Create a zip that can be used in chained handlers. The files can be from previous handlers (Pdf, ..) or form files.
The endpoint needs to be a valid JSON
Default property values:
"filename": ""
- Add a block named files for defining the files to send.
- Add a block named handleResponseExtra for changing the handler response.
{%- block files -%}
{# first 2 entries are form attachments files and the first one is place in a folder called test #}
{# response 0 is a pdf response and we can also forward the base64 #}
{%- set files = [
'path': 'test/' ~ data.attachments.0.getClientOriginalName(),
'content_path': data.attachments.0.getPathname(),
'path': data.attachments.1.getClientOriginalName(),
'content_path': data.attachments.1.getPathname(),
'path': responses.0.filename,
'content_base64': responses.0.content,
] -%}
{{- files|json_encode|raw -}}
{%- endblock -%}
{%- block handleResponseExtra -%}
{# add the transported files to the response #}
{%- set extra = {
'pdf': (response.getTransportedFiles)
} -%}
{{- extra|json_encode|raw -}}
{%- endblock -%}