JsonMenuNestedStructure is a kind of elasticms field serializing a JSON in a string. That JSON has a specific structure. It's an array of JsonMenuNestedItem; A JsonMenuNestedItem has the following fields:
: contain a unique id (string) for the JsonMenuNestedItem (unique in the structure only)label
: contain a non-mandatory string labelling the JsonMenuNestedItetype
: string identifying the subform type of this JsonMenuNestedItemobject
: contain the JSON of the subformchildren
: contains a non-mandatory array of JsonMenuNestedItem (recursive structure)
With this filter you can parse a JsonMenuNested field and get a JsonMenuNested object
Searching inside a JsonMenuNested you can use the search method on the object.
: the property path defined for symfony's property accessorvalue
: the value to matchtype
: optional argument, for limiting the search on only items of the type passed
It returns an iterable result, if you are only intressed in one object use twig filter first.
Example searching for a item which contains page_nl with the falue 'example:ouuid'
{% set structureJson = '{...}'|ems_json_menu_nested_decode %}
{% set item = structure.search("[page_nl]", "example:ouuid")|first %}
Example searching for page items from the author John
{% set structureJson = '{...}'|ems_json_menu_nested_decode %}
{% set johnsPages = structure.search("[author]", "John", "page") %}
{% for page in johnsPages %}...{% endfor %}
JsonMenuNested contains a breadcrumb method useful in order to generate breadcrumb:
{% if pageInStructure %}
{% set structure = attribute(pageInStructure.structure, 'structure_'~locale)|default('{}')|ems_json_menu_nested_decode %}
{% if attribute(structure, 'breadcrumb') is defined %}
{% for item in structure.breadcrumb(pageInStructure.uid) %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item">
{% if attribute(paths, [pageInStructure.sid, item.id]|join(':'))|default(false) %}
<a href="{{ path('match_all', {path: attribute(paths, [pageInStructure.sid, item.id]|join(':')) }) }}">
{{ item.label }}
{% else %}
{{ item.label }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item">Please update to skeleton 3.7.8 to get a breadcrumb</li>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
You can also get the breadcrumb in the reverse order:
{% for item in structure.breadcrumb(pageInStructure.uid, true) %}
{% endfor %}