diff --git a/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml b/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
index 1e3a7e52..b0e8175c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ on:
branches: [main, master, dev]
- branches: [main, master]
+ branches: [main, master, dev]
name: R-CMD-check
index 3ceccaa9..68b013bf 100644
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
R (>= 3.5.0)
+ checkmate,
Rcpp (>= 0.12.0),
RcppParallel (>= 5.0.1),
@@ -57,7 +58,6 @@ Imports:
- tidyverse,
vdiffr (>= 1.0.0)
index f5ffc57b..afb7a5e9 100644
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
diff --git a/R/model_comparison.R b/R/model_comparison.R
index 3c6dd0ff..65eceda8 100644
--- a/R/model_comparison.R
+++ b/R/model_comparison.R
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
#' Method for extracting a dataframe containing the R-hat estimates for a given serological model
#' This method relies in the function \link[bayesplot]{rhat} to extract the R-hat estimates of the serological model object
-#' \code{seromodel_object} and returns a table a dataframe with the estimates for each year of birth.
-#' @param seromodel_object seromodel_object
+#' \code{seromodel_object} and returns a table a dataframe with the estimates for each year of birth.
+#' @inheritParams get_foi_central_estimates
#' @return rhats table
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data("serodata")
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata)
-#' model_constant <- run_seromodel(serodata = data_test,
-#' foi_model = "constant",
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = chagas2012)
+#' model_constant <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
+#' foi_model = "constant",
#' n_iters = 1500)
-#' get_table_rhats(model_object = model_constant)
-#' }
+#' cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata)
+#' get_table_rhats(seromodel_object = model_constant,
+#' cohort_ages = cohort_ages)
#' @export
-get_table_rhats <- function(seromodel_object) {
- rhats <- bayesplot::rhat(seromodel_object$fit, "foi")
+get_table_rhats <- function(seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages) {
+ rhats <- bayesplot::rhat(seromodel_object, "foi")
if (any(is.nan(rhats))) {
rhats[which(is.nan(rhats))] <- 0
- model_rhats <- data.frame(year = seromodel_object$exposure_years, rhat = rhats)
+ model_rhats <- data.frame(year = cohort_ages$birth_year, rhat = rhats)
model_rhats$rhat[model_rhats$rhat == 0] <- NA
diff --git a/R/modelling.R b/R/modelling.R
index 8558f109..c063bdc1 100644
--- a/R/modelling.R
+++ b/R/modelling.R
@@ -42,20 +42,21 @@
#' @param print_summary TBD
#' @return \code{seromodel_object}. An object containing relevant information about the implementation of the model. For further details refer to \link{fit_seromodel}.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
#' run_seromodel (serodata,
-#' foi_model = "constant")
-#' }
+#' foi_model = "constant")
#' @export
run_seromodel <- function(serodata,
- foi_model = "constant",
+ foi_model = c("constant", "tv_normal_log",
+ "tv_normal"),
n_iters = 1000,
n_thin = 2,
delta = 0.90,
m_treed = 10,
decades = 0,
print_summary = TRUE) {
+ foi_model <- match.arg(foi_model)
survey <- unique(serodata$survey)
if (length(survey) > 1) warning("You have more than 1 surveys or survey codes")
seromodel_object <- fit_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
@@ -68,7 +69,9 @@ run_seromodel <- function(serodata,
" finished running ------"))
if (print_summary){
- print(t(seromodel_object$model_summary))
+ model_summary <- extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ serodata = serodata)
+ print(t(model_summary))
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ run_seromodel <- function(serodata,
#' This function fits the specified model \code{foi_model} to the serological survey data \code{serodata}
#' by means of the \link[rstan]{sampling} method. The function determines whether the corresponding stan model
#' object needs to be compiled by rstan.
-#' @param serodata A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For further details refer to \link{run_seromodel}.
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
#' @param foi_model Name of the selected model. Current version provides three options:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{"constant"}}{Runs a constant model}
@@ -92,46 +95,26 @@ run_seromodel <- function(serodata,
#' For further details refer to the \code{control} parameter in \link[rstan]{sampling} or \href{https://mc-stan.org/rstanarm/reference/adapt_delta.html}{here}.
#' @param m_treed Maximum tree depth for the binary tree used in the NUTS stan sampler. For further details refer to the \code{control} parameter in \link[rstan]{sampling}.
#' @param decades Number of decades covered by the survey data.
-#' @return \code{seromodel_object}. An object containing relevant information about the implementation of the model. It contains the following:
-#' \tabular{ll}{
-#' \code{fit} \tab \code{stanfit} object returned by the function \link[rstan]{sampling} \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{serodata} \tab A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For further details refer to \link{run_seromodel}.\cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{stan_data} \tab List containing \code{Nobs}, \code{Npos}, \code{Ntotal}, \code{Age}, \code{Ymax}, \code{AgeExpoMatrix} and \code{NDecades}.
-#' This object is used as an input for the \link[rstan]{sampling} function \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{exposure_years} \tab Integer atomic vector containing the actual exposure years (1946, ..., 2007 e.g.) \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{exposure_ages} \tab Integer atomic vector containing the numeration of the exposure ages. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{n_iters} \tab Number of interations for eah chain including the warmup. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{n_thin} \tab Positive integer specifying the period for saving samples. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{n_warmup} \tab Number of warm up iterations. Set by default as n_iters/2. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{foi_model} \tab The name of the model\cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{delta} \tab Real number between 0 and 1 that represents the target average acceptance probability. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{m_treed} \tab Maximum tree depth for the binary tree used in the NUTS stan sampler. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{loo_fit} \tab Efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation. Refer to \link[loo]{loo} for further details. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{foi_cent_est} \tab A data fram e containing \code{year} (corresponding to \code{exposure_years}), \code{lower}, \code{upper}, and \code{medianv} \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{foi_post_s} \tab Sample n rows from a table. Refer to \link[dplyr]{sample_n} for further details. \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{model_summary} \tab A data fram containing the summary of the model. Refer to \link{extract_seromodel_summary} for further details. \cr \tab \cr
-#' }
+#' @return \code{seromodel_object}. \code{stanfit} object returned by the function \link[rstan]{sampling}
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data("serodata")
-#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
#' seromodel_fit <- fit_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
#' foi_model = "constant")
-#' }
#' @export
fit_seromodel <- function(serodata,
- foi_model,
+ foi_model = c("constant", "tv_normal_log",
+ "tv_normal"),
n_iters = 1000,
n_thin = 2,
delta = 0.90,
m_treed = 10,
decades = 0) {
# TODO Add a warning because there are exceptions where a minimal amount of iterations is needed
+ foi_model <- match.arg(foi_model)
model <- stanmodels[[foi_model]]
- exposure_ages <- get_exposure_ages(serodata)
- exposure_years <- (min(serodata$birth_year):serodata$tsur[1])[-1]
+ cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
exposure_matrix <- get_exposure_matrix(serodata)
Nobs <- nrow(serodata)
@@ -140,33 +123,24 @@ fit_seromodel <- function(serodata,
Npos = serodata$counts,
Ntotal = serodata$total,
Age = serodata$age_mean_f,
- Ymax = max(exposure_ages),
+ Ymax = max(cohort_ages$age),
AgeExpoMatrix = exposure_matrix,
NDecades = decades
n_warmup <- floor(n_iters / 2)
if (foi_model == "tv_normal_log") {
f_init <- function() {
- list(log_foi = rep(-3, length(exposure_ages)))
- }
- lower_quantile = 0.1
- upper_quantile = 0.9
- medianv_quantile = 0.5
+ list(log_foi = rep(-3, nrow(cohort_ages)))
+ }
else {
f_init <- function() {
- list(foi = rep(0.01, length(exposure_ages)))
+ list(foi = rep(0.01, nrow(cohort_ages)))
- lower_quantile = 0.05
- upper_quantile = 0.95
- medianv_quantile = 0.5
- fit <- rstan::sampling(
+ seromodel_fit <- rstan::sampling(
data = stan_data,
iter = n_iters,
@@ -182,104 +156,51 @@ fit_seromodel <- function(serodata,
chain_id = 0 # https://github.com/stan-dev/rstan/issues/761#issuecomment-647029649
- if (class(fit@sim$samples) != "NULL") {
- loo_fit <- loo::loo(fit, save_psis = TRUE, "logLikelihood")
- foi <- rstan::extract(fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
- # foi <- rstan::extract(fit, "foi", inc_warmup = TRUE, permuted=FALSE)[[1]]
- # generates central estimations
- foi_cent_est <- data.frame(
- year = exposure_years,
- lower = apply(foi, 2, function(x) quantile(x, lower_quantile)),
- upper = apply(foi, 2, function(x) quantile(x, upper_quantile)),
- medianv = apply(foi, 2, function(x) quantile(x, medianv_quantile))
- )
- # generates a sample of iterations
- if (n_iters >= 2000) {
- foi_post_s <- dplyr::sample_n(as.data.frame(foi), size = 1000)
- colnames(foi_post_s) <- exposure_years
- } else {
- foi_post_s <- as.data.frame(foi)
- colnames(foi_post_s) <- exposure_years
- }
- seromodel_object <- list(
- fit = fit,
- serodata = serodata,
- stan_data = stan_data,
- exposure_years = exposure_years,
- exposure_ages = exposure_ages,
- n_iters = n_iters,
- n_thin = n_thin,
- n_warmup = n_warmup,
- foi_model = foi_model,
- delta = delta,
- m_treed = m_treed,
- loo_fit = loo_fit,
- foi_cent_est = foi_cent_est,
- foi_post_s = foi_post_s
- )
- seromodel_object$model_summary <-
- extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object)
+ if (seromodel_fit@mode == 0) {
+ seromodel_object <- seromodel_fit
+ return(seromodel_object)
} else {
- loo_fit <- c(-1e10, 0)
- seromodel_object <- list(
- fit = "no model",
- serodata = serodata,
- stan_data = stan_data,
- exposure_years = exposure_years,
- exposure_ages = exposure_ages,
- n_iters = n_iters,
- n_thin = n_thin,
- n_warmup = n_warmup,
- model = foi_model,
- delta = delta,
- m_treed = m_treed,
- loo_fit = loo_fit,
- model_summary = NA
- )
+ # This may happen for invalid inputs in rstan::sampling() (e.g. thin > iter)
+ seromodel_object <- "no model"
+ return(seromodel_object)
- return(seromodel_object)
-#' Function that generates an atomic vector containing the corresponding exposition years of a serological survey
+#' Function that generates a data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year exluding the year of the survey.
