This configuration defines the core settings for your EpicChain instance.
const epicchainOptions = {
network: 'testnet', // Specifies the network (mainnet/testnet).
storageType: undefined, // Choose your storage system.
endpoints: undefined, // Set custom endpoints if necessary.
enableSyncer: true, // Enable synchronization for data consistency.
enableBlockAnalyzer: false, // Disable block analyzer by default.
nodeOptions: undefined, // Custom options for nodes in the system.
meshOptions: undefined, // Define mesh network options.
storageOptions: undefined, // Configure your storage system.
apiOptions: undefined, // Define API-related options.
syncerOptions: undefined, // Options for syncing data between nodes.
blockMetaAnalyzerOptions: undefined, // Block meta-analyzer options.
loggerOptions: {}, // Logger settings (level, timestamp, etc.).
This section controls the API settings for data interaction.
const apiOptions = {
insertToStorage: true, // Automatically insert data into storage.
checkReadyIntervalMs: 200, // Interval (ms) to check readiness of API services.
loggerOptions: {}, // Logger settings specifically for API-related logs.
Optimize the mesh network for better performance.
const meshOptions = {
startBenchmarkOnInit: true, // Benchmark starts when initialization begins.
toFetchUserAgent: true, // Fetch user-agent details for node tracking.
benchmarkIntervalMs: 2000, // Period (ms) for performance benchmarking.
fetchMissingUserAgentIntervalMs: 5000, // Time (ms) to fetch missing user-agent info.
refreshUserAgentIntervalMs: 5 * 60 * 1000, // Interval (ms) to refresh user-agent info.
minActiveNodesRequired: 2, // Minimum number of active nodes required.
pendingRequestsThreshold: 5, // Threshold for pending requests before blocking.
loggerOptions: {}, // Custom logger options for mesh network events.
Settings for the synchronization mechanism to ensure data consistency.
const syncerOptions = {
minHeight: 1, // Starting height for synchronization.
maxHeight: undefined, // Maximum height for sync (leave undefined for full sync).
blockRedundancy: 1, // Block redundancy level.
checkRedundancyBeforeStoreBlock: true, // Check block redundancy before storing.
startOnInit: true, // Syncer starts automatically when initialized.
toSyncIncremental: true, // Sync data incrementally for efficiency.
toSyncForMissingBlocks: true, // Sync for missing blocks.
toPruneRedundantBlocks: true, // Prune redundant blocks after sync.
storeQueueConcurrency: 30, // Max concurrent operations in store queue.
pruneQueueConcurrency: 10, // Max concurrent operations in prune queue.
enqueueBlockIntervalMs: 5000, // Interval (ms) to enqueue blocks.
verifyBlocksIntervalMs: 1 * 60 * 1000, // Interval (ms) to verify blocks.
maxStoreQueueLength: 1000, // Maximum length of the store queue.
retryEnqueueDelayMs: 5000, // Delay (ms) before retrying enqueue.
standardEnqueueBlockPriority: 5, // Default block enqueue priority.
retryEnqueueBlockPriority: 3, // Priority for retrying block enqueue.
missingEnqueueStoreBlockPriority: 1, // Priority for missing block enqueue.
enqueuePruneBlockPriority: 5, // Pruning block enqueue priority.
maxPruneChunkSize: 1000, // Maximum size for pruning chunks.
loggerOptions: {}, // Logger configuration for syncer events.
Tune the node-level settings to enhance reliability.
const nodeOptions = {
toLogReliability: false, // Enable/disable reliability logging.
truncateRequestLogIntervalMs: 30 * 1000, // Interval to truncate request logs (ms).
requestLogTtl: 5 * 60 * 1000, // Time to live for request logs (ms).
timeout: 30000, // Timeout for requests (ms).
loggerOptions: {}, // Logger configuration for node-related activities.
In-memory storage configuration for lightweight data handling.
const memoryStorageOptions = {
loggerOptions: {}, // Logger settings for in-memory storage.
MongoDB storage configuration for persistent data handling.
const mongodbStorageOptions = {
connectOnInit: true, // Automatically connect to MongoDB on init.
reviewIndexesOnConnect: false, // Whether to review indexes on connection.
userAgent: 'Unknown', // Default user-agent for storage.
collectionNames: {
blocks: 'blocks', // MongoDB collection for blocks.
blockMetas: 'block_metas', // MongoDB collection for block metadata.
transactionMetas: 'transaction_metas', // MongoDB collection for transaction metadata.
loggerOptions: {}, // Logger options for MongoDB interactions.
Configurations for analyzing block metadata.
const blockMetaAnalyzerOptions = {
minHeight: 1, // Starting height for metadata analysis.
maxHeight: undefined, // Max height for analysis.
startOnInit: true, // Start the analysis when initialized.
toEvaluateTransactions: true, // Whether to evaluate transactions.
toEvaluateAssets: false, // Skip asset evaluation by default.
blockQueueConcurrency: 5, // Concurrent processing for block queue.
transactionQueueConcurrency: 10, // Concurrent processing for transaction queue.
enqueueEvaluateBlockIntervalMs: 5 * 1000, // Interval (ms) for block evaluation enqueue.
verifyBlocksIntervalMs: 30 * 1000, // Verification interval (ms) for blocks.
maxBlockQueueLength: 30 * 1000, // Max length of block queue.
maxTransactionQueueLength: 100 * 1000, // Max length of transaction queue.
standardEvaluateBlockPriority: 5, // Standard priority for block evaluation.
missingEvaluateBlockPriority: 3, // Priority for missing block evaluation.
legacyEvaluateBlockPriority: 3, // Priority for legacy block evaluation.
standardEvaluateTransactionPriority: 5, // Priority for transaction evaluation.
missingEvaluateTransactionPriority: 5, // Priority for missing transaction evaluation.
legacyEvaluateTransactionPriority: 5, // Priority for legacy transaction evaluation.
loggerOptions: {}, // Logger options for block meta analysis.
Customize how logs are handled across the system.
const loggerOptions = {
level: 'warn', // Define the log level: silent | error | warn | info | debug | trace.
displayTimestamp: true, // Whether to display timestamps in logs.
displayName: true, // Display the name of the logger.
displayLevel: true, // Display the log level in logs.
useLevelInitial: false, // Use the initial of the log level (e.g., 'I' for 'info').
useLocalTime: false, // Use local time instead of UTC.
timestampFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS', // Timestamp format in logs.
These options allow for full customization of your EpicChain instance, making it adaptable to various needs and use cases, whether you want to optimize performance, control logging, or fine-tune synchronization and storage.