Initial draft :doctype: book
This module is set of objects that are bound to Enduro/X C based framework. Enduro/X by it self is middleware that uses operating system kernel queues for doing high performance inter-process communication. The middleware functionality is in the heart of the Enduro/X. Other functionality that comes in the package is application server, which boots up the processes, monitors them (restarts is they become dead), detects stalled services.
The processes in Enduro/X are split into to categories:
Client processes
Server processes
The client processes might be a stand alone process (executables running in system) or it can be controlled by Enduro/X’s Client Process Monitor (cpmsrv). Which gives administrator nice interface for configuring/starting/stopping the clients.
The server processes are ones that are started by Enduro/X local daemon process called ndrxd. The server process have inside a thread which conforms the XATMI server process workflow. At the startup the init function is called. Then threads goes into waiting on message dispatches (waits on Posix queues).
Once the application server is going for shutdown or administrator is about to shutdown single server, then XATMI server process is notified of this action and server process can gracefully do the de-init and shutdown. The uninit callback is send to server process while doing shutdown.
To get started with endurox-go module, it is required to install
Go compiler and gcc compiler
PKG Config package (used by endurox-go) to resolve library dependencies
The process of installation should very similar on other operating systems too (i.e. OSX, FreeBSD, etc.).
Select the Download package from here:
The endurox-go requires Golang 1.6+
Particularity sample will run on amd64 on Linux OS:
$ cd ~ $ wget $ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.16.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz $ echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" > $HOME/.profile
The PKG config is needed for endurox-go to select the needed dependences. The Enduro/X install the pkg config file named atmisrvinteg.pc to system’s pkgconfig path. This is later used by golang to build endurox-go. Golang needs pkgconfig package.
Installation process on Linux Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install pkg-config gcc g++
On RHEL Linux (if not already installed):
$ su - root # yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' # yum install pkgconfig
Installation on FreeBSD. Also we export PKG_CONFIG_PATH. And we switch the system to the GNU make, otherwise tests does not compile.
$ su - root # pkg install pkgconf clang gmake # mv /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/make.orig # ln -s /usr/local/bin/gmake /usr/bin/make $ exit $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig
Or for BSD, add the PKG_CONFIG_PATH path to /etc/profile.
IBM AIX only recently has added Golang compiler which works starting from AIX 7.2 running on POWER 8 and later CPUs. Also solution has some limitations, one of which is that Go compiled binaries on AIX does not support runtime linkage which also prevents XA drivers to be loaded from shared libraries. Thus to have some transaction support in Go, only NULL switch ( resolves to internal null switch driver, i.e. standard configuration will work, but it is handled internally by Enduro/X that this particular library resolves to statically linked NULL switch.
Golang request GCC compiler to be installed. It cannot be built with xlC as it relies internally on GCC to perform CGO linkage. Thought runtime binaries does not depend on GNU C/C++ libraries.
This assumes that Linux Toolbox is installed. If not installed, follow the instructions on aix_notes(guides)(Building Enduro/X On IBM AIX Platform)
$ su - root # yum search gcc-cpp gcc-c++ golang pkg-config
Set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH path:
$ echo "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig" > $HOME/.profile
When building binaries (only build time), ensure that following is set.
$ export CC=gcc $ export CXX=g++ $ export CFLAGS="-Wl,-brtl -maix64"
As GCC otherwise would not be able to resolve freeware libraries. This also sets the runtime linking flags, but these are not used by Go compiler (at-least in version 1.16). But this particular CFLAGS value is needed if running "endurox-go/tests" as view compiler builds Enduro/X binary for offset calculation and with out "-WL,brtl" gcc does not seek for ".so" library files (which is default Enduro/X delivery format).
This section lists caveats found during Golang usage on AIX.
If having error such as:
go build && go install # client /opt/freeware/lib/golang/pkg/tool/aix_ppc64/link: gcc -Wl,-V failed: exit status 1 /usr/bin/ld: LD 7.2.4(2/13/18) ld: 0711-738 ERROR: Input file /lib/crt0.o: XCOFF32 object files are not allowed in 64-bit mode. collect2: error: ld returned 8 exit status
Ensure that OBJECT_MODE is not set. As Go compiler at some moment invokes gcc with out -maix64 flag for some AIX linker tests.
If Go code invokes user C code which uses Enduro/X Core API, memory may leak, if contexting is not done properly. Enduro/X Core libraries require certain Thread Local Storage (TLS) context, which Enduro/X Go API manages automatically. By default native OS threads for Enduro/X Go binaries are not associated with any such context and improper invocation of C code (e.g. via C. namespace), may trigger Enduro/X Core to allocate new Context and depending on the scenario, this may happen every time, when accessing such C code from Enduro/X Go code.
The proper way to make such invocations, would be to lock to OS thread (so that threads does not swap between further calls) and associate it with Enduro/X ATMI context:
func some_work(ac *atmi.ATMICtx) { runtime.LockOSThread() ac.AssocThreadWithCtx() C.invoke_c_func_which_does_atmi() ac.DisassocThreadFromCtx() runtime.UnlockOSThread() return }
The approach is the same as if using Distributed transactions, as described further in the document, where thread association with context is required.
This section list the features which are supported by Go module.
XATMI Server process
XATMI Client process
Distributed transaction processing (currently with patched go-oci8, which can be downloaded here:
Debug logging infrastructure
Persistent queues
Buffers: UBF, JSON, String, Binary array (carray)
Load balancing
High availability
This chapter describes constants used by Enduro/X module. This includes error codes and flags.
TPNOBLOCK (0x00000001) - Do not block the operation (don’t wait for reply or resource availability).
TPSIGRSTRT (0x00000002) - Restart the the system call if interrupted.
TPNOREPLY (0x00000004) - Make asynchronous call, do not wait for reply.
TPNOTRAN (0x00000008) - Do not run in transaction mode.
TPTRAN (0x00000010) - Reserved for future use.
TPNOTIME (0x00000020) - Do not interrupt the call by timeout condition.
TPGETANY (0x00000080) - Get any call reply.
TPNOCHANGE (0x00000100) - Do not change buffer format. If reply on tpcall() receives other buffer format than specified in call and this flag is set, then error will be generated.
TPCONV (0x00000400) - Reserved for future use.
TPSENDONLY (0x00000800) - Enter in sending mode during conversational IPC.
TPRECVONLY (0x00001000) - Enter in receiving mode during conversational IPC.
TPTRANSUSPEND (0x00040000) - Suspend current transaction.
TPSOFTTIMEOUT (0x00080000) - Soft timout condition → ret TPETIME, used for TpReturn()
TPSOFTENOENT (0x00100000) - Simulate that service is not found, used for TpReturn()
TPNOAUTBUF (0x00200000) - Don’t restore autbuf in srv context, used for TpSrvSetCtxData()
Current Enduro/X version support maximum buffer size of 64KB. The constant is defined for that:
ATMI_MSG_MAX_SIZE (65536) - Max ATMI message size.
This is subject of change in future. It might that dynamic number (configurable) will be available.
This chapter lists the error codes returned by ATMI calls.
TPMINVAL (0) - No error.
TPEABORT (1) - Transaction was marked for abort.
TPEBADDESC (2) - Bad call descriptor.