-#' This function generates an atomic vector containing the exposition years corresponding to the specified serological survey data \code{serodata}.
-#' The exposition years to the disease for each individual corresponds to the time from birth to the moment of the survey.
-#' @param serodata A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. This data frame must contain the year of birth for each individual (birth_year) and the time of the survey (tsur). birth_year can be constructed by means of the \link{prepare_serodata} function.
-#' @return \code{exposure_ages}. An atomic vector with the numeration of the exposition years in serodata
+#' This function generates a data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each \code{birth_year} excluding the year of the survey,
+#' for which the cohort age is still 0.
+#' specified serological survey data \code{serodata} excluding the year of the survey.
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
+#' @return \code{cohort_ages}. A data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data("serodata")
-#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata, alpha = 0.05)
-#' exposure_ages <- get_exposure_ages(serodata)
-#' }
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = chagas2012, alpha = 0.05)
+#' cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
#' @export
-get_exposure_ages <- function(serodata) {
- return(seq_along(min(serodata$birth_year):(serodata$tsur[1] - 1)))
+get_cohort_ages <- function(serodata) {
+ birth_year <- (min(serodata$birth_year):serodata$tsur[1])
+ age <- (seq_along(min(serodata$birth_year):(serodata$tsur[1] - 1)))
+ cohort_ages <- data.frame(birth_year = birth_year[-length(birth_year)], age = rev(age))
+ return(cohort_ages)
# TODO Is necessary to explain better what we mean by the exposure matrix.
#' Function that generates the exposure matrix corresponding to a serological survey
-#' @param serodata A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. This data frame must contain the year of birth for each individual (birth_year) and the time of the survey (tsur). birth_year can be constructed by means of the \link{prepare_serodata} function.
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
#' @return \code{exposure_output}. An atomic matrix containing the expositions for each entry of \code{serodata} by year.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data("serodata")
-#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata)
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = chagas2012)
#' exposure_matrix <- get_exposure_matrix(serodata = serodata)
-#' }
#' @export
get_exposure_matrix <- function(serodata) {
age_class <- serodata$age_mean_f
- exposure_ages <- get_exposure_ages(serodata)
- ly <- length(exposure_ages)
+ cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
+ ly <- nrow(cohort_ages)
exposure <- matrix(0, nrow = length(age_class), ncol = ly)
for (k in 1:length(age_class))
exposure[k, (ly - age_class[k] + 1):ly] <- 1
@@ -287,6 +208,47 @@ get_exposure_matrix <- function(serodata) {
+#' Function that generates the central estimates for the fitted forced FoI
+#' @param seromodel_object Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.
+#' @param cohort_ages A data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year.
+#' @return \code{foi_central_estimates}. Central estimates for the fitted forced FoI
+#' @examples
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+#' seromodel_object <- fit_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
+#' foi_model = "constant")
+#' cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
+#' foi_central_estimates <- get_foi_central_estimates(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+#' cohort_ages = cohort_ages)
+#' @export
+get_foi_central_estimates <- function(seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages) {
+ if (seromodel_object@model_name == "tv_normal_log") {
+ lower_quantile = 0.1
+ upper_quantile = 0.9
+ medianv_quantile = 0.5
+ }
+ else {
+ lower_quantile = 0.05
+ upper_quantile = 0.95
+ medianv_quantile = 0.5
+ }
+ # extracts foi from stan fit
+ foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
+ # generates central estimations
+ foi_central_estimates <- data.frame(
+ year = cohort_ages$birth_year,
+ lower = apply(foi, 2, function(x) quantile(x, lower_quantile)),
+ upper = apply(foi, 2, function(x) quantile(x, upper_quantile)),
+ medianv = apply(foi, 2, function(x) quantile(x, medianv_quantile))
+ )
+ return(foi_central_estimates)
#' Method to extact a summary of the specified serological model object
@@ -294,8 +256,8 @@ get_exposure_matrix <- function(serodata) {
#' survey data used to fit the model, such as the year when the survey took place, the type of test taken and the corresponding antibody,
#' as well as information about the convergence of the model, like the expected log pointwise predictive density \code{elpd} and its
#' corresponding standar deviation.
-#' @param seromodel_object \code{seromodel_object}. An object containing relevant information about the implementation of the model.
-#' Refer to \link{fit_seromodel} for further details.
+#' @inheritParams get_foi_central_estimates
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
#' @return \code{model_summary}. Object with a summary of \code{seromodel_object} containing the following:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{foi_model} \tab Name of the selected model. \cr \tab \cr
@@ -312,41 +274,42 @@ get_exposure_matrix <- function(serodata) {
#' \code{converged} \tab convergence \cr \tab \cr
#' }
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data("serodata")
-#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
#' foi_model = "constant")
-#' extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object)
-#' }
+#' extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object,
+#' serodata = serodata)
#' @export
-extract_seromodel_summary <- function(seromodel_object) {
- foi_model <- seromodel_object$foi_model
- serodata <- seromodel_object$serodata
+extract_seromodel_summary <- function(seromodel_object,
+ serodata) {
#------- Loo estimates
- loo_fit <- seromodel_object$loo_fit
+ # The argument parameter_name refers to the name given to the Log-likelihood in the stan models.
+ # See loo::extract_log_lik() documentation for further details
+ loo_fit <- loo::loo(seromodel_object, save_psis = FALSE, pars = c(parameter_name = "logLikelihood"))
if (sum(is.na(loo_fit)) < 1) {
lll <- as.numeric((round(loo_fit$estimates[1, ], 2)))
} else {
lll <- c(-1e10, 0)
+ #-------
model_summary <- data.frame(
- foi_model = foi_model,
- dataset = serodata$survey[1],
- country = serodata$country[1],
- year = serodata$tsur[1],
- test = serodata$test[1],
- antibody = serodata$antibody[1],
+ foi_model = seromodel_object@model_name,
+ dataset = unique(serodata$survey),
+ country = unique(serodata$country),
+ year = unique(serodata$tsur),
+ test = unique(serodata$test),
+ antibody = unique(serodata$antibody),
n_sample = sum(serodata$total),
n_agec = length(serodata$age_mean_f),
- n_iter = seromodel_object$n_iters,
+ n_iter = seromodel_object@sim$iter,
elpd = lll[1],
se = lll[2],
converged = NA
- rhats <- get_table_rhats(seromodel_object)
+ cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
+ rhats <- get_table_rhats(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages)
if (any(rhats$rhat > 1.1) == FALSE) {
model_summary$converged <- "Yes"
@@ -360,18 +323,17 @@ extract_seromodel_summary <- function(seromodel_object) {
#' This function computes the corresponding binomial confidence intervals for the obtained prevalence based on a fitting
#' of the Force-of-Infection \code{foi} for plotting an analysis purposes.
