitDatum (walletPKHash w1) (walletPKHash w2) amm
      txLock lockParams `as` w1
      txUnlock `as` w'
  genParams = do
    w1  <-  wallet <$> choose (1, 9)
    w2  <- (wallet <$> choose (1, 9)) `suchThat` (/= w1)
    amm <- choose (2_000_000, 4_000_000) -- must be at least minAdaPerUTxO
    w'  <- oneOf [w1, w2]
    return (w1, w2, amm, w')

Which conveniently provides us with a Tx-level property-based test to check the correctness of our splitValidator. Also worth noting here is that we're using the same testSucceeds predicate, which in this case returns a Test.QuickCheck.Property. In fact, testSucceeds has type (IsProp prop) => StagedMockChain a -> prop and lives under Cooked.MockChain.Testing. All of the predicate combinators in that module can be used with both Test.HUnit and Test.QuickCheck since we have two IsProp Assertion and IsProp Property instances.

Next Steps

The cooked-validators library can do much more than what was shown in this quick introduction, we invite the interested parties to check the test for our examples contracts for more.


When writing functions with cooked-validators, the developer should follow some important guidelines to make sure that the code remains testable. For example, it is strongly advised to not use guard in your MonadBlockChain functions. This could prevent a function from even sending a transaction which, although it might be what you want from a user-interface point of view, we certainly want to send malformed transactions to study and test how the actual validators react. Instead, split your off-chain code in (at least) two layers:

txAction :: (MonadMockChain m) => ActionParms -> m ()
txAction x = do
  utxos <- findRelevantUTxos
  ... -- compute some relevant datums
  void $ validateTxConstr $
    [ PaysScript ...
    , SpendsPK ...

action :: ActionParms -> Contract w s ContractError ()
action x = guard (validParms x) >> txAction x

In this case, we can write expressive tests that execute some action even with potentially malformed parameters, by using txAction. We only check for some internal consistency when defining the actual code that will be used as part of our user interface.

Using cooked-validators

If you want to build cooked-validators, please follow the instructions to set up your environment.

For using cooked-validators in your project, you can add the following to your cabal.project file:

 type: git
 tag: <whatever-tag-or-commit-you-want>