diff --git a/recipes/websites/file-structure.md b/recipes/websites/file-structure.md
index 4031c1b..e743829 100644
--- a/recipes/websites/file-structure.md
+++ b/recipes/websites/file-structure.md
@@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
 # File structure
-## Push a local folder to ElasticMS
+## Push a local folder to ElasticMS or Storage
+The following commands is available in all ElacticMS applications (Admin, Web and CLI).
-The following command is available in all ElacticMS applications (Admin, Web and CLI) but required that your are logged in first (`ems:admin:login`).
-php bin/console ems:file-structure:push ../../demo
+php bin/console ems:file-structure:push ../../demo --admin
 This command will upload all files present in the ../../demo folder an give you an hash as output.
 That hash identify an ElasticMS Archive, it's a JSON containing the all files structure (with hash, filename, size and mimetype of all files).
+The admin option requires api authentication, first run `ems:admin:login`.
+Without the admin option, it will use the application storages defined in `EMS_STORAGES`.
 ## Update a local folder from ElasticMS
-php bin/console ems:file-structure:pull d3bb0298fd9a69743333fb25dbe6cdefdc834ff2 ../../demo
+php bin/console ems:file-structure:pull d3bb0298fd9a69743333fb25dbe6cdefdc834ff2 ../../demo --admin
 Update the folder ../../demo by the content of the ElasticMS archive identified by the hash `d3bb0298fd9a69743333fb25dbe6cdefdc834ff2`.
+The admin option requires api authentication, first run `ems:admin:login`.
+Without the admin option, it will use the application storages defined in `EMS_STORAGES`.
 ## Publish a file structure to a S3 bucket
 There is another command that allows you to publish an ElasticMS archive into a S3 bucket.