-#' @param foi Object containing the information of the force of infection. It is obtained from \code{rstan::extract(seromodel_object$fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]}.
-#' @param serodata A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For further details refer to \link{run_seromodel}.
+#' @param foi Object containing the information of the force of infection. It is obtained from \code{rstan::extract(seromodel_object$seromodel, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]}.
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
#' @param bin_data TBD
#' @return \code{prev_final}. The expanded prevalence data. This is used for plotting purposes in the \code{visualization} module.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
-#' foi_model = "constant")
-#' foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object$fit, "foi")[[1]]
-#' get_prev_expanded <- function(foi, serodata)
-#' }
+#' foi_model = "constant")
+#' foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object, "foi")[[1]]
+#' get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata)
#' @export
get_prev_expanded <- function(foi,
diff --git a/R/serodata.R b/R/serodata.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 1404ed4f..00000000
--- a/R/serodata.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#' Seroprevalence data on serofoi
-#' Data from a serological surveys
-#' @docType data
-#' @usage serodata
-#' @format An object of class \code{"cross"}; see \code{\link[qtl]{read.cross}}.
-#' @keywords datasets
-#' @examples
-#' serodata
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/seroprevalence_data.R b/R/seroprevalence_data.R
index f4168cfe..933e8f27 100644
--- a/R/seroprevalence_data.R
+++ b/R/seroprevalence_data.R
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#' \code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
#' }
#' @param alpha probability of a type I error. For further details refer to \link[Hmisc]{binconf}.
-#' @param add_age_mean_f TBD
#' @return serodata with additional columns necessary for the analysis. These columns are:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
@@ -29,19 +28,30 @@
#' \code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
#' }
#' @examples
-#' data("serodata")
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-#' }
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
#' @export
prepare_serodata <- function(serodata = serodata,
- alpha = 0.05,
- add_age_mean_f = TRUE) {
- if(add_age_mean_f){
+ alpha = 0.05) {
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(alpha, lower = 0, upper = 1)
+ #Check that serodata has the right columns
+ stopifnot("serodata must contain the right columns" =
+ all(c("survey", "total", "counts", "age_min", "age_max", "tsur",
+ "country","test","antibody"
+ ) %in%
+ colnames(serodata)
+ )
+ )
+ if(!any(colnames(serodata) == "age_mean_f")){
+ serodata <- serodata %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(age_mean_f = floor((age_min + age_max) / 2), sample_size = sum(total))
+ }
+ if(!any(colnames(serodata) == "birth_year")){
serodata <- serodata %>%
- dplyr::mutate(age_mean_f = floor((age_min + age_max) / 2), sample_size = sum(total)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(birth_year = .data$tsur - .data$age_mean_f)
serodata <- serodata %>%
@@ -68,33 +78,18 @@ prepare_serodata <- function(serodata = serodata,
#' This function prepapares a given pre-processed serological dataset (see \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}) to plot the binomial confidence intervals
#' of its corresponding seroprevalence grouped by age group.
-#' @param serodata A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For more information see the function \link{run_seromodel}.
-#' This data frame must contain the following columns:
-#' \tabular{ll}{
-#' \code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
-#' }
-#' The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
#' @return data set with the binomial confidence intervals
#' @examples
-#' prepare_bin_data (serodata)
-#' }
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+#' prepare_bin_data(serodata)
#' @export
prepare_bin_data <- function(serodata) {
+ if(!any(colnames(serodata) == "age_mean_f")){
+ serodata <- serodata %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(age_mean_f = floor((age_min + age_max) / 2), sample_size = sum(total))
+ }
serodata$cut_ages <-
seq(1, 101, by = 5),
diff --git a/R/visualisation.R b/R/visualisation.R
index 26f7fd81..6c26051f 100644
--- a/R/visualisation.R
+++ b/R/visualisation.R
@@ -1,30 +1,12 @@
#' Function that generates the sero-positivity plot from a raw serological survey dataset
-#' @param serodata A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
-#' This data frame must contain the following columns:
-#' \tabular{ll}{
-#' \code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
-#' \code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
-#' }
+#' @inheritParams prepare_serodata
#' @param size_text Text size use in the theme of the graph returned by the function.
#' @return A ggplot object containing the seropositivity-vs-age graph of the raw data of a given seroprevalence survey with its corresponging binomial confidence interval.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
-#' serodata = data_test,
-#' foi_model = "constant",
-#' n_iters = 1000
-#' plot_seroprev(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
-#' }
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+#' plot_seroprev(serodata, size_text = 15)
#' @export
plot_seroprev <- function(serodata,
size_text = 6) {
@@ -47,27 +29,29 @@ plot_seroprev <- function(serodata,
#' This function generates a seropositivity plot of the specified serological model object. This includes the original data grouped by age
#' as well as the obtained fitting from the model implementation. Age is located on the x axis and seropositivity on the y axis with its
#' corresponding confidence interval.
-#' @param seromodel_object Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.
+#' @inheritParams get_foi_central_estimates
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
#' @param size_text Text size of the graph returned by the function.
#' @return A ggplot object containing the seropositivity-vs-age graph including the data, the fitted model and their corresponding confindence intervals.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data("serodata")
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = data_test,
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
#' foi_model = "constant",
#' n_iters = 1000)
-#' plot_seroprev_fitted(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
-#' }
+#' plot_seroprev_fitted(seromodel_object,
+#' serodata = serodata,
+#' size_text = 15)
#' @export
plot_seroprev_fitted <- function(seromodel_object,
+ serodata,
size_text = 6) {
- if (is.character(seromodel_object$fit) == FALSE) {
- if (class(seromodel_object$fit@sim$samples) != "NULL" ) {
+ if (is.character(seromodel_object) == FALSE) {
+ if (class(seromodel_object@sim$samples) != "NULL" ) {
- foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object$fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
- prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = seromodel_object$serodata, bin_data = TRUE)
+ foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
+ prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = serodata, bin_data = TRUE)
prev_plot <-
ggplot2::ggplot(prev_expanded) +
@@ -126,34 +110,38 @@ plot_seroprev_fitted <- function(seromodel_object,
#' This function generates a Force-of-Infection plot from the results obtained by fitting a serological model.
#' This includes the corresponding binomial confidence interval.
#' The x axis corresponds to the decades covered by the survey the y axis to the Force-of-Infection.
-#' @param seromodel_object Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.
+#' @inheritParams get_foi_central_estimates
#' @param size_text Text size use in the theme of the graph returned by the function.
#' @param max_lambda TBD
#' @param foi_sim TBD
#' @return A ggplot2 object containing the Force-of-infection-vs-time including the corresponding confidence interval.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
-#' serodata = data_test,
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
+#' serodata = serodata,
#' foi_model = "constant",
#' n_iters = 1000
-#' )
-#' plot_foi(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
-#' }
+#' )
+#' cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata)
+#' plot_foi(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+#' cohort_ages = cohort_ages,
+#' size_text = 15)
#' @export
plot_foi <- function(seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages,
max_lambda = NA,
size_text = 25,
foi_sim = NULL) {
- if (is.character(seromodel_object$fit) == FALSE) {
- if (class(seromodel_object$fit@sim$samples) != "NULL") {
- foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object$fit,
+ if (is.character(seromodel_object) == FALSE) {
+ if (class(seromodel_object@sim$samples) != "NULL") {
+ foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object,
inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
#-------- This bit is to get the actual length of the foi data
- foi_data <- seromodel_object$foi_cent_est
+ foi_data <- get_foi_central_estimates(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages)
foi_data$medianv[1] <- NA
@@ -223,27 +211,29 @@ plot_foi <- function(seromodel_object,
#' This function generates a plot of the R-hat estimates obtained for a specified fitted serological model \code{seromodel_object}.
#' The x axis corresponds to the decades covered by the survey and the y axis to the value of the rhats.
#' All rhats must be smaller than 1 to ensure convergence (for further details check \link[bayesplot]{rhat}).
-#' @param seromodel_object Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.
+#' @inheritParams get_foi_central_estimates
#' @param size_text Text size use in the theme of the graph returned by the function.
