A List of Tools and Tutorials used for the seminar
Oliver used the parity UI v1.10.1-20180413 beta and the parity client v1.10.1-beta-45c29a2-20180413/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.25.0
Other usefull environments such as Truffle and Truffel's Ganach can be found in the README
The demonstrated Token Smart contract is inspired by this ERC20 template. To learn about Solidity it's tweaks and general syntax I highly recommend doing all lessons of CryptoZombies
To initiate your own Dapp project I remcommend uisng chevdor's generator
An good DApp instorudction is provided by Parity tutorial.
To test and play with your DApp & Smart Contracts use one of ethereums Testchains (e.g. Kovan) instead of the Parity Dev-Chain.