diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.md b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.md
index 8bb9e6ffce799..cec307032094e 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.md
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.md
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md)
-## kibana-plugin-public package
-The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
-A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`, that implements [PluginInitializer](./kibana-plugin-public.plugininitializer.md) which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./kibana-plugin-public.plugin.md).
-The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`, `start`, and `stop`. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.coresetup.md) or [CoreStart](./kibana-plugin-public.corestart.md)) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
-## Classes
-| Class | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| [SavedObjectsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclient.md) | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
-| [SimpleSavedObject](./kibana-plugin-public.simplesavedobject.md) | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclient.md).It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
-| [ToastsApi](./kibana-plugin-public.toastsapi.md) | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
-| [UiSettingsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsclient.md) | |
-## Interfaces
-| Interface | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| [App](./kibana-plugin-public.app.md) | Extension of [common app properties](./kibana-plugin-public.appbase.md) with the mount function. |
-| [AppBase](./kibana-plugin-public.appbase.md) | |
-| [ApplicationSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.applicationsetup.md) | |
-| [ApplicationStart](./kibana-plugin-public.applicationstart.md) | |
-| [AppMountContext](./kibana-plugin-public.appmountcontext.md) | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. |
-| [AppMountParameters](./kibana-plugin-public.appmountparameters.md) | |
-| [Capabilities](./kibana-plugin-public.capabilities.md) | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
-| [ChromeBadge](./kibana-plugin-public.chromebadge.md) | |
-| [ChromeBrand](./kibana-plugin-public.chromebrand.md) | |
-| [ChromeDocTitle](./kibana-plugin-public.chromedoctitle.md) | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
-| [ChromeNavControl](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavcontrol.md) | |
-| [ChromeNavControls](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavcontrols.md) | [APIs](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavcontrols.md) for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
-| [ChromeNavLink](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlink.md) | |
-| [ChromeNavLinks](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlinks.md) | [APIs](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlinks.md) for manipulating nav links. |
-| [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./kibana-plugin-public.chromerecentlyaccessed.md) | [APIs](./kibana-plugin-public.chromerecentlyaccessed.md) for recently accessed history. |
-| [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./kibana-plugin-public.chromerecentlyaccessedhistoryitem.md) | |
-| [ChromeStart](./kibana-plugin-public.chromestart.md) | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
-| [ContextSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.contextsetup.md) | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-| [CoreSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.coresetup.md) | Core services exposed to the Plugin
setup lifecycle |
-| [CoreStart](./kibana-plugin-public.corestart.md) | Core services exposed to the Plugin
start lifecycle |
-| [DocLinksStart](./kibana-plugin-public.doclinksstart.md) | |
-| [EnvironmentMode](./kibana-plugin-public.environmentmode.md) | |
-| [ErrorToastOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.errortoastoptions.md) | Options available for [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) APIs. |
-| [FatalErrorInfo](./kibana-plugin-public.fatalerrorinfo.md) | Represents the message
and stack
of a fatal Error |
-| [FatalErrorsSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.fatalerrorssetup.md) | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-| [HttpErrorRequest](./kibana-plugin-public.httperrorrequest.md) | |
-| [HttpErrorResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.httperrorresponse.md) | |
-| [HttpFetchOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.httpfetchoptions.md) | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./kibana-plugin-public.httphandler.md). |
-| [HttpFetchQuery](./kibana-plugin-public.httpfetchquery.md) | |
-| [HttpHeadersInit](./kibana-plugin-public.httpheadersinit.md) | |
-| [HttpInterceptor](./kibana-plugin-public.httpinterceptor.md) | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./kibana-plugin-public.ihttpinterceptcontroller.md). |
-| [HttpRequestInit](./kibana-plugin-public.httprequestinit.md) | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./kibana-plugin-public.httphandler.md)s. |
-| [HttpResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.httpresponse.md) | |
-| [HttpServiceBase](./kibana-plugin-public.httpservicebase.md) | |
-| [I18nStart](./kibana-plugin-public.i18nstart.md) | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @kbn/i18n and @elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
-| [IAnonymousPaths](./kibana-plugin-public.ianonymouspaths.md) | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
-| [IBasePath](./kibana-plugin-public.ibasepath.md) | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