#' @return The rhats-convergence plot of the selected model.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data("serodata")
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
-#' serodata = data_test,
+#' serodata = serodata,
#' foi_model = "constant",
#' n_iters = 1000
-#' plot_rhats(seromodel_object,
+#' )
+#' cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
+#' plot_rhats(seromodel_object,
+#' cohort_ages = cohort_ages,
#' size_text = 15)
-#' }
#' @export
plot_rhats <- function(seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages,
size_text = 25) {
- if (is.character(seromodel_object$fit) == FALSE) {
- if (class(seromodel_object$fit@sim$samples) != "NULL") {
- rhats <- get_table_rhats(seromodel_object)
+ if (is.character(seromodel_object) == FALSE) {
+ if (class(seromodel_object@sim$samples) != "NULL") {
+ rhats <- get_table_rhats(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages)
rhats_plot <-
ggplot2::ggplot(rhats, ggplot2::aes(year, rhat)) +
@@ -287,43 +277,52 @@ plot_rhats <- function(seromodel_object,
#' Function that generates a vertical arrange of plots showing a summary of a model, the estimated seroprevalence,
#' the Force-of-Infection fit and the R-hat estimates plots.
-#' @param seromodel_object Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.
+#' @inheritParams get_foi_central_estimates
+#' @inheritParams run_seromodel
#' @param size_text Text size use in the theme of the graph returned by the function.
#' @param max_lambda TBD
#' @param foi_sim TBD
#' @return A ggplot object with a vertical arrange containing the seropositivity, force of infection, and convergence plots.
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
-#' serodata = data_test,
-#' foi_model = "constant",
-#' n_iters = 1000
-#' plot_seromodel(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
-#' }
+#' data(chagas2012)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
+#' serodata = serodata,
+#' foi_model = "constant",
+#' n_iters = 1000
+#' )
+#' plot_seromodel(seromodel_object,
+#' serodata = serodata,
+#' size_text = 15)
#' @export
plot_seromodel <- function(seromodel_object,
+ serodata,
max_lambda = NA,
size_text = 25,
foi_sim = NULL) {
- if (is.character(seromodel_object$fit) == FALSE) {
- if (class(seromodel_object$fit@sim$samples) != "NULL") {
+ if (is.character(seromodel_object) == FALSE) {
+ if (class(seromodel_object@sim$samples) != "NULL") {
+ cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
prev_plot <- plot_seroprev_fitted(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
- size_text = size_text)
+ serodata = serodata,
+ size_text = size_text)
foi_plot <- plot_foi(
seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages,
max_lambda = max_lambda,
size_text = size_text,
foi_sim = foi_sim
rhats_plot <- plot_rhats(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages,
size_text = size_text)
+ model_summary <- extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ serodata = serodata)
summary_table <- t(
- dplyr::select(seromodel_object$model_summary,
+ dplyr::select(model_summary,
c('foi_model', 'dataset', 'elpd', 'se', 'converged')))
summary_plot <-
plot_info_table(summary_table, size_text = size_text)
@@ -359,7 +358,8 @@ plot_seromodel <- function(seromodel_object,
ggplot2::ylab(" ") +
ggplot2::xlab(" ")
g1 <- g0
- g0 <- g0 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = seromodel_object$model) +
+ # TODO: This
+ g0 <- g0 + ggplot2::labs(subtitle = seromodel_object$model_name) +
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10))
plot_arrange <-
@@ -377,16 +377,16 @@ plot_seromodel <- function(seromodel_object,
#' @param size_text Text size of the graph returned by the function
#' @return p the plot for the given table
#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
-#' serodata = data_test,
-#' foi_model = "constant",
-#' n_iters = 1000
-#' info = t(seromodel_object$model_summary)
+#' serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+#' seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
+#' serodata = serodata,
+#' foi_model = "constant",
+#' n_iters = 1000
+#' )
+#' seromodel_summary <- extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+#' serodata = serodata)
+#' info = t(seromodel_summary)
#' plot_info_table (info, size_text = 15)
-#' }
#' @export
plot_info_table <- function(info, size_text) {
dato <- data.frame(y = NROW(info):seq_len(1),
diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
index 964b4b24..7a5dbb34 100644
--- a/README.Rmd
+++ b/README.Rmd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
-## *serofoi*: force-of-infection from population based serosurveys with age-disagregated data
+## *serofoi*: force-of-infection from population based serosurveys with age-disagregated data
@@ -47,22 +47,20 @@ remotes::install_github("epiverse-trace/serofoi")
```{r cleaning, include = FALSE, echo = TRUE}
-rownames(serodata) <- NULL
***serofoi*** provides a minimal serosurvey dataset, `serodata`, that can be used to test out the package.
```{r ex, include = TRUE}
-# Load example serodata data included with the package
-head(serodata, 5)
+# Load example dataset chagas2012 included with the package
+head(chagas2012, 5)
The function `prepare_serodata` will prepare the entry data for the use of the modelling module; this function computes the sample size, the years of birth and the binomial confidence interval for each age group in the provided dataset. A visualisation of the prepared seroprevalence data can be obtained using the function plot_seroprev:
```{r data_test, include = TRUE, out.fig.height="30%", out.width="50%", fig.align="center", message=FALSE}
-serodata_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata_test <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
plot_seroprev(serodata_test, size_text = 15)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c1ecfcca..3de55fec 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-## *serofoi*: force-of-infection from population based serosurveys with age-disagregated data
+## *serofoi*: force-of-infection from population based serosurveys with age-disagregated data
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ remotes::install_github("epiverse-trace/serofoi")
can be used to test out the package.
``` r
-# Load example serodata data included with the package
-head(serodata, 5)
+# Load example dataset chagas2012 included with the package
+head(chagas2012, 5)
#> survey total counts age_min age_max tsur country test antibody
#> 1 COL-035-93 34 0 1 1 2012 COL ELISA IgG anti-T.cruzi
#> 2 COL-035-93 25 0 2 2 2012 COL ELISA IgG anti-T.cruzi
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ in the provided dataset. A visualisation of the prepared seroprevalence
data can be obtained using the function plot_seroprev:
``` r
-serodata_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata_test <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
plot_seroprev(serodata_test, size_text = 15)
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ More details on how to use ***serofoi*** can be found in the [online
documentation](https://epiverse-trace.github.io/serofoi/) as package
vignettes, under [**Get
+[**An Introduction to FoI
-and [**Use
+and [**Real-life Use Cases for
## Help
diff --git a/data/serodata.RData b/data/serodata.RData
deleted file mode 100644
index f9570b14..00000000
Binary files a/data/serodata.RData and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/man/extract_seromodel_summary.Rd b/man/extract_seromodel_summary.Rd
index cd037799..33f807f6 100644
--- a/man/extract_seromodel_summary.Rd
+++ b/man/extract_seromodel_summary.Rd
@@ -4,11 +4,31 @@
\title{Method to extact a summary of the specified serological model object}
+extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object, serodata)
-\item{seromodel_object}{\code{seromodel_object}. An object containing relevant information about the implementation of the model.
-Refer to \link{fit_seromodel} for further details.}
+\item{seromodel_object}{Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+This data frame must contain the following columns:
+\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
+\code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
+\code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
+\code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.}
\code{model_summary}. Object with a summary of \code{seromodel_object} containing the following:
@@ -34,11 +54,10 @@ as well as information about the convergence of the model, like the expected log
corresponding standar deviation.
-serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
foi_model = "constant")
+ serodata = serodata)
diff --git a/man/figures/logo.png b/man/figures/logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..309d3f0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/man/figures/logo.png differ
diff --git a/man/fit_seromodel.Rd b/man/fit_seromodel.Rd
index 67908578..9f17a451 100644
--- a/man/fit_seromodel.Rd
+++ b/man/fit_seromodel.Rd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- foi_model,
+ foi_model = c("constant", "tv_normal_log", "tv_normal"),
n_iters = 1000,
n_thin = 2,
delta = 0.9,
@@ -15,7 +15,26 @@ fit_seromodel(
-\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For further details refer to \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+This data frame must contain the following columns:
+\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
+\code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
+\code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
+\code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.}
\item{foi_model}{Name of the selected model. Current version provides three options:
@@ -37,25 +56,7 @@ For further details refer to the \code{control} parameter in \link[rstan]{sampli
\item{decades}{Number of decades covered by the survey data.}
-\code{seromodel_object}. An object containing relevant information about the implementation of the model. It contains the following:
-\code{fit} \tab \code{stanfit} object returned by the function \link[rstan]{sampling} \cr \tab \cr
-\code{serodata} \tab A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For further details refer to \link{run_seromodel}.\cr \tab \cr
-\code{stan_data} \tab List containing \code{Nobs}, \code{Npos}, \code{Ntotal}, \code{Age}, \code{Ymax}, \code{AgeExpoMatrix} and \code{NDecades}.