TPEBLOCK (3) - Reserved for future use.
TPEINVAL (4) - Invalid value passed to function.
TPELIMIT (5) - System limits exceeded (max queues or call descriptors open).
TPENOENT (6) - No Entry (XATMI service or other resources).
TPEOS (7) - Operating system error occurred.
TPEPERM (8) - Reserved for future use.
TPEPROTO (9) - Protocol error. Invocation of XATMI functions in invalid order.
TPESVCERR (10) - Server error. XATMI server died during processing.
TPESVCFAIL (11) - Application level error at service.
TPESYSTEM (12) - System error.
TPETIME (13) - Time-out condition.
TPETRAN (14) - Transaction error.
TPGOTSIG (15) - Reserved for future use.
TPERMERR (16) - Resource manager error (used for distributed transactions processing)
TPEITYPE (17) - Reserved for future use.
TPEOTYPE (18) - Invalid output type.
TPERELEASE (19) - Reserved for future use.
TPEHAZARD (20) - Hazardous condition occurred. Transaction is partially committed and/or abort.
TPEHEURISTIC (21) - Heuristic condition occurred. Transaction is partially committed and/or abort.
TPEEVENT (22) - Event notification received for conversational IPC session.
TPEMATCH (23) - Did not match given identifier.
TPEDIAGNOSTIC (24) - Additional information is returned in diagnostics field (used by persistent queues API).
TPEMIB (25) - Reserved for future use.
TPINITFAIL (30) - Reserved for future use.
TPMAXVAL (31) - Maximum error code.
Values for rval in tpreturn:
TPFAIL (0x0001) - Application level error occurred, returns tpcall() gives TPESVCFAIL as error.
TPSUCCESS (0x0002) - Service succeeded.
TPNOFLAGS (0x00000) - No flags used.
TPQCORRID (0x00001) - Set/get correlation id (on set TPQCTL.corrid must be specified.
TPQFAILUREQ (0x00002) - Set/get failure queue. On set TPQCTL.failurequeue must be specified.
TPQBEFOREMSGID (0x00004) - RFU, enqueue before message id.
TPQGETBYMSGIDOLD (0x00008) - RFU, deprecated.
TPQMSGID (0x00010) - Get msgid of enqueued/dequeued message.
TPQPRIORITY (0x00020) - Set/get message priority.
TPQTOP (0x00040) - RFU, enqueue at queue top.
TPQWAIT (0x00080) - RFU, wait for dequeuing.
TPQREPLYQ (0x00100) - Set/get reply queue.
TPQTIME_ABS (0x00200) - RFU, set absolute time.
TPQTIME_REL (0x00400) - RFU, set absolute time.
TPQPEEK (0x01000) - Peek the message from queue. Do not dequeue it permanently.
TPQDELIVERYQOS (0x02000) - RFU, delivery quality of service.
TPQREPLYQOS (0x04000) - RFU, reply message quality of service.
TPQEXPTIME_ABS (0x08000) - RFU, absolute expiration time.
TPQEXPTIME_REL (0x10000) - RFU, relative expiration time.
TPQEXPTIME_NONE (0x20000) - RFU, never expire.
TPQGETBYMSGID (0x40008) - Dequeue by msgid.
TPQGETBYCORRID (0x80800) - Dequeue by corrid.
TPQASYNC (0x100000) - Async complete. Complete the disk based transaction asynchronously.
TMMSGIDLEN (32) - Message id (number of bytes). All bytes significant.
TMCORRIDLEN (32) - Correlator id (number of bytes). All bytes significant.
TMQNAMELEN (15) - Max queue name length.
NDRX_MAX_ID_SIZE (96) - Client ID length
For persistent queue sub-system which are used by TpEnqueue(3) and TpDequeue(3) there are special control structure used named TPQCTL it contains field TPQCTL.diagnostic which return diagnostic code. This field is filled in case if ATMIError.Code() is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC. Note that additional error message is provided into TPQCTL.diagmsg
QMEINVAL (-1) - Invalid value passed to function.
QMESYSTEM (-6) - System error occurred. More info in logs.
QMEOS (-7) - Operating system error occurred. More info in logs.
QMENOMSG (-11) - No message found.
List of error codes that can be returned by NSTDError interface:
NEINVALINI (1) - Invalid INI file
NEMALLOC (2) - Malloc failed
NEUNIX (3) - Unix error occurred
NEINVAL (4) - Invalid value passed to function
NESYSTEM (5) - System failure
NEMANDATORY (6) - Mandatory field is missing
NEFORMAT (7) - Format error
These error codes are returned by UBFError interface:
BMINVAL (0) - No error.
BERFU0 (1) - Reserved for future use.
BALIGNERR (2) - Invalid UBF buffer.
BNOTFLD (3) - Buffer not fielded/invalid UBF buffer.
BNOSPACE (4) - No space in buffer left.
BNOTPRES (5) - Field not present.
BBADFLD (6) - Bad field id.
BTYPERR (7) - Invalid field type.
BEUNIX (8) - Unix error.
BBADNAME (9) - Bad field name.
BMALLOC (10) - Malloc failed.
BSYNTAX (11) - Syntax error for boolean expression.
BFTOPEN (12) - Failed to open field table (ubftab).
BFTSYNTAX (13) - Field table (ubftab) syntax error.
BEINVAL (14) - Invalid value passed to function.
BERFU1 (15) - Reserved for future use.
BERFU2 (16) - Reserved for future use.
BERFU3 (17) - Reserved for future use.
BERFU4 (18) - Reserved for future use.
BERFU5 (19) - Reserved for future use.
BERFU6 (20) - Reserved for future use.
BERFU7 (21) - Reserved for future use.
BERFU8 (22) - Reserved for future use.
BMAXVAL (22) - Maximum error code;
This chapter lists field types (C level) used by UBF:
BFLD_MIN (0) - Minimum field type
BFLD_SHORT (0) - C Short type
BFLD_LONG (1) -C Long type
BFLD_CHAR (2) - C Chart type (single byte)
BFLD_FLOAT (3) - C Float type
BFLD_DOUBLE (4) - C Double type
BFLD_STRING (5) - String type
BFLD_CARRAY (6) - Byte array type
BFLD_MAX (6) - Maximum field type
BBADFLDID (0) - Bad field id, used as terminator Bproj() and other calls.
BFIRSTFLDID (0) - First field id, used indicator for Bnext() to iterate through the buffer.
Enduro/X provides logging API (see ATMICtx.TpLog() and related functions). Following debug levels are supported:
LOG_ALWAYS (1) - Fatal error. Logs always.
LOG_ERROR (2) - Error message.
LOG_WARN (3) - Warning message.
LOG_INFO (4) - informational message.
LOG_DEBUG (5) - Debug message.
LOG_DUMP (6) - Very detailed debug with full dumps.
Enduro/X logging can be configured for different logging sources which includes Enduro/X debugging it self (provides separation for base ATMI (NDRX), Unified Buffer Format (UBF) functions). The user logging are configured under the TP facility.
User logging can be associated in following levels:
Per process;
Per thread (for Go it is Context).
Per request (associate with Context, i.e. if thread logging enabled, then it can be promoted to request logging by ATMICtx.TpLogSetReqFile()).
