Bridging ecosystems by storing Zero-knowledge proofs of Solana votes on the Aleo blockchain.
Aleo is a toolkit for private computation that utilizes zero-knowledge proofs stored on a blockchain.
Solana is a blockchain based on a distributing voting system for validation.
By storing periodic zero-knowledge proofs of the Solana votes on the Aleo blockchain, it is possible to create a two-way bridge between Solana, Aleo, and potentially any other system that is able to verify the proofs.
Eclipse is written in Rust, and therefore uses the Rust toolchain.
We need to compile the Eclipse version of the Solana Node.
For PoC purpose, the easiest way is to compile the Solana-test-validator
In our Solana forked repository root, run
./scripts/ .
Then you can run the Solana-test-validator
./bin/solana-test-validator -r --log
Details found here on the solana-test-validator
Note: help trace by setting flag:
export RUST_LOG=solana_runtime::system_instruction_processor=trace,solana_runtime::message_processor=trace,solana_bpf_loader=trace,solana_rbpf=trace
Now compile the on-chain programs. Under the /programs/aleo-verifier
by cargo build-bpf --sdk=<path to solana>/sdk/bpf
. This will output files in
and /target/deploy/
Then use the previously compiled Eclipse version of the solana binary to deploy the program. In the Solana repository:
./bin/solana program deploy <>
./bin/solana program deploy <>
Take a note of the program-id logged here for next step.
Run eclipse service by
$ git clone && cd eclipse/service/src/aleo-to-solana
$ cargo build // tested on 1.61.0 nightly
$ ./target/debug/aleo-to-solana \
--author_keypair <default-path-to-solana-test-verifier-config-keypair> \
--payer_keypair <default-path-to-solana-test-verifier-config-keypair> \
verify_proofs \
--uploader_program_id <eclipse-onchain-uploader-program-id> \
--verifier_program_id <eclipse-onchain-aleo-verifier-program-id>
This will run the eclipse service continuously. We have printed out where the verification results are stored, take a note of it for the next step.
You can check if an Aleo tx has been verified by using the Eclipse version of the solana binary. In the Solana repository:
./bin/solana account <account-where-verification-results-stored>
Please feel free to open issues and pull requests.
Project Eclipse is licensed under the GPLv3, primarily due to copyleft from SnarkVM