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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"op-challenger": "Configure Challenger For Your Chain",
- "op-conductor": "op-conductor",
+ "op-conductor": "Conductor",
+ "op-deployer": "Deployer",
"explorer": "Block Explorer"
diff --git a/pages/builders/chain-operators/tools/op-deployer.mdx b/pages/builders/chain-operators/tools/op-deployer.mdx
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+title: Deployer
+lang: en-US
+tags: ["op-deployer","eng-platforms"]
+description: Learn how op-deployer can simplify deployment of the OP Stack.
+import {Callout, Steps} from 'nextra/components'
+# Deployer
+`op-deployer` simplifies the process of deploying the OP Stack. It works similarly to [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io). Like Terraform, you define a declarative config file called an "intent," then run a
+command to apply the intent to your chain. `op-deployer` will compare the state of your chain against the intent,
+and make whatever changes are necessary for them to match.
+## Installation
+`op-deployer` is currently under active development, and must be compiled from source. Assuming you have the Go
+toolchain installed, you can install `op-deployer` by following these steps:
+ ### **Clone the Monorepo**:
+ Run the following command to clone the monorepo:
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism.git
+ ```
+ ### **Build the Binary**:
+ Run the following commands to build the binary:
+ ```bash
+ cd op-chain-ops
+ make op-deployer
+ ```
+ ### (Optional) Move `op-deployer` Into `$PATH`
+ Run the following command to move the `op-deployer` binary into your `$PATH`. Note that the path for your system
+ may be different:
+ ```bash
+ sudo mv ./bin/op-deployer /usr/local/bin/op-deployer
+ ```
+## Usage
+### Configuring your Chain
+To get started with `op-deployer`, you need to create an intent file that outlines your desired chain configuration. You can use the built-in `op-deployer` utility to generate this file. Just run the following command to create an example intent file for a development chain:
+op-deployer init --l1-chain-id 11155111 --l2-chain-ids 12345 --workdir .deployer
+This command will create a directory called `.deployer` in your current working directory containing the intent file
+and an empty `state.json` file. `state.json` is populated with the results of your deployment, and never needs to
+be edited directly.
+Your intent file will look something like this:
+l1ChainID = 11155111 # The chain ID of the L1 chain you'll be deploying to
+fundDevAccounts = true # Whether or not to fund dev accounts using the test... junk mnemonic on L2.
+contractsRelease = "op-contracts/v1.6.0" # The version of the smart contracts to deploy.
+# List of L2s to deploy. op-deployer can deploy multiple L2s at once
+# Your chain's ID, encoded as a 32-byte hex string
+id = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003039"
+# Various ownership roles for your chain. When you use op-deployer init, these roles are generated using the
+# test... junk mnemonic. You should replace these with your own addresses for production chains.
+proxyAdminOwner = "0x7759a8a43aa6a7ee9434ddb597beed64180c40fd"
+systemConfigOwner = "0x8e35d9523a0c4c9ac537d254079c2398c6f3b35f"
+governanceTokenOwner = "0x7759a8a43aa6a7ee9434ddb597beed64180c40fd"
+unsafeBlockSigner = "0xbb19dce4ce51f353a98dbab31b5fa3bc80dc7769"
+batcher = "0x0e9c62712ab826e06b16b2236ce542f711eaffaf"
+proposer = "0x86dfafe0689e20685f7872e0cb264868454627bc"
+challenger = "0xf1658da627dd0738c555f9572f658617511c49d5"
+See the code comments above for explanations of each field. By default, `op-deployer` will fill in all other configuration variables
+with those that match our standard config. You can override these defaults by adding them to your intent file, but
+that won't be covered here.
+### Applying your Intent
+Now that you've created your intent file, you can apply it to your chain:
+op-deployer apply --workdir .deployer --l1-rpc-url --private-key
+Hardware wallets are not supported, but you can use ephemeral hot wallets since this deployer key has no privileges.
+This command will deploy the OP Stack to L1. It will deploy all L2s specified in the intent file. Superchain
+configuration will be set to the Superchain-wide defaults - i.e., your chain will be opted into the [Superchain pause](https://specs.optimism.io/protocol/superchain-configuration.html#pausability)
+and will use the same [protocol versions](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/specs/blob/main/specs/protocol/superchain-upgrades.md)
+address as other chains on the Superchain.
+### Generating Genesis Files
+With the contracts deployed, you can generate a genesis file for any of your L2s. Run the following command to do so:
+./bin/op-deployer inspect genesis --outfile genesis.json
+This will write the genesis file to `genesis.json`. You can change the `--outfile` parameter to write it somewhere
+else. You can run another member of the `inspect` family, `rollup`, to get the `rollup.json` file:
+./bin/op-deployer inspect rollup --outfile rollup.json
+## More Information
+`op-deployer` uses the OP Contracts Manager (OPCM) under the hood to deploy contracts.
+## Next Steps
+* For more details, check out the tool and documentation in the [op-deployer repository](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/tree/develop/op-chain-ops/cmd/op-deployer).
+* For more information on OP Contracts Manager, refer to the [OPCM documentation](/stack/opcm).
diff --git a/pages/stack/_meta.json b/pages/stack/_meta.json
index a56d9ee02..e2e98fa27 100644
--- a/pages/stack/_meta.json
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@@ -8,5 +8,10 @@
"protocol": "Protocol",
"transactions": "Transactions",
"security": "Security",
- "operators": "Operators"
+ "operators": "Operators",
+ "--- Experimental": {
+ "title": "Experimental",
+ "type": "separator"
+ },
+ "opcm": "OP Contracts Manager"
diff --git a/pages/stack/opcm.mdx b/pages/stack/opcm.mdx
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+title: OP Contracts Manager
+lang: en-US
+tags: ["opcm","eng-security"]
+description: Learn how OP Contracts Manager deploys of the OP Stack with one transaction.
+import { Callout, Tabs, Steps } from 'nextra/components'
+# OP Contracts Manager
+The OP Contracts Manager is a contract that deploys the L1 contracts for an OP Stack chain in a single transaction. It provides a minimal set of user-configurable parameters to ensure that the resulting chain meets the standard configuration requirements.
+The version deployed is always a governance-approved contract release. The set of governance approved contract releases can be found on the Optimism Monorepo releases page, and is the set of releases named `op-contracts/vX.Y.Z`.
+## Purpose
+OPCM simplifies the L1 contract deployments for new OP Stack chains. It addresses three aspects of deploying the OP Stack's L1 contracts:
+1. **Deploy Superchain Contracts.** Superchain contracts are shared between many OP chains, so this occurs only occasionally in production.
+2. **Deploy Shared Implementation Contracts.** This occurs once per contracts release in production.
+3. **Deploy OP Chain Contracts.** This occurs for every OP chain deployment in production.
+In a future iteration, it also is meant to handle upgrading the smart contracts.
+## Learn more
+* Checkout the [OPCM specs](https://specs.optimism.io/experimental/op-contracts-manager.html)
+* Checkout the [OPCM design document](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/design-docs/blob/main/protocol/op-contracts-manager-arch.md)
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