ContentType contain the structure, default environment and information for all related revisions.
Property | Description |
name | Internal name |
pluralName | Display plural name |
singularName | Display single name |
icon | Display icon in menu, dropdown, revision |
color | Display color |
description | Internal description (not visible for users) |
indexTwig | Deprecated |
extra | |
askForOuuid | |
refererFieldName | |
sortOrder | |
rootContentType | |
editTwigWithWysiwyg | |
webContent | |
autoPublish | |
active | |
environment | |
defaultValue | See Default value |
versionTags | |
versionOptions | |
versionDateFromField | |
versionDateToField | |
roles | Json field see roles |
fields | Json field see fields |
settings | See settings |
On a content type you can define a default value for the revisions. The result should be a valid JSON rendered by Twig template.
Template context
: the default environment of the content typecontentType
: the content type entitycurrentUser
: the authenticated user
On a content type we can define fields from the elasticsearch mapping. These are used for displaying revision information.
Field | Description |
display | Expression for display the revision using emsco_display |
label | Display label for the revision |
color | Display color for the revision |
sort | Default sorting in choice lists (better use querySearch) |
tooltip | Add tooltip on dataLinks |
circles | Field containing the revision circles |
business_id | Used in export/import documents |
category | Used in criteria view |
asset | Used in asset link from WYSIWYG |
Setting | Description |
Task enabled | see [#Tasks] |
Hide revision sidebar | If enabled will not show the sidebar |
When tasks are enabled, every user can create, handle, validate tasks inside a revision.
If a user completes a task, he can only validate the task if he is the requester.
Only the requester and task admins can delete the tasks
On all tasks steps the assignee and/or requester will receive emails.
Users who have the role TASK_MANAGER
can see all current tasks in their dashboard overview.
Task admins can also delete tasks, but the requester will receive an email.
On a content type you can define a user role for permissions.
Permission | Description |
view | Display contentType in menu, enable dataLinks |
create | Grant creation of new revisions |
edit | Grant update revision |
publish | Grant publication to other environments, can be overruled by environment publish role |
delete | Grant delete revision |
trash | Trash functional enabled (put back deleted revisions) |
archive | Grant archive revision (unpublish default environment) |
owner | Can be revision owners |
show_link_create | Display creation link in navigation |
show_link_search | Display search link in navigation |
Render option | description |
Embed | Create a custom action page |
Export | Create an export file (csv, xml, ..) |
External link | Create an external link |
RawHTML | Custom raw html action |
Notification | Create a new notification |
Job | Start a new job |
Generate a pdf |
The body is used for creating a new page. Good for generating overviews or custom reports.
Export a generated file.
If you enable the spreadsheet checkbox, the body needs to return a valid json. This json is passed to the common Spreadsheet generator.
can be left empty, because it will be set by the spreadsheet generator.extension
is required and can be csv or xlsx
If you use the csv extension the body can only contain one sheet.
{{- [
"name": "sheet1",
"rows": [
["bundle", "description"],
["core-bundle", "symfony core bundle"],
["common-bundle", "symfony common bundle"]
]|json_encode|raw -}}
Export the nested object fields title_nl
, title_fr
, date_start
, date_end
from the field named items
{%- set columns = ['title_nl', 'title_fr', 'date_start', 'date_end'] -%}
{%- set rows = [] -%}
{%- set rows = rows|merge([columns]) -%}
{%- set codes = source.items|default('[]')|ems_json_menu_nested_decode -%}
{%- for item in items.children -%}
{%- set row = [] -%}
{%- for column in columns -%}
{%- if column in ['date_start', 'date_end'] -%}
{%- set objectDate = attribute(item.object, column)|default(false) -%}
{%- set row = row|merge([ objectDate ? objectDate|date('d-m-Y') : '' ]) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set row = row|merge([ attribute(item.object, column)|default('') ]) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- set rows = rows|merge([row]) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{- [ { "name": "export jsonMenuNested", "rows": (rows) }]|json_encode|raw -}}
This actions shows a modal with a file upload field, only allowing xlsx or csv files. On submit the data is parsed and imported in the default environment.
For the moment we only support jsonMenuNested import data. Generated by the export action for example.
The body template requires a block name config
which outputs a valid json and defining the following:
: jsonMenuNestedfield
: target import field namecolumns
: required column names
Passing an empty or invalid file, will result in error messages inside the modal.
For importing a jsonMenuNested we should build the object.
This is done by defining a block named row
, which outputs a valid json.
{%- block config -%}
{{- {
type: 'jsonMenuNested',
field: 'items',
columns: ['title_nl', 'title_fr', 'date_start', 'date_end']
}|json_encode|raw -}}
{%- endblock -%}
{%- block row -%}
{%- set label = [row.title_nl, row.title_fr]|join(' / ') -%}
{{- {
id: ems_uuid(),
label: (label),
type: 'item',
object: (row|merge({
date_start: (row.date_start|default(false) ? row.date_start|date(constant('\DateTime::ATOM')) : null),
date_end: (row.date_end|default(false) ? row.date_end|date(constant('\DateTime::ATOM')) : null)
}|json_encode|raw }}
{%- endblock -%}
The body is the href attribute for the external link. You can also use the raw render option for more flexibility.