LOG_FACILITY_NDRX (0x00001) - Settings for ATMI logging.
LOG_FACILITY_UBF (0x00002) - Settings for UBF logging.
LOG_FACILITY_TP (0x00004) - Settings for TP logging.
LOG_FACILITY_TP_THREAD (0x00008) - Settings for TP, thread based logging.
LOG_FACILITY_TP_REQUEST (0x00010) - Request logging, thread based.
This section lists the exported (public) structures provided by Endurox-Go module.
Struct/interface | Description |
Transaction identifier |
ATMI Context object |
Server Context data used for copying request context from one Context to another |
Event control structure (see bellow for more information) |
Queue control structure (see bellow for more information) |
ATMI buffer object (abstract one) |
TypedBuffer |
Interface to ATMIBuf. Provides getter for getting raw buffer handler |
TypedUBF |
Interface to UBF buffer. |
TypedCarray |
Interface to byte array buffer. |
TypedString |
Interface to String buffer. |
TypedJSON |
Interface to JSON buffer. |
ATMIError |
ATMI Error interface. Provides Error(), Code(), Message() methods. |
UBFError |
UBF library error interface. Provides Error(), Code(), Message() methods. |
NSTDError |
Stndard library error interface. Provides Error(), Code(), Message() methods. |
XATMI service call descriptor, provided to called service as parameters. (see bellow for more information) |
/* * Event controll struct */ type TPEVCTL struct { flags int64 name1 string name2 string }
TPEVCTL is used by ATMICtx.TpSubscribe() function. TPEVCTL structure contains following fields:
flags int64 - can be set to: TPEVSERVICE, TPEVPERSIST
name1 string - Event expression
name2 string - RFU.
See tpsubscribe(3) C manpage.
Queue control structure is self explanatory.
/* * Queue control structure */ type TPQCTL struct { flags int64 /* indicates which of the values are set */ deq_time int64 /* RFU, absolute/relative time for dequeuing */ priority int64 /* RFU, enqueue priority */ diagnostic int64 /* indicates reason for failure */ diagmsg string /* diagnostic message */ msgid [TMMSGIDLEN]byte /* id of message before which to queue */ corrid [TMCORRIDLEN]byte /* correlation id used to identify message */ replyqueue string /* queue name for reply message */ failurequeue string /* queue name for failure message */ cltid string /* client identifier for originating client */ urcode int64 /* RFU, application user-return code */ appkey int64 /* RFU, application authentication client key */ delivery_qos int64 /* RFU, delivery quality of service */ reply_qos int64 /* RFU, reply message quality of service */ exp_time int64 /* RFU, expiration time */ }
When XATMI server receives request, it receives a control structure with information about sender and meta data about service which actually is invoked. For example:
package main import ( "atmi" "fmt" "os" ) //Service func //Here svc contains the caller infos func TESTSVC(ac *atmi.ATMICtx, svc *atmi.TPSVCINFO) { ac.TpReturn(atmi.TPSUCCESS, 0, &ub, 0) } //Server boot/init func Init(ac *atmi.ATMICtx) int { //Advertize TESTSVC if err := ac.TpAdvertise("TESTSVC", "TESTSVC", TESTSVC); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return atmi.FAIL } return atmi.SUCCEED } //Server shutdown func Uninit(ac *atmi.ATMICtx) { fmt.Println("Server shutting down...") } //Server main func main() { //Have some context ac, err := atmi.NewATMICtx() if nil != err { fmt.Errorf("Failed to allocate cotnext!", err) os.Exit(atmi.FAIL) } else { //Run as server ac.TpRun(Init, Uninit) } }
TPSVCINFO is defined as follows (with explanatory comments):
//Servic call info type TPSVCINFO struct { Name string /* Service name */ Data ATMIBuf /* Buffer type */ Flags int64 /* Flags used for service invation */ Cd int /* Call descriptor (generated by client) */ Cltid string /* Client ID string - full client queue name */ Appkey int64 /* RFU */ Fname string /* Function name invoked (set at TpAdvertise second param) */ Ctx *ATMICtx /* ATMI Server Context */ }
The TPSVCINFO.Ctx basically is the same context passed into service function as first argument.
Section lists API functions in following levels:
ATMI package (global functions)
ATMI Context functions
ATMI Error functions
UBF functions
Enduro/X package functions. ATMI Context is initiated by this package.
Function |
func ATMIMsgSizeMax() int64 |
Description |
Max message size. |
Returns |
buffer size configured by Enduro/X, min 64K |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func MakeATMICtx(c_ctx C.TPCONTEXT_T) *ATMICtx |
Description |
Make context object from C pointer. Function can be used in case If doing any direct XATMI operations and you have a C context handler. Which can be promoted to Go level ATMI Context.. c_ctx is Context ATMI object. |
Returns |
ATMI Context Object |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func NewATMICtx() (*ATMICtx, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate new ATMI context. This is the context with most of the XATMI operations are made. Single go routine can have multiple contexts at the same time. The function does not open queues or init XATMI sub-system unless the dependant operation is called. For example you may allocat the context and use it for logging that will not make overhead for system queues.. |
Returns |
ATMI Error, Pointer to ATMI Context object |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func NewCustomATMIError(code int, msg string) ATMIError |
Description |
Build a custom error. err is Error buffer to build. code is Error code to setup. msg is Error message. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func NewCustomNstdError(code int, msg string) NSTDError |
Description |
Build a custom error. Can be used at Go level sources To simulate standard error. err is Error buffer to build. code is Error code to setup. msg is Error message. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Enduro/X standard error object interfaced with NSTDError interface. Error is returned by libnstd library. Which are Enduro/X base library. Currently it is used for logging.
Function |
func (e nstdError) Code() int |
Description |
Error code getter. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (e nstdError) Error() string |
Description |
Standard error interface. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
ATMI Error object, used for ATMI context functions. Error codes are described in seperate chapter in this document.
Function |
func (e atmiError) Code() int |
Description |
code getter. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (e atmiError) Error() string |
Description |
Standard error interface. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
ATMI buffer is base class for String, JSON, UBF (key/value with value arrays) and binary buffer.
Function |
func (u *ATMIBuf) GetBuf() *ATMIBuf |
Description |
Have inteface to base ATMI buffer. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *ATMIBuf) Nop() int |
Description |
Do nothing, to trick the GC. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (buf *ATMIBuf) TpRealloc(size int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Reallocate the buffer. buf is ATMI buffer. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (buf *ATMIBuf) TpSetCtxt(ac *ATMICtx) |
Description |
Change the context of the buffers (needed for error handling). |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ptr *ATMIBuf) TpTypes(itype *string, subtype *string) (int64, ATMIError) |
Description |
Return ATMI buffer info. itype is ptr to string to return the buffer type (can be nil), if set then on output value will be UBF, CARRAY, STRING or JSON other buffers currently are not supported.. subtype is ptr to string to return sub-type (can be nil). |
Returns |
Buffer lenght if no error or -1 if error, ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
ATMI Context is uses as main object for accessing Enduro/X functionality. The object is allocated by package function atmi.NewATMICtx(). ATMI Context API is used for client and server API.
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) AssocThreadWithCtx() ATMIError |
Description |
Associate current OS thread with context This might be needed for global transaction processing Which uses underlaying OS threads for transaction association. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BBoolCo(expr string) (*ExprTree, UBFError) |
Description |
Compile boolean expression TODO: might want auto finalizer with Btreefree!. expr is Expression string. |
Returns |
Expression tree (ptr or nil on error), UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BBoolPr(tree *ExprTree) (string, UBFError) |
Description |
Print the expression tree. tree is Compiled expression tree. |
Returns |
printed expresion string, ubf error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BBoolSetCBF(funcname string, f UBFExprFunc) UBFError |
Description |
Set custom callback function for UBF buffer expression evaluator. funcname is Name of the function to be used in expression. f is callback to function. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BConcat(dest *TypedUBF, src *TypedUBF) UBFError |
Description |
Contact the buffers. dest is dest buffer. src is source buffer. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BCpy(dest *TypedUBF, src *TypedUBF) UBFError |
Description |
Copy buffer. dest is Destination UBF buffer. src is Source UBF buffer. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BFldId(fldnm string) (int, UBFError) |
Description |
Return field ID. fldnm is Field name. |
Returns |
Field ID, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BFldNo(bfldid int) int |
Description |
Return field number. bfldid is field id. |
Returns |
field number |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BFldType(bfldid int) int |
Description |
Return the field type. bfldid is field id. |
Returns |
field type |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BFname(bfldid int) (string, UBFError) |
Description |
Get field name. bfldid is Field ID. |
Returns |
Field name (or "" if error), UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BInit(u *TypedUBF, ulen int64) UBFError |
Description |
Initialize/re-initialize UBF buffer. u is UBF buffer. ulen is lenght of the buffer. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BMkFldId(fldtype int, bfldid int) (int, UBFError) |
Description |
Generate Field ID. fldtype is Field type (see BFLD_SHORT cost list). bfldid is field number. |
Returns |
field id or 0 if error, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BProjCpy(dest *TypedUBF, src *TypedUBF, fldlist []int) UBFError |
Description |
Make a project copy of the fields (leave only those in array). |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BTreeFree(tree *ExprTree) |
Description |
Free the expression buffer. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BUpdate(dest *TypedUBF, src *TypedUBF) UBFError |
Description |
Update dest buffer with source buffer data. dest is dest buffer. src is source buffer. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) BVSizeof(view string) (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Get structure size in bytes. See Bvsizeof(3).. view is View name. |
Returns |
ret (number of view bytes (if no error)), UBFError in case of error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) CastToCarray(abuf *ATMIBuf) (*TypedCarray, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get the String Handler. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) CastToJSON(abuf *ATMIBuf) (*TypedJSON, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get the JSON Handler from ATMI Buffer. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) CastToString(abuf *ATMIBuf) (*TypedString, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get the String Handler from ATMI Buffer. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) CastToUBF(abuf *ATMIBuf) (*TypedUBF, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get the UBF Handler. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) CastToVIEW(abuf *ATMIBuf) (*TypedVIEW, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get the view buffer handler. Usually used by service functions when request is received.. abuf is ATMI buffer. |
Returns |
Typed view (if OK), nil on error. ATMI error in case of error or nil |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) DisassocThreadFromCtx() ATMIError |
Description |
Disassocate current os thread from context This might be needed for global transaction processing Which uses underlaying OS threads for transaction association. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) FreeATMICtx() |
Description |
Free up the ATMI Context Internally this will call the TpTerm too to termiante any XATMI client session in progress.. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewATMIError() ATMIError |
Description |
Generate ATMI error, read the codes. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewCarray(b []byte) (*TypedCarray, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate new string buffer. s is - source string. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewJSON(b []byte) (*TypedJSON, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate new JSON buffer. s is - source string. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewNstdError() NSTDError |
Description |
Generate NSTD error, read the codes. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewString(gs string) (*TypedString, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate new string buffer. s is - source string. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewUBF(size int64) (*TypedUBF, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate the new UBF buffer NOTE: realloc or other ATMI ops you can do with TypedUBF.Buf. size is - buffer size. |
Returns |
Typed UBF, ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewUBFError() UBFError |
Description |
Generate UBF error, read the codes. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) NewVIEW(view string, size int64) (*TypedVIEW, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate the new VIEW buffer. size is - buffer size, If use 0, then 1024 or bigger view size is allocated.. |
Returns |
TypedVIEW, ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpACall(svc string, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) (int, ATMIError) |
Description |
TP Async call. svc is Service Name to call. buf is ATMI buffer. flags is Flags to be used for call (see flags section). |
Returns |
Call Descriptor (cd), ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpAbort(flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Abort global transaction. flags is flags for abort operation (must be 0). |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpAdvertise(svcname string, funcname string, fptr TPServiceFunction) ATMIError |
Description |
Advertise service. svcname is Service Name. funcname is Function Name. fptr is Pointer to service function, signature "func FUNCNAME(ac *atmi.ATMICtx, svc *atmi.TPSVCINFO)". |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpAlloc(b_type string, b_subtype string, size int64) (*ATMIBuf, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate buffer Accepts the standard ATMI values We should add error handling here. b_type is Buffer type. b_subtype is Buffer sub-type. size is Buffer size request. |
Returns |
ATMI Buffer, atmiError |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpAssertEqualError(a interface{}, b interface{}, message string) error |
Description |
Have some common testing functinos (used by Enduro/X modules). a is Paramter a to test. b is Paramter b to test (compare with a). message is additional error message. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpAssertEqualPanic(a interface{}, b interface{}, message string) |
Description |
Have some common testing functinos (used by Enduro/X modules). a is Paramter a to test. b is Paramter b to test (compare with a). message is additional error message. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpAssertNotEqualError(a interface{}, b interface{}, message string) error |
Description |
Have some common testing functinos (used by Enduro/X modules). a is Paramter a to test. b is Paramter b to test (compare with a). message is additional error message. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpAssertNotEqualPanic(a interface{}, b interface{}, message string) |
Description |
Have some common testing functinos (used by Enduro/X modules). a is Paramter a to test. b is Paramter b to test (compare with a). message is additional error message. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpBegin(timeout uint64, flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Begin transaction. timeout is Transaction Timeout. flags is Transaction flags. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpCall(svc string, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) (int, ATMIError) |
Description |
