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Calculation of the freezing point of CO2

Even Solbraa edited this page May 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

See the frezzingCO2.m script. The freezing point of CO2 of a fluid can be calculated using the method freezt.

The calculation is done in the following steps:

1. Create a fluid including CO2

A fluid can be created using the thermo method (or alternatively using the Java object creator directly). THe following script creates a fluid using SrK-EoS and seting an initial temperature and pressure of 250.0 Kelvin and 20.0 bara.The classic mixing rule with a binary kij is selected.

system1 = thermo('srk', 250.0, 20.0); % EoS / Temperature [Kelvin] / Pressure [bara] system1.addComponent('methane', 90.0); system1.addComponent('CO2', 10.0); system1.setMixingRule('classic');

2. Specify the solid component

The potential solid component is set by the command:


3. Run the freezing point calculation

The freezing point of CO2 of a fluid is calculated using the freezt method.