-This object is used as an input for the \link[rstan]{sampling} function \cr \tab \cr
-\code{exposure_years} \tab Integer atomic vector containing the actual exposure years (1946, ..., 2007 e.g.) \cr \tab \cr
-\code{exposure_ages} \tab Integer atomic vector containing the numeration of the exposure ages. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{n_iters} \tab Number of interations for eah chain including the warmup. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{n_thin} \tab Positive integer specifying the period for saving samples. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{n_warmup} \tab Number of warm up iterations. Set by default as n_iters/2. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{foi_model} \tab The name of the model\cr \tab \cr
-\code{delta} \tab Real number between 0 and 1 that represents the target average acceptance probability. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{m_treed} \tab Maximum tree depth for the binary tree used in the NUTS stan sampler. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{loo_fit} \tab Efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation. Refer to \link[loo]{loo} for further details. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{foi_cent_est} \tab A data fram e containing \code{year} (corresponding to \code{exposure_years}), \code{lower}, \code{upper}, and \code{medianv} \cr \tab \cr
-\code{foi_post_s} \tab Sample n rows from a table. Refer to \link[dplyr]{sample_n} for further details. \cr \tab \cr
-\code{model_summary} \tab A data fram containing the summary of the model. Refer to \link{extract_seromodel_summary} for further details. \cr \tab \cr
+\code{seromodel_object}. \code{stanfit} object returned by the function \link[rstan]{sampling}
This function fits the specified model \code{foi_model} to the serological survey data \code{serodata}
@@ -63,11 +64,9 @@ by means of the \link[rstan]{sampling} method. The function determines whether t
object needs to be compiled by rstan.
-serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
seromodel_fit <- fit_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
foi_model = "constant")
diff --git a/man/get_cohort_ages.Rd b/man/get_cohort_ages.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e584d314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_cohort_ages.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/modelling.R
+\title{Function that generates a data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year exluding the year of the survey.}
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+This data frame must contain the following columns:
+\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
+\code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
+\code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
+\code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.}
+\code{cohort_ages}. A data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year
+This function generates a data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each \code{birth_year} excluding the year of the survey,
+for which the cohort age is still 0.
+specified serological survey data \code{serodata} excluding the year of the survey.
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = chagas2012, alpha = 0.05)
+cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
diff --git a/man/get_exposure_ages.Rd b/man/get_exposure_ages.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index aec51f06..00000000
--- a/man/get_exposure_ages.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/modelling.R
-\title{Function that generates an atomic vector containing the corresponding exposition years of a serological survey}
-\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. This data frame must contain the year of birth for each individual (birth_year) and the time of the survey (tsur). birth_year can be constructed by means of the \link{prepare_serodata} function.}
-\code{exposure_ages}. An atomic vector with the numeration of the exposition years in serodata
-This function generates an atomic vector containing the exposition years corresponding to the specified serological survey data \code{serodata}.
-The exposition years to the disease for each individual corresponds to the time from birth to the moment of the survey.
-serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata, alpha = 0.05)
-exposure_ages <- get_exposure_ages(serodata)
diff --git a/man/get_exposure_matrix.Rd b/man/get_exposure_matrix.Rd
index 8b4f1abf..2fc4c9ba 100644
--- a/man/get_exposure_matrix.Rd
+++ b/man/get_exposure_matrix.Rd
@@ -7,7 +7,26 @@
-\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. This data frame must contain the year of birth for each individual (birth_year) and the time of the survey (tsur). birth_year can be constructed by means of the \link{prepare_serodata} function.}
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+This data frame must contain the following columns:
+\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
+\code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
+\code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
+\code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.}
\code{exposure_output}. An atomic matrix containing the expositions for each entry of \code{serodata} by year.
@@ -16,9 +35,7 @@ get_exposure_matrix(serodata)
Function that generates the exposure matrix corresponding to a serological survey
-serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = chagas2012)
exposure_matrix <- get_exposure_matrix(serodata = serodata)
diff --git a/man/get_foi_central_estimates.Rd b/man/get_foi_central_estimates.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84630313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_foi_central_estimates.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/modelling.R
+\title{Function that generates the central estimates for the fitted forced FoI}
+get_foi_central_estimates(seromodel_object, cohort_ages)
+\item{seromodel_object}{Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{cohort_ages}{A data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year.}
+\code{foi_central_estimates}. Central estimates for the fitted forced FoI
+Function that generates the central estimates for the fitted forced FoI
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+seromodel_object <- fit_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
+ foi_model = "constant")
+cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
+foi_central_estimates <- get_foi_central_estimates(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages)
diff --git a/man/get_prev_expanded.Rd b/man/get_prev_expanded.Rd
index a95f4899..4ab509c7 100644
--- a/man/get_prev_expanded.Rd
+++ b/man/get_prev_expanded.Rd
@@ -8,9 +8,28 @@ Force-of-Infection fitting}
get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata, bin_data = FALSE)
-\item{foi}{Object containing the information of the force of infection. It is obtained from \code{rstan::extract(seromodel_object$fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]}.}
+\item{foi}{Object containing the information of the force of infection. It is obtained from \code{rstan::extract(seromodel_object$seromodel, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]}.}
-\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For further details refer to \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+This data frame must contain the following columns:
+\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
+\code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
+\code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
+\code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.}
@@ -22,11 +41,10 @@ This function computes the corresponding binomial confidence intervals for the o
of the Force-of-Infection \code{foi} for plotting an analysis purposes.
-serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
- foi_model = "constant")
-foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object$fit, "foi")[[1]]
-get_prev_expanded <- function(foi, serodata)
+ foi_model = "constant")
+foi <- rstan::extract(seromodel_object, "foi")[[1]]
+get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata)
diff --git a/man/get_table_rhats.Rd b/man/get_table_rhats.Rd
index 4aac86a0..d3d22249 100644
--- a/man/get_table_rhats.Rd
+++ b/man/get_table_rhats.Rd
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
\title{Method for extracting a dataframe containing the R-hat estimates for a given serological model}
+get_table_rhats(seromodel_object, cohort_ages)
+\item{seromodel_object}{Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{cohort_ages}{A data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year.}
rhats table
@@ -17,12 +19,12 @@ This method relies in the function \link[bayesplot]{rhat} to extract the R-hat e
\code{seromodel_object} and returns a table a dataframe with the estimates for each year of birth.
-data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata)
-model_constant <- run_seromodel(serodata = data_test,
- foi_model = "constant",
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata = chagas2012)
+model_constant <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
+ foi_model = "constant",
n_iters = 1500)
-get_table_rhats(model_object = model_constant)
+cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata)
+get_table_rhats(seromodel_object = model_constant,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages)
diff --git a/man/plot_foi.Rd b/man/plot_foi.Rd
index 6e376c70..8dd29d7d 100644
--- a/man/plot_foi.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_foi.Rd
@@ -4,10 +4,18 @@
\title{Function that generates a Force-of-Infection plot corresponding to the specified fitted serological model}
-plot_foi(seromodel_object, max_lambda = NA, size_text = 25, foi_sim = NULL)
+ seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages,
+ max_lambda = NA,
+ size_text = 25,
+ foi_sim = NULL
-\item{seromodel_object}{Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{seromodel_object}{Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{cohort_ages}{A data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year.}
@@ -24,13 +32,15 @@ This includes the corresponding binomial confidence interval.
The x axis corresponds to the decades covered by the survey the y axis to the Force-of-Infection.
- data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
- seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
- serodata = data_test,
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
+ serodata = serodata,
foi_model = "constant",
n_iters = 1000
-plot_foi(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
+ )
+cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata)
+plot_foi(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages,
+ size_text = 15)
diff --git a/man/plot_info_table.Rd b/man/plot_info_table.Rd
index 72ddc003..a642fff0 100644
--- a/man/plot_info_table.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_info_table.Rd
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ p the plot for the given table
Function that generates a plot for a given table
- data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
- seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
- serodata = data_test,
- foi_model = "constant",
- n_iters = 1000
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
+ serodata = serodata,
+ foi_model = "constant",
+ n_iters = 1000
-info = t(seromodel_object$model_summary)
+seromodel_summary <- extract_seromodel_summary(seromodel_object = seromodel_object,
+ serodata = serodata)
+info = t(seromodel_summary)
plot_info_table (info, size_text = 15)
diff --git a/man/plot_rhats.Rd b/man/plot_rhats.Rd
index 02b73f00..eb206112 100644
--- a/man/plot_rhats.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_rhats.Rd
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
\title{Function that generates a plot of the R-hat estimates of the specified fitted serological model}
-plot_rhats(seromodel_object, size_text = 25)
+plot_rhats(seromodel_object, cohort_ages, size_text = 25)
-\item{seromodel_object}{Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{seromodel_object}{Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{cohort_ages}{A data.frame containing the age of each cohort corresponding to each birth year.}
\item{size_text}{Text size use in the theme of the graph returned by the function.}
@@ -20,15 +22,15 @@ The x axis corresponds to the decades covered by the survey and the y axis to th
All rhats must be smaller than 1 to ensure convergence (for further details check \link[bayesplot]{rhat}).
