Type-safe and terse reducers with Typescript for React Hooks and Redux using Immer!
npm install immer-reducer
You can also install eslint-plugin-immer-reducer to help you avoid errors when writing your reducer.
Turn this π© π© π©
interface SetFirstNameAction {
firstName: string;
interface SetLastNameAction {
type: "SET_LAST_NAME";
lastName: string;
type Action = SetFirstNameAction | SetLastNameAction;
function reducer(action: Action, state: State): State {
switch (action.type) {
return {
user: {
firstName: action.firstName,
return {
user: {
lastName: action.lastName,
return state;
β¨β¨ Into this! β¨β¨
import {ImmerReducer} from "immer-reducer";
class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
setFirstName(firstName: string) {
this.draftState.user.firstName = firstName;
setLastName(lastName: string) {
this.draftState.user.lastName = lastName;
π₯π₯ Without losing type-safety! π₯π₯
Oh, and you get the action creators for free! π€ π
Generate Action Creators and the actual reducer function for Redux from the class with
import {createStore} from "redux";
import {createActionCreators, createReducerFunction} from "immer-reducer";
const initialState: State = {
user: {
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
const ActionCreators = createActionCreators(MyImmerReducer);
const reducerFunction = createReducerFunction(MyImmerReducer, initialState);
const store = createStore(reducerFunction);
Dispatch some actions
The generated ActionCreator
object respect the types used in the class
const action = ActionCreators.setFirstName("Charlie");
action.payload; // Has the type of string
ActionCreators.setFirstName(1); // Type error. Needs string.
ActionCreators.setWAT("Charlie"); // Type error. Unknown method
If the reducer class where to have a method which takes more than one argument the payload would be array of the arguments
// In the Reducer class:
// setName(firstName: string, lastName: string) {}
const action = ActionCreators.setName("Charlie", "Brown");
action.payload; // will have value ["Charlie", "Brown"] and type [string, string]
The reducer function is also typed properly
const reducer = createReducerFunction(MyImmerReducer);
reducer(initialState, ActionCreators.setFirstName("Charlie")); // OK
reducer(initialState, {type: "WAT"}); // Type error
reducer({wat: "bad state"}, ActionCreators.setFirstName("Charlie")); // Type error
Because the useReducer()
API in React Hooks is the same as with Redux
Reducers immer-reducer can be used with as is.
const initialState = {message: ""};
class ReducerClass extends ImmerReducer<typeof initialState> {
setMessage(message: string) {
this.draftState.message = message;
const ActionCreators = createActionCreators(ReducerClass);
const reducerFunction = createReducerFunction(ReducerClass);
function Hello() {
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducerFunction, initialState);
return (
onClick={() => {
The returned state and dispatch functions will be typed as you would expect.
Under the hood the class is deconstructed to following actions:
type: "IMMER_REDUCER:MyImmerReducer#setFirstName",
payload: "Charlie",
type: "IMMER_REDUCER:MyImmerReducer#setLastName",
payload: "Brown",
type: "IMMER_REDUCER:MyImmerReducer#setName",
payload: ["Charlie", "Brown"],
args: true
So the class and method names become the Redux Action Types and the method arguments become the action payloads. The reducer function will then match these actions against the class and calls the appropriate methods with the payload array spread to the arguments.
π« The format of the action.type
string is internal to immer-reducer. If
you need to detect the actions use the provided type guards.
The generated reducer function executes the methods inside the produce()
function of Immer enabling the terse mutatable style updates.
To integrate for example with the side effects libraries such as
redux-observable and
redux-saga, you can access the
generated action type using the type
property of the action creator
With redux-observable
// Get the action name to subscribe to
const setFirstNameActionTypeName = ActionCreators.setFirstName.type;
// Get the action type to have a type safe Epic
type SetFirstNameAction = ReturnType<typeof ActionCreators.setFirstName>;
const setFirstNameEpic: Epic<SetFirstNameAction> = action$ =>
// action.payload - recognized as string
map(action => action.payload.toUpperCase()),
With redux-saga
function* watchFirstNameChanges() {
yield takeEvery(ActionCreators.setFirstName.type, doStuff);
// or use the isActionFrom() to get all actions from a specific ImmerReducer
// action creators object
function* watchImmerActions() {
yield takeEvery(
(action: Action) => isActionFrom(action, MyImmerReducer),
function* handleImmerReducerAction(action: Actions<typeof MyImmerReducer>) {
// `action` is a union of action types
if (isAction(action, ActionCreators.setFirstName)) {
// with action of setFirstName
Warning: Due to how immer-reducers action generation works, adding default parameters to the methods will NOT pass it to the action payload, which can make your reducer impure and the values will not be available in middlewares.
class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
addItem (id: string = uuid()) {
immerActions.addItem() // generates empty payload { payload: [] }
As a workaround, create custom action creator wrappers that pass the default parameters instead.
class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
addItem (id) {
const actions = {
addItem: () => immerActions.addItem(id)
It is also recommended to install the ESLint plugin in the "Install" section to alert you if you accidentally encounter this issue.
Here's a more complete example with redux-saga and redux-render-prop:
You can replace the whole draftState
with a new state if you'd like. This could be useful if you'd like to reset back to your initial state.
import {ImmerReducer} from "immer-reducer";
const initialState: State = {
user: {
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
// omitting other reducer methods
reset() {
this.draftState = initialState;
The module exports following helpers
Type guard for detecting whether the given action is generated by the given reducer class. The detected type will be union of actions the class generates.
if (isActionFrom(someAction, ActionCreators)) {
// someAction now has type of
// {
// type: "setFirstName";
// payload: string;
// } | {
// type: "setLastName";
// payload: string;
// };
Type guard for detecting specific actions generated by immer-reducer.
if (isAction(someAction, ActionCreators.setFirstName)) {
someAction.payload; // Type checks to `string`
Get union of the action types generated by the ImmerReducer class
type MyActions = Actions<typeof MyImmerReducer>;
// Is the same as
type MyActions =
| {
type: "setFirstName";
payload: string;
| {
type: "setLastName";
payload: string;
The default prefix in the generated action types is IMMER_REDUCER
. Call
this customize it for your app.
Utility that reduces actions by applying them through multiple reducers.
This helps in allowing you to split up your reducer logic to multiple ImmerReducer
if they affect the same part of your state
class MyNameReducer extends ImmerReducer<NamesState> {
setFirstName(firstName: string) {
this.draftState.firstName = firstName;
setLastName(lastName: string) {
this.draftState.lastName = lastName;
class MyAgeReducer extends ImmerReducer<AgeState> {
setAge(age: number) {
this.draftState.age = 8;
export const reducer = composeReducers(
createReducerFunction(MyNameReducer, initialState),
createReducerFunction(MyAgeReducer, initialState)