is a script to randomly subsample FASTA, FASTQ, or TEXT files.
- Synopsis
- Description
- Usage
- Options
- Output
- Run environment
- Author - contact
- Acknowledgements
- Citation, installation, and license
- Changelog
perl -i infile.fasta -n 100 > subsample.fasta
zcat reads.fastq.gz | perl -i - -n 100000 > subsample.fastq
Randomly subsample FASTA, FASTQ, and TEXT files.
Empty lines in the input files will be skipped and not included in
sampling. Format TEXT assumes one entry per single line. FASTQ
format assumes four lines per read, if this is not the case run
the FASTQ file through
or use Heng
Li's seqtk seq
seqtk seq -l 0 infile.fq > outfile.fq
The file type is detected automatically. However, if automatic detection fails, TEXT format is assumed. As a last resort, you can set the file type manually with option -f.
This script is an implementation of the reservoir sampling algorithm (or Algorithm R (3.4.2)) described in Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming. It is designed to randomly pull a small sample size from a (potential) huge input file of indeterminate size, which (potentially) doesn't fit into main memory. The beauty of reservoir sampling is that it requires only one pass through the input file. The memory consumption of the algorithm is proportional to the sample size, thus large sample sizes will consume lots of memory as the whole sample will be held in memory. On the other hand, the size of the initial file is irrelevant.
An alternative tool, which is a lot faster, is seqtk sample
the seqtk toolkit.
perl -i read-pair_1.fq -n 1000000 -s 123 > sub-pair_1.fq
perl -i read-pair_2.fq -n 1000000 -s 123 > sub-pair_2.fq
perl -i infile.txt -n 100 -f text -t 3 > subsample.txt
perl -i infile.txt -n 350 -t 2 | sed '1,2d' > sub_no-header.txt
-i, -input
Input FASTA/Q or TEXT file, or piped STDIN (-)
-n, -num
Number of entries/reads to subsample
-h, -help
Help (perldoc POD)
-f, -file_type
Set the file type manually [fasta|fastq|text]
-s, -seed
Set starting random seed. For paired-end read data use the same random seed for both FASTQ files with option -s to retain pairing (see Subsample paired-end read data and retain pairing above).
-t, -title_skip
Skip the specified number of header lines in TEXT files before subsampling and append them again afterwards. If you want to get rid of the header as well, pipe the subsample output to
(seeman sed
and Subsample TEXT file and remove two header lines for final output above). -
-v, -version
Print version number to STDERR
The subsample of the input file is printed to STDOUT. Redirect or pipe into another tool as needed.
The Perl script runs under Windows and UNIX flavors.
Andreas Leimbach (aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de; Microbial Genome Plasticity, Institute of Hygiene, University of Muenster)
I got the idea for reservoir sampling from Sean Eddy's keynote at the Janelia meeting on High Throughput Sequencing for Neuroscience which he posted in his blog Cryptogenomicon. The Wikipedia article and the PerlMonks implementation helped a lot, as well.
For citation, installation, and license information please see the repository main
- v0.1 (18.11.2014)