Only if the body returns html the output will be visible. With the HTML render option you can even overwrite the icon.
Creates a new ems notification
Start a new job, the body should be the command with arguments and options.
Similar to the export render option, but will always generate a pdf.
In the "Migration Options" of contenttype field you can add one or more transformers. For each transformer you need to define a JSON config. When running the transform command these transformers will be applied.
Name | Description | Field |
Html Attribute Transformer | Remove html attribute or remove attribute values. | wysiwyg |
Html Empty Transformer | Clean empty html content | wysiwyg |
Html Remove Node Transformer | Clean empty html content | wysiwyg |
Only available for WYSIWYG field types.
- attribute : required, which attribute you want to transform
- element : default (*), which html element
- remove : default (false), remove the attribute
- remove_value_prefix : default (null), remove all values starting by from class or style attributes.
Remove all style attributes for all table elements
{"attribute": "style", "element": "table", "remove": "true"}
Remove all cellpadding attributes for all table elements
{"attribute": "cellpadding", "element": "table", "remove": "true"}
Remove all style values related to font-size
{"attribute": "style", "element": "*", "remove_value_prefix": "font-size"}
Remove all class values starting with 'font' from all divs
{"attribute": "class", "element": "div", "remove_value_prefix": "font-"}
Only available for WYSIWYG field types. Clean content without textual content
No config required
Example transformer to null
<p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <div class="example" style="text-align: justify;"> </div> <p> </p>
<html lang="en"><body><h1> </h1><p> </p></body> </html>
Remove all span elements
{"element": "span"}
Remove all span that have a class attribute containing delete
{"element": "span", "attribute": "class", "attribute_contains": "delete"}
Name | Description |
CalendarViewType | A view where you can schedule your object |
CriteriaViewType | A view where we can massively edit content types having criteria |
DataLinkViewType | Manipulate the choices in a data link of this content type |
ExportViewType | Perform an elasticsearch query and generate a export with a twig template |
GalleryViewType | A view where you can browse images |
HierarchicalViewType | Manage a menu structure (based on a ES query) |
ImporterViewType | Form to import a zip file containing JSON files |
KeywordsViewType | A view where all properties of kind (such as keyword) are listed on a single page |
ReportViewType | Perform an elasticsearch query and generate a report with a twig template |
SorterViewType | Order a sub set (based on a ES query) |
A view where you can schedule your object
A view where we can massively edit content types having criteria
Manipulate the choices in a data link of this content type.
It is used by the searchApi when creating an internal link inside a WYSIWYG. The view template does not need to return anything, it needs to add data to the passed dataLinks object. This view will be excluded from the elasticms menu navigation.
Name | Instance |
view | Entity\View |
contentType | Entity\contentType |
environment | Entity\environment |
dataLinks | Core\Document\DataLinks |
A document contains a json menu nested structure, and you want to select a node (id) inside this structure. The WYSIWYG has a language defined and is also passed to the twig context.
{% set searchStructures = {
"index": environment.alias,
"size": 50,
"body": {
"query": { "bool": { "must":[ {"term": { "_contenttype": {"value":"my_structure"} } } ] } },
"sort": [ { "order": { "order": "asc" } } ]
}|search.hits.hits %}
{% set structures = [] %}
{% for h in searchStructures %}
{% set structures = structures|merge([{
'id': h._id,
'type': 'structure',
'label': (h._source.label),
'object': { "label": ( },
'children': (h._source.structure|default('{}')|ems_json_decode)
}]) %}
{% endfor %}
{%- set structureMenu = structures|json_encode|ems_json_menu_nested_decode -%}
{% set locale = dataLinks.locale|default('fr') %}
{% set patterns = dataLinks.pattern|split('>')|map(v => v|trim) %}
{% set pattern = patterns|join('.*') %} {# searching for "Example > link" will patch "This Example > test > test2 > link" #}
{% set matchRegex = "/.*#{pattern}.*/i" %}
{% for item in structureMenu %}
{% set path = [] %}
{%- for p in item.path -%}{%- set path = path|merge([p.object.label]) -%}{%- endfor -%}
{% set text = path|join(' > ') %}
{% if text matches matchRegex %}{% do dataLinks.add( ("my_node:#{}"), text ) %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Perform an elasticsearch query and generate a export with a twig template
A view where you can browse images
Manage a menu structure (based on a ES query)
Form to import a zip file containing JSON files
A view where all properties of kind (such as keyword) are listed on a single page
Perform an elasticsearch query and generate a report with a twig template
Order a sub set (based on a ES query)