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Prepare Training/Testing Data

There are three types of inputs used in DAVO:

  1. RGB frames
  2. Optical flows
  3. Semantic segmentations

Let's check how to prepare them for DAVO.

RGB frames

KITTI Odometry

For KITTI, you need to download the KITTI odometry dataset first, and unzip them into the $kitti_raw_odom folder (for example, ./kitti_odom/). Then run the following command:

# Set folder paths.
export kitti_raw_odom="./kitti_odom/"         # make sure kitti_odom/ includes `sequences/' and `poses/'
export kitti_odom_dump="./kitti_odom_dump/"

# Dump the KITTI VO dataset.
python data/ --dataset_dir=$kitti_raw_odom --dataset_name='kitti_odom' --dump_root=$kitti_odom_dump --seq_length=3 --img_width=416 --img_height=128 --num_threads=8
[REMARK]: Add argument --generate_test in your command to genrate testing data.

(optional) Cityscapes Sequence

For Cityscapes, download the following packages: (1) (324GB), (2) (1.9MB), and unzip them into the $cityscapes_raw folder. Then run the following command:

# for Cityscapes dataset
python data/ --dataset_dir=$cityscapes_raw --dataset_name='cityscapes' --dump_root=$cityscapes_odom_dump --seq_length=3 --img_width=416 --img_height=128 --num_threads=8

Note that for Cityscapes the img_height is set to 171 because we crop out the bottom part of the image that contains the car logo, and the resulting image will have height 128.

[REMARK]: Add argument --generate_test in your command to genrate testing data.

Optical flows

In DAVO, we use FlowNet2.0 (CVPR'2017) to generate optical flows for each input frames-pair. Resources:

There are two (or four) optical flows should be generated into $kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/<6-digital-id>-flownet2.npy:

  1. target -> source0 (i.e. the optical flow from 000001 to 000000)
  2. target -> source1 (i.e. the optical flow from 000001 to 000002)
  3. source0 -> target (i.e. the optical flow from 000000 to 000001) [optional]
  4. source1 -> target (i.e. the optical flow from 000002 to 000001) [optional]

Example code:

# ... (loading $kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/000001.png) ...
im = scipy.misc.imread( "$kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/000001.png" )
h,w,c = im.shape
src0, tgt, src1 = im[:,:w//3,:], im[:,w//3:w//3*2,:], im[:,w//3*2:,:]

# ... (generate flows) ...
src0_tgt = flownet2.predict(input_a=src0, input_b=tgt)
src1_tgt = flownet2.predict(input_a=src1, input_b=tgt)
tgt_src0 = flownet2.predict(input_a=tgt, input_b=src0)
tgt_src1 = flownet2.predict(input_a=tgt, input_b=src1)

# ... (save in npy file) ...
flows = [
  src0_tgt,     # dtype=np.float32. shape=(height,width,2)
  src1_tgt,     # dtype=np.float32. shape=(height,width,2)
  tgt_src0,     # dtype=np.float32. shape=(height,width,2)
  tgt_src1,     # dtype=np.float32. shape=(height,width,2)

all_flows = np.stack(flows)       # shape=(4,height,width,2)"$kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/000001-flownet2.npy", all_flows)

Semantic segmentations

In DAVO, we use DeepLab3+ (ECCV'2018) to generate semantic segmentations for each frame. There are three segmentation label maps should be generated into $kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/<6-digital-id>-seglabel.npy:

  1. source0 segmentation labels (i.e. the label map of 00000)
  2. target segmentation labels (i.e. the label map of 00001)
  3. source1 segmentation labels (i.e. the label map of 00002)

Example code:

# ... (loading $kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/000001.png) ...
im = scipy.misc.imread( "$kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/000001.png" )
h,w,c = im.shape
src0, tgt, src1 = im[:,:w//3,:], im[:,w//3:w//3*2,:], im[:,w//3*2:,:] 

# ... (generate segmentations) ...
src0 = deeplab.predict(src0)
tgt  = deeplab.predict(tgt)
src1 = deeplab.predict(src1)

# ... (save in npy file) ...
seglabels = [
  src0,     # dtype=np.float32. shape=(height,width,1)
  tgt,      # dtype=np.float32. shape=(height,width,1)
  src1,     # dtype=np.float32. shape=(height,width,1)

all_seglabels = np.stack(seglabels)       # shape=(3,height,width,1)"$kitti_odom_dump/$seq_name/000001-seglabel.npy", all_seglabels)