-data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
- serodata = data_test,
+ serodata = serodata,
foi_model = "constant",
n_iters = 1000
+ )
+cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
+ cohort_ages = cohort_ages,
size_text = 15)
diff --git a/man/plot_seromodel.Rd b/man/plot_seromodel.Rd
index 6a36f736..6aaa2c51 100644
--- a/man/plot_seromodel.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_seromodel.Rd
@@ -7,13 +7,35 @@ the Force-of-Infection fit and the R-hat estimates plots.}
+ serodata,
max_lambda = NA,
size_text = 25,
foi_sim = NULL
-\item{seromodel_object}{Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{seromodel_object}{Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+This data frame must contain the following columns:
+\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
+\code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
+\code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
+\code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.}
@@ -29,13 +51,14 @@ Function that generates a vertical arrange of plots showing a summary of a model
the Force-of-Infection fit and the R-hat estimates plots.
-data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
- serodata = data_test,
- foi_model = "constant",
- n_iters = 1000
-plot_seromodel(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
+ data(chagas2012)
+ serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+ seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
+ serodata = serodata,
+ foi_model = "constant",
+ n_iters = 1000
+ )
+ serodata = serodata,
+ size_text = 15)
diff --git a/man/plot_seroprev.Rd b/man/plot_seroprev.Rd
index 8948decb..68044182 100644
--- a/man/plot_seroprev.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_seroprev.Rd
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
plot_seroprev(serodata, size_text = 6)
-\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a serological survey.
This data frame must contain the following columns:
\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
@@ -30,13 +30,7 @@ A ggplot object containing the seropositivity-vs-age graph of the raw data of a
Function that generates the sero-positivity plot from a raw serological survey dataset
- data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
- seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(
- serodata = data_test,
- foi_model = "constant",
- n_iters = 1000
-plot_seroprev(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+plot_seroprev(serodata, size_text = 15)
diff --git a/man/plot_seroprev_fitted.Rd b/man/plot_seroprev_fitted.Rd
index 18740584..837765a5 100644
--- a/man/plot_seroprev_fitted.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_seroprev_fitted.Rd
@@ -4,10 +4,31 @@
\title{Function that generates a seropositivity plot corresponding to the specified fitted serological model}
-plot_seroprev_fitted(seromodel_object, size_text = 6)
+plot_seroprev_fitted(seromodel_object, serodata, size_text = 6)
-\item{seromodel_object}{Object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{seromodel_object}{Stanfit object containing the results of fitting a model by means of \link{run_seromodel}.}
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
+This data frame must contain the following columns:
+\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
+\code{total} \tab Number of samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{counts} \tab Number of positive samples for each age group\cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_min} \tab age_min \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_max} \tab age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{tsur} \tab Year in which the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{country} \tab The country where the survey took place \cr \tab \cr
+\code{test} \tab The type of test taken \cr \tab \cr
+\code{antibody} \tab antibody \cr \tab \cr
+\code{age_mean_f} \tab Floor value of the average between age_min and age_max \cr \tab \cr
+\code{sample_size} \tab The size of the sample \cr \tab \cr
+\code{birth_year} \tab The year in which the individuals of each age group were bornt \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs} \tab Observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_lower} \tab Lower limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+\code{prev_obs_upper} \tab Upper limit of the confidence interval for the observed prevalence \cr \tab \cr
+The last six colums can be added to \code{serodata} by means of the function \code{\link{prepare_serodata}}.}
\item{size_text}{Text size of the graph returned by the function.}
@@ -20,12 +41,12 @@ as well as the obtained fitting from the model implementation. Age is located on
corresponding confidence interval.
-data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
-seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = data_test,
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
+seromodel_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
foi_model = "constant",
n_iters = 1000)
-plot_seroprev_fitted(seromodel_object, size_text = 15)
+ serodata = serodata,
+ size_text = 15)
diff --git a/man/prepare_bin_data.Rd b/man/prepare_bin_data.Rd
index a2d767a4..e7c8c1bd 100644
--- a/man/prepare_bin_data.Rd
+++ b/man/prepare_bin_data.Rd
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ age group}
-\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey. For more information see the function \link{run_seromodel}.
+\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a seroprevalence survey.
This data frame must contain the following columns:
\code{survey} \tab survey Label of the current survey \cr \tab \cr
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ This function prepapares a given pre-processed serological dataset (see \code{\l
of its corresponding seroprevalence grouped by age group.
-prepare_bin_data (serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
diff --git a/man/prepare_serodata.Rd b/man/prepare_serodata.Rd
index 33b4a1de..8e3c316a 100644
--- a/man/prepare_serodata.Rd
+++ b/man/prepare_serodata.Rd
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
\title{Function that prepares the data from a serological survey for modelling}
-prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata, alpha = 0.05, add_age_mean_f = TRUE)
+prepare_serodata(serodata = serodata, alpha = 0.05)
\item{serodata}{A data frame containing the data from a serological survey.
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ This data frame must contain the following columns:
\item{alpha}{probability of a type I error. For further details refer to \link[Hmisc]{binconf}.}
serodata with additional columns necessary for the analysis. These columns are:
@@ -40,8 +38,6 @@ serodata with additional columns necessary for the analysis. These columns are:
This function adds the necessary additional variables to the given dataset \code{serodata} corresponding to a serological survey.
-data_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
diff --git a/man/run_seromodel.Rd b/man/run_seromodel.Rd
index becb135a..9d70340f 100644
--- a/man/run_seromodel.Rd
+++ b/man/run_seromodel.Rd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- foi_model = "constant",
+ foi_model = c("constant", "tv_normal_log", "tv_normal"),
n_iters = 1000,
n_thin = 2,
delta = 0.9,
@@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ This function runs the specified model for the Force-of-Infection \code{foi_mode
\code{serodata} as the input data. See \link{fit_seromodel} for further details.
-serodata <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
run_seromodel (serodata,
- foi_model = "constant")
+ foi_model = "constant")
diff --git a/man/serodata.Rd b/man/serodata.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a0644814..00000000
--- a/man/serodata.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/serodata.R
-\title{Seroprevalence data on serofoi}
-An object of class \code{"cross"}; see \code{\link[qtl]{read.cross}}.