Do the service call, assume using the same buffer for return value. This works for self describing buffers. Otherwise we need a buffer size in ATMIBuf.. svc is service name. buf is ATMI buffer. flags is Flags to be used. |
Returns |
atmiError |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpCancel(cd int) ATMIError |
Description |
Cancel async call. cd is Call descriptor. |
Returns |
ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpClose() ATMIError |
Description |
Close XA Sub-system. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpCommit(flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Commit global transaction. flags is flags for abort operation. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpConnect(svc string, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) (int, ATMIError) |
Description |
Connect to service in conversational mode. svc is Service name. data is ATMI buffers. flags is Flags. |
Returns |
call descriptor (cd), ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpContinue() |
Description |
Continue main thread processing (go back to server polling). |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpDequeue(qspace string, qname string, ctl *TPQCTL, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Dequeue message from Q. qspace is Name of the event to post. qname is ATMI buffer. ctl is Control structure. tb is Typed buffer. flags is ATMI call flags. |
Returns |
ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpDiscon(cd int) ATMIError |
Description |
Disconnect from conversation. cd is Call Descriptor. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpEnqueue(qspace string, qname string, ctl *TPQCTL, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Enqueue message to Q. qspace is Name of the event to post. qname is ATMI buffer. ctl is Control structure. tb is Typed buffer. flags is ATMI call flags. |
Returns |
ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpExport(tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) (string, ATMIError) |
Description |
Export the buffer to JSON format.. tb is TypecdTyped buffer. flags is 0 (JSON text) or TPEX_STRING (export in base64 format). |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpExtAddB4PollCB(cb TPB4PollCallback) ATMIError |
Description |
Set periodic before poll callback func. cb is Callback function with "func(ctx *ATMICtx) int" signature. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpExtAddPeriodCB(secs int, cb TPPeriodCallback) ATMIError |
Description |
Set periodic poll callback function. Function is called from main service dispatcher in case if given number of seconds are elapsed. If the service is doing some work currenlty then it will not be interrupted. If the service workload was longer than period, then given period will be lost and will be serviced and next sleep period or after receiving next service call.. secs is Interval in secods between calls. This basically is number of seconds in which service will sleep and wake up.. cb is Callback function with signature: "func(ctx *ATMICtx) int".. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpExtAddPollerFD(fd int, events uint32, ptr1 interface{}, cb TPPollerFdCallback) ATMIError |
Description |
Add custom File Descriptor (FD) to Q poller. events is Epoll events. ptr1 is Custom data block to be passed to callback func. cb is Callback func. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpExtDelB4PollCB() ATMIError |
Description |
Delete before-doing-poll callback. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpExtDelPeriodCB() ATMIError |
Description |
Delete del periodic callback. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpExtDelPollerFD(fd int) ATMIError |
Description |
Remove the polling file descriptor. fd is FD to poll on. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpForward(svc string, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) |
Description |
Forward the call to specified poller and return to Q poller. svc is Service name to forward the call to. data is ATMI buffer. flags is Flags. |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpFree(buf *ATMIBuf) |
Description |
Free the ATMI buffer. buf is ATMI buffer. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpGetLev() int |
Description |
Check are we in globa transaction?. |
Returns |
0 - not in global Tx, 1 - in global Tx |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpGetRply(cd *int, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) (int, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get async call reply. cd is call. buf is ATMI buffer. flags is call flags. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpGetSrvId() int |
Description |
Return server id. |
Returns |
server_id |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpGetnodeId() int64 |
Description |
Get cluster node id. |
Returns |
Node Id |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpImport(jsondata string, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Import the UBF buffer from the json string which is exported by TpExport The tb TypedBuffer will be updated according to incoming data. jsondata is json string data according to texport(3). tb is typed buffer where to install the incoming buffer. flags is TPEX_STRING if decode as base64, TPEX_NOCHANGE do not change tb format if buffer type is different. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpInit() ATMIError |
Description |
Initialize client. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpJSONToVIEW(buffer string) (*TypedVIEW, ATMIError) |
Description |
Converts string JSON buffer passed in buffer to VIEW buffer. This function will automatically allocate new VIEW buffer. See tpjsontoview(3) C call for more information.. buffer is String buffer containing JSON message. The format must be one level JSON containing UBF_FIELD:Value. The value can be array, then it is loaded into occurrences.. |
Returns |
Typed view if parsed ok, or ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLog(lev int, format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Log the message to Enduro/X loggers (see tplog(3) manpage). lev is Logging level. a is arguemnts for sprintf. format is Format string for loggers. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogAlways(format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Log the message to Enduro/X loggers (see tplog(3) manpage) Fatal/Always level wrapper. a is arguemnts for sprintf. format is Format string for loggers. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogCloseReqFile() |
Description |
Close request logger (see tplogclosereqfile(3) manpage). |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogCloseThread() |
Description |
Close request logger (see tplogclosethread(3) manpage). |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogConfig(logger int, lev int, debug_string string, module string, new_file string) NSTDError |
Description |
Configure Enduro/X logger (see tplogconfig(3) manpage). logger is is bitwise ored (see LOG_FACILITY_*). lev is is optional (if not set: -1), log level to be assigned to facilites. debug_string is optional Enduro/X debug string (see ndrxdebug.conf(5) manpage). new_file is optional (if not set - empty string) logging output file, overrides debug_string file tag. |
Returns |
NSTDError - standard library error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogDebug(format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Log the message to Enduro/X loggers (see tplog(3) manpage) Debug level wrapper. a is arguemnts for sprintf. format is Format string for loggers. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogDelBufReqFile(data TypedBuffer) ATMIError |
Description |
Delete request file from UBF buffer (see tplogdelbufreqfile(3) manpage). data is XATMI buffer, must be UBF type. |
Returns |
ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogDump(lev int, comment string, ptr []byte, dumplen int) ATMIError |
Description |
Print the byte array buffer to Enduro/X logger (see tplogdump(3) manpage). lev is Logging level (see LOG_* constants). comment is Title of the buffer dump. ptr is Pointer to buffer for dump. dumplen is Length of the bytes to dump. |
Returns |
atmiError (in case if invalid length we have for ptr and dumplen) |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogDumpDiff(lev int, comment string, ptr1 []byte, ptr2 []byte, difflen int) ATMIError |
Description |
Function compares to byte array buffers and prints the differences to Enduro/X logger (see tplogdumpdiff(3) manpage). lev is Logging level (see LOG_* constants). comment is Title of the buffer diff. ptr1 is Pointer to buffer1 for compare. ptr2 is Pointer to buffer2 for compare. difflen is Length of the bytes to compare. |
Returns |
