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op-node, op-batcher, op-proposer v1.4.3

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@sebastianst sebastianst released this 26 Jan 10:03
· 2668 commits to develop since this release

❗ This is a strongly recommended update of op-node. It brings back an important receipts validation check to the op-node, which was disabled since December '23 when the trustrpc option was set to true. There have been numerous reports of L1 rpc endpoints returning incomplete receipt lists, which could lead to localized chain splits without receipts validation. With this release, trustrpc can again safely be set to true.

Also improves some logging in the transaction manager (used by op-batcher & op-proposer).

Partial Changelog

Affecting op-batcher & op-proposer

Affecting op-node

Full Monorepo Changelog: v1.4.2...op-batcher/v1.4.3

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