Time format | Example of where used | Explanation of format | Type (flatbuffers) |
Nanoseconds past epoch | Event schema | Nanoseconds since Unix epoch (1 Jan 1970), requires 64 bit integer | long |
ISO 8601 | NeXus files | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO\_8601, UTC for NeXus | string |
EPICS timestamp | EPICS PVs | Struct of seconds since 1 Jan 1990 and nanoseconds past that | struct (long, int) |
def nanoseconds_to_iso8601(nanoseconds):
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(nanoseconds / 1e9)
return '{}{:03.0f}'.format(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%f'), nanoseconds % 1e3)
int64_t epicsToNanosecsPastEpoch(int64_t epicsSeconds, int32_t epicsNanoseconds) {
// You must be explicit about type here (hence the "L" suffix) or C++ will happily
// convert your constants to double, which will mess up the calculation.
std::int64_t unixSeconds = epicsSeconds + 631152000L;
std::int64_t nanosecondsPastEpoch = (unixSeconds * 1000000000L) + epicsNanoseconds;
return nanosecondsPastEpoch;