atmiError (in case if invalid length we have for ptr1/ptr2 and difflen) |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogError(format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Log the message to Enduro/X loggers (see tplog(3) manpage) Error level wrapper. a is arguemnts for sprintf. format is Format string for loggers. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogFatal(format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Log the message to Enduro/X loggers (see tplog(3) manpage) Fatal/Always level wrapper. a is arguemnts for sprintf. format is Format string for loggers. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogGetBufReqFile(data TypedBuffer) (string, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get the request file name from UBF buffer (see tploggetbufreqfile(3) manpage). data is XATMI buffer (must be UBF). |
Returns |
file name, ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogGetIflags() string |
Description |
Return integration flags Well we will run it in cached mode…. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogGetReqFile() (bool, string) |
Description |
Return request logging file (if there is one currenlty in use) (see tploggetreqfile(3) manpage). |
Returns |
Status (request logger open or not), full path to request file |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogInfo(format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Log the message to Enduro/X loggers (see tplog(3) manpage) Info level wrapper. a is arguemnts for sprintf. format is Format string for loggers. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogSetReqFile(data TypedBuffer, filename string, filesvc string) ATMIError |
Description |
Set request file to log to (see tplogsetreqfile(3) manpage). data is pointer to XATMI buffer (must be UBF, others will cause error), optional. filename is field name to set (this goes to UBF buffer too, if set), optional. filesvc is XATMI service name to call for requesting the new request file name, optional. |
Returns |
ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogSetReqFileDirect(filename string) |
Description |
Set request logging file, direct version (see tplogsetreqfile_direct(3) manpage) Which does operate with thread local storage If fails to open request logging file, it will automatically fall-back to stderr.. filename is Set file name to perform logging to. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpLogWarn(format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Log the message to Enduro/X loggers (see tplog(3) manpage) Warning level wrapper. a is arguemnts for sprintf. format is Format string for loggers. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpOpen() ATMIError |
Description |
Open XA Sub-system. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpPost(eventname string, tb TypedBuffer, len int64, flags int64) (int, ATMIError) |
Description |
Post the event to subscribers. eventname is Name of the event to post. data is ATMI buffer. flags is flags. |
Returns |
Number Of events posted, ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpRecv(cd int, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64, revent *int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Receive data from conversation. cd is call descriptor. data is ATMI buffer. revent is Return Event. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpResume(tranid *TPTRANID, flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Resume transaction. tranid is Transaction Id reference. flags is Flags for tran resume (must be 0). |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpReturn(rval int, rcode int64, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64) |
Description |
Return the ATMI call and go to Q poller. rvel is Return value (TPFAIL or TPSUCCESS). rcode is Return code (used for custom purposes). tb is ATMI buffer. flags is Flags. |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpRun(initf TPSrvInitFunc, uninitf TPSrvUninitFunc) ATMIError |
Description |
We should pass here init & un-init functions… So that we can start the processing. initf is callback to init function. uninitf is callback to un-init function. |
Returns |
Enduro/X service exit code, ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpSend(cd int, tb TypedBuffer, flags int64, revent *int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Receive data from conversation. cd is call descriptor. data is ATMI buffer. revent is Return Event. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpSrvFreeCtxData(data *TPSRVCTXDATA) |
Description |
Free the server context data. data is Context data block. |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpSrvGetCtxData() (*TPSRVCTXDATA, ATMIError) |
Description |
Get Server Call thread context data (free of *TPSRVCTXDATA must be done by user). |
Returns |
contect data, ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpSrvSetCtxData(data *TPSRVCTXDATA, flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Restore thread context data. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpSubscribe(eventexpr string, filter string, ctl *TPEVCTL, flags int64) (int64, ATMIError) |
Description |
Subscribe service to some specified event. eventexpr is Subscription ID (retruned by TPSubscribe()). filter is Event filter expression (regex). ctl is Control struct. flags is Flags. |
Returns |
Subscription id, ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpSuspend(tranid *TPTRANID, flags int64) ATMIError |
Description |
Suspend transaction. tranid is Transaction Id reference. flags is Flags for suspend (must be 0). |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpTerm() ATMIError |
Description |
Terminate the client. |
Returns |
ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpTypes(ptr *ATMIBuf, itype *string, subtype *string) (int64, ATMIError) |
Description |
Return ATMI buffer info. ptr is Pointer to ATMI buffer. itype is ptr to string to return the buffer type (can be nil), if set then on output value will be UBF, CARRAY, STRING or JSON other buffers currently are not supported.. subtype is ptr to string to return sub-type (can be nil). |
Returns |
Buffer lenght if no error or -1 if error, ATMI error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpUnadvertise(svcname string) ATMIError |
Description |
Unadvertise service dynamically. svcname is Service Name. |
Returns |
ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) TpUnsubscribe(subscription int64, flags int64) (int, ATMIError) |
Description |
Unsubscribe from event broker. subscription is Subscription ID (retruned by TPSubscribe()). flags is Flags. |
Returns |
Number of subscriptions deleted, ATMI Error |
Applies |
To XATMI server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) UBFAlloc(size int64) (TypedUBF, ATMIError) |
Description |
Allocate the UBF buffer. size is Buffer size in bytes. |
Returns |
UBF Handler, ATMI Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (ac *ATMICtx) UserLog(format string, a …interface{}) |
Description |
Do the user logging. This prints the message to ULOG. Suitable for system wide critical message notifications. format is format string. a is list of data fields for format string. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
String buffer. Can be used to string plain text strings between services. The string buffer cannot contain binary zero (0x00) byte.
Function |
func (u *TypedString) GetBuf() *ATMIBuf |
Description |
Return The ATMI buffer to caller. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (s *TypedString) GetString() string |
Description |
Get the string value out from buffer. |
Returns |
String value |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (s *TypedString) SetString(gs string) ATMIError |
Description |
Set the string to the buffer. str is String value. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
JSON buffer. Used to send JSON text between services. Basically it is string buffer, but with special mark that it is JSON Text. This mark is special, as Enduro/X can automatically convert JSON to UBF and vice versa. The format for JSON is one level with UBF field names and values. Values can be arrays.
Function |
func (u *TypedJSON) GetBuf() *ATMIBuf |
Description |
Return The ATMI buffer to caller. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (j *TypedJSON) GetJSONText() string |
Description |
Get the string value out from buffer. |
Returns |
JSON value |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (j *TypedJSON) SetJSON(b []byte) ATMIError |
Description |
Set JSON bytes. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (j *TypedJSON) SetJSONText(gs string) ATMIError |
Description |
Set the string to the buffer. str is JSON value. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Typed Carray, basically is byte array buffer.
Function |
func (u *TypedCarray) GetBuf() *ATMIBuf |
Description |
Return The ATMI buffer to caller. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (s *TypedCarray) SetBytes(b []byte) ATMIError |
Description |
. str is String value. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (e ubfError) Code() int |
Description |
code getter. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (e ubfError) Error() string |
Description |
Standard error interface. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Unified Buffer Format (UBF) is key/value buffer with compiled IDs. Each key can contain the array of elements (occurrences).
