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Automated Reasoning about Software

This project contains an implementation of a SAT solver, SMT solver for T_UF, and an LP Theory Solver. Run to use any of the solvers and follow the prompts.

#Valid input for the SAT solver:

A Propositional Formula is recursively defined as the following:
• An atomic proposition: a letter in ‘p’. . . ‘z’, optionally followed by a sequence of digits.
Examples: ‘p’, ‘y12’, ‘z035’.
• ‘T’.
• ‘F’.
• ‘~φ’, where φ is a valid propositional formula.
• ‘(φ&ψ)’ where each of φ and ψ is a valid propositional formula.
• ‘(φ|ψ)’ where each of φ and ψ is a valid propositional formula.

The SAT solver will accept any formula with the above construction (along with a specification as to whether the formula is already in CNF) and return UNSAT, or SAT with a satisfying assignment.

#Valid input for the SMT solver:

A Predicate Formula in T_uf made up of CNF combinations of equalities of terms as follows;

The following strings are valid terms for the SMT solver:
• A variable name: a sequence of alphanumeric characters that begins with a letter in ‘u’. . . ‘z’.
Examples: ‘x’, ‘y12’, ‘zLast’.
• A constant name: a sequence of alphanumeric characters that begins with a digit or with a letter in ‘a’. . . ‘d’; or an underscore (with nothing before or after it).
Examples: ‘0’, ‘c1’, ‘7x’, ‘ ’.
• An n-ary function invocation of the form ‘f(t1,. . . ,tn)’, where f is a function name denoted by a sequence of alphanumeric characters that begins with a letter in ‘f’. . . ‘t’, where 1 n ≥ 1, and where each ti is itself a valid term.
Examples: ‘plus(x,y)’, ‘s(s(0))’, ‘f(g(x),h(7,y),c)’.

The following strings are valid formulas in our SMT solver: • An equality of the form ‘t1=t2’, where each of t1 and t2 is a valid terms.
Examples: ‘0=0’, ‘s(0)=1’, ‘plus(x,y)=plus(y,x)’.
• A unary negation of the form ‘~φ’, where φ is a valid formula.
• A binary operation of the form ‘(φ*ψ)’, where * is one of the binary operators ‘|’, or ‘&’ and each of φ and ψ is a valid formula. Additionally, every such formula must be in CNF.

#Valid input for the LP solver:

A Predicate Formula in T_q (Theory of Rationals) that is made up of combination of equalities. The following strings are valid terms for the SMT solver:
• A variable name: a sequence of alphanumeric characters that begins with a letter in ‘u’. . . ‘z’. DO NOT USE SAVED NAMES x0 OR y
Examples: ‘x’, ‘y12’, ‘zLast’.
• A binary function of the form ‘f(a, b)’, where f is one of the following - plus, minus, mult.
mult - Multiplication of a term by a constant, the constant is always the first argument.
plus - Addition of 2 terms
minus - Deduction of the second argument from the first one.
Example: the formula x - 6 is minus(x, 6) and the formula -x + 6 will be written as plus(minus(0, x), 6)
some more examples - ‘plus(x, z)’, ‘plus(mult(8, x), minus(0, z))’ .

The following strings are valid formulas for the LP solver:
• An equality of the form ‘t1 = t2’, where each of t1 and t2 is a valid terms, will be written as 'S(t1, t2)'.
Examples: 'S(x, z)' means x = z, ‘S(plus(x1, z), minus(x2, 5))’ means x1 + z = x2 - 5.
• Same for the relation '>=' - will be written as 'GS(t1, t2)' .
• A unary negation of the form ‘~φ’, where φ is a valid formula.
• A binary operation of the form ‘(φ * ψ)’, where * is one of the binary operators ‘|’, ‘&’, or ‘→’,2 and each of φ and ψ is a valid formula.