Review Service for Craftsy product page
These are the steps to get up and running with my service 👍
Make sure you have installed the following prerequesites on your development machine:
- Git - Download & Install Git. OSX and Linux machines typically have this already installed.
- Node.js - Download & Install Node.js and the npm package manager. If you encounter any problems, you can also use this GitHub Gist to install Node.js.
- mySQL server - Installation docs for: macOS, Windows, for WSL users
- Make sure mySQL server is running
- Clone repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
Create index.js in the config directory
- In your config/index.js add the following code, with your own credentials:
module.exports = { mySQLPassword: `yourPassword`, mySQLusername: `userName`, };
- Once your credentials are in this config file you can proceed to the next step.
Run database seeding script
npm run db:seed
Build webpack bundle
npm run build
Start express server
npm run start
The service will then run on http://localhost:3003. This serves up an index.html that displays the ReviewService. build.js file should also be in http://localhost:3003/build.js
- React
- Express
- mySQL
- Jest
- Enzyme
- webpack