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BAdd(bfldid int, ival interface{}) UBFError |
Description |
Add field to buffer. bfldid is Field ID. ival is Input value. |
Returns |
UBF Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BAddFast(bfldid int, ival interface{}, loc *BFldLocInfo, first bool) UBFError |
Description |
Fast add of filed to buffer (assuming buffer not changed and adding the same type of field. NOTE ! Types must be matched with UBF field type. bfldid is field id to add. ival is value to add. loc is location data (last saved or new data) - initialized by first flag. first is set to true, if loc is not inialised. |
Returns |
UBF error or nil |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BBoolEv(tree *ExprTree) bool |
Description |
Test the expresion tree to current UBF buffer. tree is compiled expression tree. |
Returns |
true (buffer matched expression) or false (buffer not matched expression) |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BChg(bfldid int, occ int, ival interface{}) UBFError |
Description |
Change field in buffer. bfldid is Field ID. ival is Input value. |
Returns |
UBF Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BChgCombined(bfldid int, occ int, ival interface{}, do_add bool) UBFError |
Description |
Set the field value. Combined supports change (chg) or add mode. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Field Occurrance. ival is Input value. do_add is Adding mode true = add, false = change. |
Returns |
UBF Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BDel(bfldid int, occ int) UBFError |
Description |
Delete the field from buffer. fldid is Field ID. occ is Field occurance. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BDelAll(bfldid int) UBFError |
Description |
Delete field (all occurrances) from buffer. bfldid is field ID. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BDelete(fldlist []int) UBFError |
Description |
Delete listed fields from UBF buffer. fldlist is list of fields (array). |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BExtRead(s string) UBFError |
Description |
Read the bufer content from string. s is String buffer representation. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BFloatEv(tree *ExprTree) float64 |
Description |
Evalute expression value in float64 format. tree is compiled expression tree. |
Returns |
expression value |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGet(bfldid int, occ int) (interface{}, UBFError) |
Description |
Get the field form buffer. This returns the interface to underlaying type. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
interface to value, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetByte(bfldid int, occ int) (byte, UBFError) |
Description |
Return byte (c char) value from buffer. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
byte val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetByteArr(bfldid int, occ int) ([]byte, UBFError) |
Description |
Get string value. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
string val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetFloat32(bfldid int, occ int) (float32, UBFError) |
Description |
Get float value from UBF buffer, see CBget(3). bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
float, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetFloat64(bfldid int, occ int) (float64, UBFError) |
Description |
Get double value. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
double, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetInt(bfldid int, occ int) (int, UBFError) |
Description |
Return int (basicaly C long (int64) casted to) value from buffer. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
int64 val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetInt16(bfldid int, occ int) (int16, UBFError) |
Description |
Return int16 value from buffer. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
int16 val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetInt64(bfldid int, occ int) (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Return int64 value from buffer. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
int64 val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BGetString(bfldid int, occ int) (string, UBFError) |
Description |
Get string value. bfldid is Field ID. occ is Occurrance. |
Returns |
string val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BIsUBF() bool |
Description |
Test C buffer for UBF format. |
Returns |
TRUE - buffer is UBF, FALSE - not UBF |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BLen(bfldid int, occ int) (int, UBFError) |
Description |
Get the field len. fldid is Field ID. occ is Field occurance. |
Returns |
FIeld len, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BNext(first bool) (int, int, UBFError) |
Description |
Iterate over the buffer NOTE: This is not multiple context safe. It stores iteration state internally. first is TRUE start iteration, FALSE continue iteration. |
Returns |
Field ID, Field Occurrance, UBF Error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BOccur(bfldid int) (int, UBFError) |
Description |
Get the number of field occurrances in buffer. bfldid is Field ID. |
Returns |
count (or -1 on error), UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BPres(bfldid int, occ int) bool |
Description |
Check for field presence in buffer. fldid is Field ID. occ is Field occurance. |
Returns |
true/false present/not present |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BPrint() UBFError |
Description |
Print the buffer to stdout. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BPrintStr() (string, UBFError) |
Description |
Print UBF buffer to string. The output string buffer at C side is composed as UBF buffer size of multiplied by MAXTIDENT (currently 30). The total size is used for purpuse so that Go developer can used extended buffer size in case if there is no free space (returned error BEUNIX). |
Returns |
s BPrint format string or "" in case of error. Second argument is UBF error set in case of error, else it is nil |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BProj(fldlist []int) UBFError |
Description |
Make a project copy of the fields (leave only those in array). |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BQBoolEv(expr string) (bool, UBFError) |
Description |
Quick eval of the expression (compiles & frees the handler automatically). expr is Expression tree. |
Returns |
result: true or false, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BRead(dump []byte) UBFError |
Description |
Serialize the UBF buffer. |
Returns |
serialized bytes, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BSizeof() (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Get the total buffer size. |
Returns |
bufer size, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BSprint() (string, UBFError) |
Description |
Alternative for Bfprint. Will return the output in string variable So that caller can do anything it wants with the string output. |
Returns |
Printed buffer, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BType(bfldid int) (string, UBFError) |
Description |
Return type descriptor of the field - string format. possible values: short, long, char, float, double, string, carray. bfldid is field ID. |
Returns |
field type, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BUnused() (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Get the number of free bytes of UBF buffer. |
Returns |
buffer free bytes, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BUsed() (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Get the number of bytes used in UBF buffer. |
Returns |
number of byptes used, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) BWrite() ([]byte, UBFError) |
Description |
Serialize the UBF buffer. |
Returns |
serialized bytes, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) GetBuf() *ATMIBuf |
Description |
Return The ATMI buffer to caller. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) Marshal(v interface{}) UBFError |
Description |
Copy the structur in v struct to UBF. v is local struct. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) MarshalSingle(v interface{}, occ int) UBFError |
Description |
Copy the structur in v struct to UBF. v is local struct. occ is single occurrence to marshal to UBF, i.e. single struct arrays occurrence to copy to UBF. Applies only to structure array elements. In case of occurrence is set which is out of the bounds of the array, the error will be generated as BEINVAL. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) TpJSONToUBF(buffer string) UBFError |
Description |
Converts string JSON buffer passed in buffer to UBF buffer. This function will automatically allocate the free space in UBF to fit the JSON. The size will be determinated by string length. See tpjsontoubf(3) C call for more information.. buffer is String buffer containing JSON message. The format must be one level JSON containing UBF_FIELD:Value. The value can be array, then it is loaded into occurrences.. |
Returns |
UBFError (BEINVAL if failed to convert, BMALLOC if buffer resize failed) |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) TpLogPrintUBF(lev int, title string) |
Description |
Print the buffer to stdout. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) TpRealloc(size int64) ATMIError |
Description |
. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) TpUBFToJSON() (string, ATMIError) |
Description |
Convert given UBF buffer to JSON block, see tpubftojson(3) C call Output string is automatically allocated. |
Returns |
JSON string (if converted ok), ATMIError in case of failure. More detailed infos in case of error is found in ubf and ndrx facility logs. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) Unmarshal(v interface{}) UBFError |
Description |
Copy the specified fields to the local structure according to the ‘ubf’ (i.e. take fields from UBF and copy to v structure).. v is local struct. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedUBF) UnmarshalSingle(v interface{}, occ int) UBFError |
Description |
Copy the specified fields to the local structure according to the ‘ubf’ (i.e. take fields from UBF and copy to v structure).. v is local struct. occ is single occurrence in UBF to copy to either simple structure elements or array elements. If copied to array, then it goes to first array element.. |
Returns |
UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Typed view, dynamic access to C VIEW structures via field names.