-Data from a serological surveys
diff --git a/tests/testthat/models_serialization.R b/tests/testthat/models_serialization.R
index 6306fac0..0daa2b37 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/models_serialization.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/models_serialization.R
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
@@ -7,7 +6,7 @@ set.seed(1234) # For reproducibility
#----- Read and prepare data
-simdata <- simdata_large_epi %>% prepare_serodata()
+simdata <- prepare_serodata(simdata_large_epi)
no_transm <- 0.0000000001
big_outbreak <- 1.5
foi_sim <- c(rep(no_transm, 32), rep(big_outbreak, 3), rep(no_transm, 15)) # 1 epidemics
@@ -23,11 +22,12 @@ models_list <- lapply(models_to_run,
serodata = simdata,
n_iters = 1000)
-model_constant_json <- jsonlite::serializeJSON(models_list[[1]])
-write_json(model_constant_json, testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_constant.json"))
+ testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_constant.RDS"))
-model_tv_normal_json <- jsonlite::serializeJSON(models_list[[2]])
-write_json(model_tv_normal_json, testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_tv_normal.json"))
+ testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_tv_normal.RDS"))
+ testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_tv_normal_log.RDS"))
-model_tv_normal_log_json <- jsonlite::serializeJSON(models_list[[3]])
-write_json(model_tv_normal_json, testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_tv_normal_log.json"))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_issue_47.R b/tests/testthat/test_issue_47.R
index e46b2740..4e5e82c5 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_issue_47.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_issue_47.R
@@ -7,15 +7,17 @@ test_that("issue 47", {
# Load data
## This dataset is already prepared
- data_path <- testthat::test_path("extdata", "haiti_ssa_sample.RDS")
- data_issue <- readRDS(data_path)
+ serodata_path <- testthat::test_path("extdata", "haiti_ssa_sample.RDS")
+ serodata <- readRDS(serodata_path)
# Error reproduction
- model_test <- run_seromodel(data_issue, foi_model = "tv_normal", print_summary = FALSE)
- foi <- rstan::extract(model_test$fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
- age_max <- max(data_issue$age_mean_f)
- prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = data_issue)
+ model_test <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
+ foi_model = "tv_normal",
+ print_summary = FALSE)
+ foi <- rstan::extract(model_test, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
+ prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = serodata)
# Test
+ age_max <- max(serodata$age_mean_f)
expect_length(prev_expanded$age, n = age_max)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_modelling.R b/tests/testthat/test_modelling.R
index 76494b19..e5a26974 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_modelling.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_modelling.R
@@ -2,17 +2,16 @@ test_that("individual models", {
# So far we are skipping tests on these platforms until
# we find an efficient way to update rstan testthat snapshots on all of them
- skip_on_os(c("windows", "mac"))
+ # skip_on_os(c("windows", "mac"))
set.seed(1234) # For reproducibility
- library(dplyr)
#----- Read and prepare data
- data("serodata")
- data_test <- serodata %>% prepare_serodata(alpha = 0.05)
+ data(chagas2012)
+ serodata <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012, alpha = 0.05)
data_constant_path <- testthat::test_path("extdata", "prev_expanded_constant.RDS")
data_tv_normal_path <- testthat::test_path("extdata", "prev_expanded_tv_normal.RDS")
@@ -20,16 +19,20 @@ test_that("individual models", {
prev_expanded_tv_normal_log <- readRDS(data_constant_path)
+ #----- Test for get_cohort_ages
+ cohort_ages <- get_cohort_ages(serodata = serodata)
+ expect_equal(nrow(cohort_ages), max(unique(serodata$tsur)) - min(serodata$birth_year))
#----- Test for the constant model
model_name <- "constant"
- model_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = data_test,
+ model_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
foi_model = model_name,
n_iters = 1000,
print_summary = FALSE)
- foi <- rstan::extract(model_object$fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
- prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = model_object$serodata)
+ foi <- rstan::extract(model_object, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
+ prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = serodata)
prev_expanded_constant <- readRDS(data_constant_path)
testthat::expect_equal(prev_expanded, prev_expanded_constant, tolerance = TRUE)
@@ -37,24 +40,24 @@ test_that("individual models", {
#----- Test for the tv_normal model
model_name <- "tv_normal"
- model_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = data_test,
+ model_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
foi_model = model_name,
n_iters = 1000)
- foi <- rstan::extract(model_object$fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
- prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = model_object$serodata)
+ foi <- rstan::extract(model_object, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
+ prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = serodata)
prev_expanded_tv_normal <- readRDS(data_tv_normal_path)
testthat::expect_equal(prev_expanded, prev_expanded_tv_normal, tolerance = TRUE)
#----- Test for the tv_normal_log model
model_name <- "tv_normal_log"
- model_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = data_test,
+ model_object <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata,
foi_model = model_name,
n_iters = 1000)
- foi <- rstan::extract(model_object$fit, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
- prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = model_object$serodata)
+ foi <- rstan::extract(model_object, "foi", inc_warmup = FALSE)[[1]]
+ prev_expanded <- get_prev_expanded(foi, serodata = serodata)
prev_expanded_tv_normal <- readRDS(data_tv_normal_path)
testthat::expect_equal(prev_expanded, prev_expanded_tv_normal_log, tolerance = TRUE)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_visualisation.R b/tests/testthat/test_visualisation.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 52ef09fa..00000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test_visualisation.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# Test for the function plot_seroprev_fitted
-test_that("individual models", {
- # So far we are skipping tests on these platforms until
- # we find an efficient way to update rstan testthat snapshots on all of them
- skip_on_os(c("windows", "mac"))
- source("testing_utils.R")
- set.seed(1234) # For reproducibility
- library(devtools)
- library(dplyr)
- library(vdiffr)
- library(jsonlite)
- data("simdata_large_epi")
- simdata <- simdata_large_epi %>% prepare_serodata()
- no_transm <- 0.0000000001
- big_outbreak <- 1.5
- foi_sim <- c(rep(no_transm, 32), rep(big_outbreak, 3), rep(no_transm, 15)) # 1 epidemics
- #----- Results visualisation
- size_text <- 6
- max_lambda <- 1.55
- model_constant_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_constant.json"))
- model_constant <- jsonlite::unserializeJSON(model_constant_json)
- constant_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_constant,
- size_text = size_text,
- max_lambda = max_lambda,
- foi_sim = foi_sim
- )
- model_tv_normal_json <- fromJSON(testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_tv_normal.json"))
- model_tv_normal <- jsonlite::unserializeJSON(model_tv_normal_json)
- tv_normal_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_tv_normal,
- size_text = size_text,
- max_lambda = max_lambda,
- foi_sim = foi_sim
- )
- model_tv_normal_log_json <- fromJSON(testthat::test_path("extdata", "model_tv_normal_log.json"))
- model_tv_normal_log <- jsonlite::unserializeJSON(model_tv_normal_log_json)
- tv_normal_log_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_tv_normal_log,
- size_text = size_text,
- max_lambda = max_lambda,
- foi_sim = foi_sim
- )
- plot_arrange <- cowplot::plot_grid(constant_plot,
- tv_normal_plot,
- tv_normal_log_plot,
- ncol = 3, labels = "AUTO"
- )
- vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot_arrange_simdata_foi", plot_arrange)
-# #Test for the function plot_rhats
-# library(testthat)
-# # Define a test context
-# context("Testing plot_rhats function")
-# # Create a mock seromodel_object
-# mock_seromodel_object <- list(fit = "model did not run")
-# # Define a test case for the else statement
-# test_that("plot_rhats function works for else statement", {
-# # Call the function with the mock seromodel_object
-# rhats_plot <- plot_rhats(mock_seromodel_object)
-# # Expect the output to be a ggplot object
-# expect_is(rhats_plot, "ggplot")
-# # Expect the plot to have a single point
-# expect_equal(length(rhats_plot$layers[[1]]$data), 1)
-# # Expect the plot to have a single label
-# expect_equal(length(rhats_plot$layers[[2]]$data), 1)
-# # Expect the label to be "errors"
-# expect_equal(rhats_plot$layers[[2]]$label, "errors")
-# })
-# #Test for the function plot_seromodel
-# library(testthat)
-# # Test for exception in else
-# test_that("plot_seromodel prints an error message and returns an empty plot object when a model cannot be fitted", {
-# # Create a seromodel object with fit as a feature
-# seromodel_object <- list(fit = "no_fit", model = "my_model")
-# # Run the function and check that it returns an empty plot object
-# expect_silent(plot_seromodel(seromodel_object))
-# expect_equal(length(plot_seromodel(seromodel_object)$grobs), 5)
-# })
-# # We create a helper function that returns an unwrapped seromodel object
-# create_dummy_seromodel <- function() {
-# # empty object
-# seromodel <- list()
-# seromodel$fit <- "dummy"
-# seromodel$serodata <- data.frame(age = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60),
-# p_obs_bin = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99),
-# bin_size = c(5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60))
-# return(seromodel)
-# }
-# # Unit tests for plot_seroprev_fitted()
-# test_that("plot_seroprev_fitted() returns an empty plot for an unfitted seromodel object", {
-# # We create an unadjusted seromodel object
-# seromodel <- create_dummy_seromodel()
-# # We call the function plot_seroprev_fitted()
-# plot <- plot_seroprev_fitted(seromodel)
-# # We verify that the plot object is an empty ggplot
-# expect_true(class(plot) == "ggplot")
-# expect_true(length(plot$layers) == 0)
-# })
-# #Test for the function plot_foi
-# library(testthat)
-# # Define the test context
-# context("Test of the function plot_foi")
-# # Create a test to check the else block
-# test_that("The plot_foi function should output an empty plot when the model is not running", {
-# # Create an empty object that simulates the output of the model that failed
-# empty_model <- list(fit = "failure")
-# # Run the plot_foi function with the empty model
-# plot <- plot_foi(empty_model)
-# # Check if the output is an empty graph
-# expect_identical(ggplot2::ggplot(), plot)
-# })
diff --git a/vignettes/foi_models.Rmd b/vignettes/foi_models.Rmd
index 2c53d6a9..fb9eaba6 100644
--- a/vignettes/foi_models.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/foi_models.Rmd
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
```{r cleaning, include = FALSE, echo = TRUE}
-rownames(serodata) <- NULL
The current version of ***serofoi*** supports three different models for estimating the *Force-of-Infection (FoI)*, including constant and time-varying trajectories. For fitting the model to the sero-prevalence data we use a suit of bayesian models that include prior and upper prior distributions
@@ -62,11 +60,16 @@ serodata_constant <- prepare_serodata(simdata_constant)
model_1 <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata_constant,
foi_model = "constant",
n_iters = 800)
-plot_seromodel(model_1, size_text = 6)
+ serodata = serodata_constant,
+ size_text = 6)
```{r model_1_plot, include = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results="hide", errors = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.width=4, fig.asp=1.5, fig.align="center", out.width ="50%", fig.keep="all"}
foi_sim_constant <- rep(0.02, 50)
-model_1_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_1, foi_sim = foi_sim_constant, size_text = 6)
+model_1_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_1,
+ serodata = serodata_constant,
+ foi_sim = foi_sim_constant,
+ size_text = 6)
Figure 1. Constant serofoi model plot. Simulated (red) vs modelled (blue) *FoI*.
