Send a http request from submission data in a multipart format.
The endpoint needs to be a valid JSON and the only required property is URL.
The following example will do a POST request to http://example.test/api/form?q=test
"method": "POST",
"url": "http://example.test/api/form",
"timeout": 10,
This should return a json that will be converted into a multipart object.
File fields can be serialized as is it. See the contact_attachment
field in the following example.
{% set subject = config.elements.contact_subject.choices.getLabel(data.contact_subject) %}
{{ {
lastName: data.contact_last_name,
firstName: data.contact_first_name,
file: data.contact_attachment,
fromAddress: data.contact_email,
formIdentifier: 'contact_form',
subject: subject,
text: data.contact_message
}|json_encode|raw }}