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVChg(cname string, occ int, ival interface{}) UBFError |
Description |
Set view field value. See CBvchg(3).. cname is C field name of view. occ is Occurrance to set. ival is Value to set to. Note that given field is automatically converted to specified typed in view with best possible converstion. |
Returns |
byte array val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVCpy(dst *TypedVIEW) (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Copy view content to another view. dst is destination view to copy to, must be atleast in size of view. |
Returns |
bytes copied, UBF error (or nil) |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetByte(cname string, occ int, flags int64) (byte, UBFError) |
Description |
Return Byte (char) value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name for view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
signle byte val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetByteArr(cname string, occ int, flags int64) ([]byte, UBFError) |
Description |
Return carray/byte array BLOB value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name of view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
byte array val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetFloat32(cname string, occ int, flags int64) (float32, UBFError) |
Description |
Return float value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name for view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
float val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetFloat64(cname string, occ int, flags int64) (float64, UBFError) |
Description |
Return double value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name for view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
double val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetInt(cname string, occ int, flags int64) (int, UBFError) |
Description |
Return int value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name for view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
int val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetInt16(cname string, occ int, flags int64) (int16, UBFError) |
Description |
Return int16 value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name for view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
int16 val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetInt64(cname string, occ int, flags int64) (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Return int64 value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name for view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
int64 val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVGetString(cname string, occ int, flags int64) (string, UBFError) |
Description |
Return string value from view field. See CBvget(3).. cname is C field name of view. occ is Occurrance. flags is BVACCESS_NOTNULL (do not return NULL value defined in view but report as BNOTPRES error instead) or 0 (returns NULL values if view field is set to). |
Returns |
string val, UBF error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVName() string |
Description |
Return view name. |
Returns |
view name |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVNext(state *BVNextState, start bool) (int, string, int, int, int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Iterate over the view structure - return structure fields and field infos. When starting to iterate, "start" field must be set to true, when continue to iterate the, the start must be set to false. In case if field is found, the first return value (ret) will be set to 1, if EOF is reached, then ret is set to 0. If error occurs, the ret is set to -1 and UBFError is set. state is object value to keep the state of the iteration. start is true - if start to iterate, false - if continue to iterate. |
Returns |
ret (status -1: fail, 0: EOF, 1: Got field), cname (field name), fldtyp (BFLD_* type), maxocc (Max occurrences), dim_size (field size in bytes), UBF Error if have err |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVOccur(cname string) (int, int, int, int64, int, UBFError) |
Description |
Get view field information, occurrences and related infos. See Bvoccur(3) C manpage for more infos.. cname is view field name. |
Returns |
ret (number of "C" set occs), maxocc (max occurrences fo field), realocc (real non NULL occurrences measuring from array end), dim_size (number of bytes stored in field (at C level)), fldtype (Field type, see BFLD_*), errU (UBF error if set) |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVSetOccur(cname string, occ int) UBFError |
Description |
Set number number of occurrences in "C_<field>" field, if "C" flag defined in view. If flag not defined, then call succeeds but value is ignored. See Bvsetoccur(3).. |
Returns |
UBF error in case of error (nil on SUCCEED) |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) BVSizeof() (int64, UBFError) |
Description |
Get structure size in bytes for given TypedVIEW object. See Bvsizeof(3).. |
Returns |
ret (number of view bytes (if no error)), UBFError in case of error |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) GetBuf() *ATMIBuf |
Description |
Return The ATMI buffer to caller. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (v *TypedVIEW) TpRealloc(size int64) ATMIError |
Description |
. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
Function |
func (u *TypedVIEW) TpVIEWToJSON(flags int64) (string, ATMIError) |
Description |
Convert given VIEW buffer to JSON block, see tpviewtojson(3) C call Output string is automatically allocated. |
Returns |
JSON string (if converted ok), ATMIError in case of failure. |
Applies |
XATMI client and server |
This section gives an example of typical Enduro/X XATMI server written in Google Go language. This sample will advertise two services which will make a string buffer uppercase (the service name will be TOUPPER) and another service which make a string lower case (service name TOLOWER).
package main import ( "atmi" "fmt" "os" ) const ( SUCCEED = 0 FAIL = -1 ) func TOUPPER(ac *atmi.ATMICtx, svc *atmi.TPSVCINFO) { ret := SUCCEED //Get Typed String Handler s, _ := ac.CastToString(&svc.Data) // Change the buffer s.SetString(strings.ToUpper(s.GetString())) // Send back the response ac.TpReturn(atmi.TPSUCCESS, 0, &s, 0) return } func TOLOWER(ac *atmi.ATMICtx, svc *atmi.TPSVCINFO) { ret := SUCCEED //Get Typed String Handler s, _ := ac.CastToString(&svc.Data) // Change the buffer s.SetString(strings.ToLower(s.GetString())) // Send back the response ac.TpReturn(atmi.TPSUCCESS, 0, &s, 0) return } //Server init func Init(ac *atmi.ATMICtx) int { //Advertize TOUPPER if err := ac.TpAdvertise("TOUPPER", "TOUPPER", TOUPPER); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return atmi.FAIL } //Advertize TOLOWER if err := ac.TpAdvertise("TOLOWER", "TOLOWER", TOLOWER); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return atmi.FAIL } return atmi.SUCCEED } //Server shutdown func Uninit(ac *atmi.ATMICtx) { fmt.Println("Server shutting down...") } //Executable main entry point func main() { //Have some context ac, err := atmi.NewATMICtx() if nil != err { fmt.Errorf("Failed to allocate cotnext!", err) os.Exit(atmi.FAIL) } else { //Run as server ac.TpRun(Init, Uninit) //Kill the ATMI context ac.FreeATMICtx() } }
Note that for simplicity some error handling for service functions are missing.
This section will give us an example how would client process look for above example, we will invoke both service to TOUPPER and TOLOWER.
package main import ( "atmi" "fmt" "os" ) const ( SUCCEED = 0 FAIL = -1 ) //Binary main entry func main() { ret := SUCCEED var ac *atmi.ATMICtx var err atmi.ATMIError //Return to the caller (kind of destructor..) defer func() { if nil != ac { ac.TpTerm() ac.FreeATMICtx() // Kill the context } os.Exit(ret) }() ac, err = atmi.NewATMICtx() if nil != err { fmt.Errorf("Failed to allocate cotnext!", err) ret = FAIL return } buf, err := ac.NewString("hello world") if err != nil { ac.TpLogError("ATMI Error %d:[%s]\n", err.Code(), err.Message()) ret = FAIL return } //Call the server if _, err := ac.TpCall("TOUPPER", buf, 0); nil != err { ac.TpLogError("ATMI Error %d:[%s]\n", err.Code(), err.Message()) ret = FAIL return } //Will print "HELLO WORLD" fmt.Printf("Got response: [%s]\n", buf.GetString()) //Now call to lower with same buffer if _, err := ac.TpCall("TOLOWER", buf, 0); nil != err { ac.TpLogError("ATMI Error %d:[%s]\n", err.Code(), err.Message()) ret = FAIL return } //Will print "hello world" fmt.Printf("Got response: [%s]\n", buf.GetString()) return }
Distributed transaction currently is supported only for Oracle OCI8 driver which is bound to Go, the package is available here:
One note must be told, that distributed transaction work according to XA API standard which sets that transaction is associated with current operating system thread.
Enduro/X acknowledges this fact and provides API call for associating ATMI Context object with current thread. As Golang Goroutines can be user-space re-scheduled, thus before associating ATMI Context with OS Thread, you need to runtime.LockOSThread() and then ac.AssocThreadWithCtx().
For example:
func MKCUST(ac *atmi.ATMICtx, svc *atmi.TPSVCINFO) { runtime.LockOSThread() ac.AssocThreadWithCtx() // Do the DB works in global transaction ac.DisassocThreadFromCtx() runtime.UnlockOSThread() ac.TpReturn(atmi.TPSUCCESS, 0, &ub, 0) return }
For more tails you may see the tests folder which contains following tests:
01_basic_ubf_call - Sample client/server app with UBF buffer.
02_basic_string_call - Sample client/server app with String buffer.
03_basic_carray_call - Sample client/server app with binary byte buffer.
04_distributed_transaction - Sample client/server app with Oracle DB distributed transaction.
05_basic_json_call - Sample client/server app with JSON buffer.
06_ubf_marshal - Client process doing Marshal/Unmarshal of UBF buffer to structure.
07_basic_durable_queue - Works with durable queue.
08_logging - User logging tests.
For more details read on: The base Enduro/X documentation is valid, as Enduro/X ASG is wrapping in the C libraries.