@@ -96,13 +99,18 @@ serodata_sw_dec <- prepare_serodata(simdata_sw_dec)
model_2 <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata_sw_dec,
foi_model = "tv_normal",
n_iters = 1500)
-plot_seromodel(model_2, size_text = 6)
+ serodata = serodata_sw_dec,
+ size_text = 6)
```{r model_2_plot, include = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results="hide", errors = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.width=4, fig.asp=1.5, fig.align="center", out.width ="50%", fig.keep="all"}
no_transm <- 0.0000000001
foi_sim_sw_dec <- c(rep(0.2, 25), rep(0.1, 10), rep(no_transm, 17))
-model_2_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_2, foi_sim = foi_sim_sw_dec, size_text = 6)
+model_2_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_2,
+ serodata = serodata_sw_dec,
+ foi_sim = foi_sim_sw_dec,
+ size_text = 6)
Figure 2. Slow time-varying serofoi model plot. Simulated (red) vs modelled (blue) *FoI*.
@@ -125,7 +133,9 @@ serodata_large_epi <- prepare_serodata(simdata_large_epi)
model_3 <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata_large_epi,
foi_model = "tv_normal_log",
n_iters = 1500)
-model_3_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_3, size_text = 6)
+model_3_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_3,
+ serodata = serodata_large_epi,
+ size_text = 6)
```{r model_3_plot, include = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results="hide", errors = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.width=4, fig.asp=1.5, fig.align="center", out.width ="50%", fig.keep="all"}
@@ -133,7 +143,10 @@ no_transm <- 0.0000000001
big_outbreak <- 1.5
foi_sim_large_epi <- c(rep(no_transm, 32), rep(big_outbreak, 3), rep(no_transm, 15))
-model_3_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_3, foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi, size_text = 6)
+model_3_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_3,
+ serodata = serodata_large_epi,
+ foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi,
+ size_text = 6)
Figure 3. *Time-varying fast epidemic serofoi model* plot. Simulated (red) vs modelled (blue) *FoI*.
@@ -163,12 +176,16 @@ Now, we would like to know whether this model actually fits this dataset better
model_1 <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata_large_epi,
foi_model = "constant",
n_iters = 800)
-model_1_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_1, size_text = 6)
+model_1_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_1,
+ serodata = serodata_large_epi,
+ size_text = 6)
model_2 <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata_large_epi,
foi_model = "tv_normal",
n_iters = 1500)
-model_2_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_2, size_text = 6)
+model_2_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_2,
+ serodata = serodata_large_epi,
+ size_text = 6)
Using the function `cowplot::plot_grid` we can visualise the results of the three models simultaneously:
@@ -177,9 +194,19 @@ cowplot::plot_grid(model_1_plot, model_2_plot, model_3_plot,
nrow = 1, ncol = 3, labels = "AUTO")
```{r model_comparison_plot_, include = TRUE, echo = FALSE, results="hide", errors = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.width=5, fig.asp=1, fig.align="center", fig.keep="all"}
-model_1_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_1, foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi, size_text = 6)
-model_2_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_2, foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi, size_text = 6)
-model_3_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_3, foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi, size_text = 6)
+size_text <- 6
+model_1_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_1,
+ serodata = serodata_large_epi,
+ foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi,
+ size_text = size_text)
+model_2_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_2,
+ serodata = serodata_large_epi,
+ foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi,
+ size_text = size_text)
+model_3_plot <- plot_seromodel(model_3,
+ serodata = serodata_large_epi,
+ foi_sim = foi_sim_large_epi,
+ size_text = size_text)
cowplot::plot_grid(model_1_plot, model_2_plot, model_3_plot,
nrow = 1, ncol = 3, labels = "AUTO")
diff --git a/vignettes/serofoi.Rmd b/vignettes/serofoi.Rmd
index 082e86ef..cf149b1d 100644
--- a/vignettes/serofoi.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/serofoi.Rmd
@@ -60,12 +60,14 @@ The integrated dataset `serodata_test` provides a minimal example of the input o
```{r model_constant, include = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results="hide", errors = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.width=4, fig.asp=1.5, fig.align="center"}
# Loading and preparing data for modelling
-serodata_test <- prepare_serodata(serodata)
+serodata_test <- prepare_serodata(chagas2012)
# Model implementation
model_constant <- run_seromodel(serodata = serodata_test,
foi_model = "constant")
# Visualisation
-plot_seromodel(model_constant, size_text = 6)
+ serodata = serodata_test,
+ size_text = 6)
For details on the implementation of time-varying models and model comparison see [FoI Models](https://trace-lac.github.io/serofoi/articles/foi_models.html).
diff --git a/vignettes/use_cases.Rmd b/vignettes/use_cases.Rmd
index 361fd1f2..e64dfac3 100644
--- a/vignettes/use_cases.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/use_cases.Rmd
@@ -67,9 +67,15 @@ m3_chik <- run_seromodel(serodata = chik2015p,
n_thin = 2)
# Visualisation of the results
-p1_chik <- plot_seromodel(m1_chik, size_text = 6)
-p2_chik <- plot_seromodel(m2_chik, size_text = 6)
-p3_chik <- plot_seromodel(m3_chik, size_text = 6)
+p1_chik <- plot_seromodel(m1_chik,
+ serodata = chik2015p,
+ size_text = 6)
+p2_chik <- plot_seromodel(m2_chik,
+ serodata = chik2015p,
+ size_text = 6)
+p3_chik <- plot_seromodel(m3_chik,
+ serodata = chik2015p,
+ size_text = 6)
cowplot::plot_grid(p1_chik, p2_chik, p3_chik, ncol=3)
@@ -98,24 +104,30 @@ veev2012p <- prepare_serodata(veev2012)
# Implementation of the models
m1_veev <- run_seromodel(serodata = veev2012p,
- foi_model = "constant",
- n_iters = 500,
- n_thin = 2)
+ foi_model = "constant",
+ n_iters = 500,
+ n_thin = 2)
m2_veev <- run_seromodel(serodata = veev2012p,
- foi_model = "tv_normal",
- n_iters = 500,
- n_thin = 2)
+ foi_model = "tv_normal",
+ n_iters = 500,
+ n_thin = 2)
m3_veev <- run_seromodel(serodata = veev2012p,
- foi_model = "tv_normal_log",
- n_iters = 500,
- n_thin = 2)
+ foi_model = "tv_normal_log",
+ n_iters = 500,
+ n_thin = 2)
# Visualisation of the results
-p1_veev <- plot_seromodel(m1_veev, size_text = 6)
-p2_veev <- plot_seromodel(m2_veev, size_text = 6)
-p3_veev <- plot_seromodel(m3_veev, size_text = 6)
+p1_veev <- plot_seromodel(m1_veev,
+ serodata = veev2012p,
+ size_text = 6)
+p2_veev <- plot_seromodel(m2_veev,
+ serodata = veev2012p,
+ size_text = 6)
+p3_veev <- plot_seromodel(m3_veev,
+ serodata = veev2012p,
+ size_text = 6)
cowplot::plot_grid(p1_veev, p2_veev, p3_veev, ncol=3)
@@ -150,9 +162,13 @@ m2_cha <- run_seromodel(serodata = chagas2012p,
n_iters = 800)
# Visualisation of the results
-p1_cha <- plot_seromodel(m1_cha, size_text = 6)
-p2_cha <- plot_seromodel(m2_cha, size_text = 6)
-cowplot::plot_grid(p1_cha, p2_cha, ncol=2)
+p1_cha <- plot_seromodel(m1_cha,
+ serodata = chagas2012p,
+ size_text = 6)
+p2_cha <- plot_seromodel(m2_cha,
+ serodata = chagas2012p,
+ size_text = 6)
+cowplot::plot_grid(p1_cha, p2_cha, ncol = 2)
Figure 3. ***serofoi*** endemic models for *FoI* estimates of *Trypanosoma cruzi* in a rural area of Colombia.
## References