This project was developed using Python 3.8. It is recommended to install this repository in a virtual environment. Make sure you have Python 3.8 installed on your machine. Then, initialize your virtual environment in this folder, for example via the command
python3.8 -m venv .venv
You can activate the virtual environment via the command
source .venv/bin/activate
The package can be installed via the command
pip install -e .
If you want to run the experiments/
script, you need access to the OpenAI API. The code expects two environment variables to be set: OPENAI_API_KEY
If you want to simply test the performance of the trained model on the ECHR testset, run the following command.
python experiments/
In order to create paraphrases of legal facts stored in the ECHR format, run the following command.
python experiments/ --mode create_paraphrases --subset_type logit_equal_distribution --subset_size 494 --num_attacks_per_case 10 --attack_most_important_fact
The paraphrased legal cases can be classified using the following command. The file_path
argument should point to the file created in the previous step.
python experiments/ --file_path data/subsets/ECHR19_subset_logit_equal_distribution_size_494_with_attention_weights_extended_11_attacks_per_case.json
Finally, the plots can be created using the following command. The result_path
argument should point to the file created in the previous step.
python experiments/ --data_type paraphrasing_facts --experiment_type summary_plot_sensitivity --num_facts_per_case all --num_paraphrases_per_fact all --result_path data/subsets/ECHR19_subset_logit_equal_distribution_size_494_with_attention_weights_extended_11_attacks_per_case_results.json --save_plot