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215 lines (189 loc) · 7.5 KB

image Python CI Coverage Status Codacy Badge License Downloads image status Maintainability Rating pyerge


It is small python wrapper tool for emerge (Gentoo package manager - Portage). It can mount RAM disk of defined size and compile packages inside it. Pyerge provide various tools to check and show emerge/portage status for conky.

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Table of Contents


It should be called PYMERGE for PYthon and eMERGE, but when I create repository I missspelled the name, and I keep it like that.


  • Python-3.7+
  • app-portage/eix


Copy ebuild from GitHub Releases into your local repository (i.e. /usr/local/portage/dev-python/portage) and run as root:

cd /usr/local/portage/app-portage/portage
ebuild pyerge-0.7.2.ebuild manifest
echo "app-portage/pyerge ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords
emerge app-portage/portage

Ebuild is good quality as RepoMan sez: "If everyone were like you, I'd be out of business!"

Main usage

Pyerge API/CLI parameter are not stable yes and are subject to change. Main pyerge script is called pye and has two main actions: check and emerge

pye check

sudo pye check

It basicly run:

  • sync portage eix-sync
  • sudo emerge -pvNDu --nospinner --with-bdeps=y --color n @world (and save output to log_file_1)
  • Estypete time for runing ememrge @world genlop -pn (and save to log_file_2)

Some useful switches:

  • -l, --local - run everthing without eix-sync
  • -q, --quiet - no output from pyerge itself only form other tools like eix, or emerge
  • -v, --verbose - be more verbose

pye emerge

sudo pye -w emerge

It basicly run:

  • check if emerge isn't runnig
  • set envirinment variable PORTAGE_TMPDIR to /var/tmp/portage
  • mount 4G RAM disk to /var/tmp/portage
  • run emerge -NDu --nospinner --with-bdeps=y --keep-going=y @world
  • unmount RAM disk

Some useful switches:

  • -d, --clean-print - after running emerge -pvNDu @world it will show output from deep clean - emegre -pc
  • -c, --clean-run - after running emerge -pvNDu @world it will run deep clean - emerge -c (imply -d)

After emerge action you can pass any ememrge parameter, it will be passed directly into emerge. So, you can build:

sudo pye -s 1G emerge -a app-admin/conky

It will mount only 1G RAM disk and ask while comipling app-admin/conky package.

  • -s, --size - size of RAM disk with postfix i.e. 1024K, 512M, 2G

Tools for Conky

Those tools are crated especialy for Conky monitoring. i.e. part of my .conkyrc:

color0 5b6dad
color1 7f8ed3
 ${color0}CPU1: ${color1}${hwmon 0 temp 2}°C ${color0}CPU2: ${color1}${hwmon 0 temp 3}°C
 ${color0}md126 (root): ${color1}${execi 60 e_raid -n md126}   ${color0}md127 (swap): ${color1}${execi 60 e_raid -n md127}
${color0}File Systems:
 ${color0}root ${color1}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${color1}${fs_bar /}
 ${color0}boot ${color1}${fs_used /boot}/${fs_size /boot} ${color1}${fs_bar /boot}
 ${color0}portage ${color1}${fs_used /var/tmp/portage}/${fs_size /var/tmp/portage} ${color1}${fs_bar 6 /var/tmp/portage}
 ${color0}Last Sync: ${color1}${execi 120 e_sync}
 ${color0}Progress:  ${color1}${execibar 30 e_prog}
 ${color0}Package:   ${color1}${execi 30 e_curr}
 ${color0}ETA:       ${color1}${execi 30 e_eta}
 ${color0}Status:    ${color1}${execi 30 e_sta}
 ${color0}Update:    ${color1}${execi 30 e_upd}
 ${color0}Download:  ${color1}${execi 30 e_dl}
 ${color0}EUT:       ${color1}${execi 30 e_eut}
 ${color0}Live:      ${color1}${execi 5400 e_live all}
${color0}Gentoo Linux Security Advisories:
${color1}${execi 5400 glsa list -e 25}
${color0}Affected GLSA:
${color1}${execi 5400 glsa test -e 40}



Print date of last emerge syc eix-sync



Run after pye check print size of downloads of @world i.e. output - 3,239,589 KiB



Run during sudo pye emereg or sudo emerge - print current building (lastly builded) package



Run after pye check - print estimated update time from genlop -pn i.e. output - 2 days 10h 36min



Run during sudo pye emereg or sudo emerge - print estimetet left time to end of compilation, based on genlop



Run after pye check - print content of next @world update



Status of emerge/portage. Possible values: Compiling, Cleaning, Autoclean, Completed, Finished, Synced, Syncing, Unmerging, Merging, Unmerge



Run during sudo pye emereg or sudo emerge - print current progress of emerge as float i.e. output - if emerge is buildeing (5 of 6) package it will return 83.3333 You can use it in conky as: ${execibar 30 e_prog}



Run after pye check - print types of next @world update. Possible values: U, N, NS, R, Un, D, B i.e. output - 19 U, 2 R, 1 Un, 2 D - it means 19 upgrades, 2 reinstals, 1 uninstall, 2 downgrades


e_raid <raid dev>

Print RAID status form /proc/mdstat i.e. output for e_raid md126L: [UUU]


e_live <action>

Print names and number of live ebuild to rebuild i.e. output for e_live all: cvechecker,openmw (2 of 3)


glsa -e 5 list

List last 5 of GLSA enrties output:

202107-55: SDL 2: Multiple vulnerabilities
202107-54: libyang: Multiple vulnerabilities
202107-53: Leptonica: Multiple vulnerabilities
202107-52: Apache Velocity: Multiple vulnerabilities
202107-51: IcedTeaWeb: Multiple vulnerabilities
glsa -e 40 test

Check system against last 40 of GLSA. output:

System is not affected by any of listed GLSAs

or list of IDs:
