This is a very minimal example of demonstrating how Phoenix and RethinkDB can work together to create a collaborative editor. It intentionally glosses over a lot things (user registration, document creation, etc.) to simplfy the demonstration.
You can see a video of it in action here:
brew install rethinkdb
mix deps.get
npm install
mix phoenix.server
Visit localhost:4000/documents/init in your browser. This will
initialize two documents in the DB.
Now visit localhost:4000/documents and pick a document
(e.g. http://localhost:4000/documents/show?id=a48ead01-47f8-4e0a-9742-f8a02437b6c3
Add a query param to specify your user:
Now open up more windows while changing the user:
Type in one of the windows and notice how the content in all the windows is updated.