Transfer tokens to multiple addresses in a single transaction
Networks currently support:Cosmos, Osmosis, Juno, Stargaze, Akash, chihuahua, Crescent and Evmos
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Open the folder
cd distribute
- Install packages and dependencies
npm install
- Start the dev server
npm run dev
- Donations:
- ETH/BNB/XDAI: 0x434DCffCF7dABd48B284860C27ebd184C91341F5
- Cosmos: cosmos1q23hjqp3fv3v2fjxp3zvknelx53qfc4v6uzq6w
- Stake with My Validator "ericet" on Evmos, Rebus, Stride, Canto, Likecoin, Desmos, etc
钱包地址:0x434DCffCF7dABd48B284860C27ebd184C91341F5, 各链通用.