layout | title | description | keywords | permalink |
default |
POAP Graveyard |
A collection of designs that never made the big leagues. |
poap, poaps, rocket, pool, rpl |
/poap-graveyard/ |
{%- assign fileArray = "" | split: "," -%} {%- for image in site.static_files -%} {%- if image.path contains 'img/poaps/abandoned' -%} {%- assign fileArray = fileArray | push: image -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- assign fileArray = fileArray | reverse -%}
<script type="text/javascript"> const fileArray = {{fileArray | jsonify}}; </script>A collection of designs that never made the big leagues.
Total Fallen: {{fileArray.size}}
Did we miss one? Submit here
{%- for file in fileArray -%}
{%- endfor -%}