-| [IContextContainer](./kibana-plugin-public.icontextcontainer.md) | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-| [IHttpFetchError](./kibana-plugin-public.ihttpfetcherror.md) | |
-| [IHttpInterceptController](./kibana-plugin-public.ihttpinterceptcontroller.md) | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./kibana-plugin-public.httpinterceptor.md). |
-| [InterceptedHttpResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.interceptedhttpresponse.md) | |
-| [LegacyCoreSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.legacycoresetup.md) | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the ui/new_platform
module. |
-| [LegacyCoreStart](./kibana-plugin-public.legacycorestart.md) | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the ui/new_platform
module. |
-| [LegacyNavLink](./kibana-plugin-public.legacynavlink.md) | |
-| [NotificationsSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.notificationssetup.md) | |
-| [NotificationsStart](./kibana-plugin-public.notificationsstart.md) | |
-| [OverlayBannersStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaybannersstart.md) | |
-| [OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.md) | |
-| [OverlayFlyoutStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutstart.md) | APIs to open and manage fly-out dialogs. |
-| [OverlayModalOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.md) | |
-| [OverlayModalStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalstart.md) | APIs to open and manage modal dialogs. |
-| [OverlayRef](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayref.md) | Returned by [OverlayStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.md) methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
-| [OverlayStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.md) | |
-| [PackageInfo](./kibana-plugin-public.packageinfo.md) | |
-| [Plugin](./kibana-plugin-public.plugin.md) | The interface that should be returned by a PluginInitializer
. |
-| [PluginInitializerContext](./kibana-plugin-public.plugininitializercontext.md) | The available core services passed to a PluginInitializer
-| [SavedObject](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobject.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectAttributes](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattributes.md) | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the attributes
property. |
-| [SavedObjectReference](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectreference.md) | A reference to another saved object. |
-| [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbaseoptions.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbatchresponse.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkcreateobject.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkcreateoptions.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkupdateobject.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkupdateoptions.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectscreateoptions.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsfindoptions.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsfindresponsepublic.md) | Return type of the Saved Objects find()
method.\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
-| [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsmigrationversion.md) | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-| [SavedObjectsStart](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsstart.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsupdateoptions.md) | |
-| [UiSettingsState](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsstate.md) | |
-## Type Aliases
-| Type Alias | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| [AppUnmount](./kibana-plugin-public.appunmount.md) | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
-| [ChromeBreadcrumb](./kibana-plugin-public.chromebreadcrumb.md) | |
-| [ChromeHelpExtension](./kibana-plugin-public.chromehelpextension.md) | |
-| [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlinkupdateablefields.md) | |
-| [HandlerContextType](./kibana-plugin-public.handlercontexttype.md) | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerfunction.md) to represent the type of the context. |
-| [HandlerFunction](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerfunction.md) | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./kibana-plugin-public.icontextcontainer.md) |
-| [HandlerParameters](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerparameters.md) | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerfunction.md), excluding the [HandlerContextType](./kibana-plugin-public.handlercontexttype.md). |
-| [HttpBody](./kibana-plugin-public.httpbody.md) | |
-| [HttpHandler](./kibana-plugin-public.httphandler.md) | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.httpfetchoptions.md) for options and [HttpBody](./kibana-plugin-public.httpbody.md) for the response. |
-| [HttpSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.httpsetup.md) | See [HttpServiceBase](./kibana-plugin-public.httpservicebase.md) |
-| [HttpStart](./kibana-plugin-public.httpstart.md) | See [HttpServiceBase](./kibana-plugin-public.httpservicebase.md) |
-| [IContextProvider](./kibana-plugin-public.icontextprovider.md) | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
-| [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./kibana-plugin-public.toastsapi.md). |
-| [MountPoint](./kibana-plugin-public.mountpoint.md) | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
-| [PluginInitializer](./kibana-plugin-public.plugininitializer.md) | The plugin
export at the root of a plugin's public
directory should conform to this interface. |
-| [PluginOpaqueId](./kibana-plugin-public.pluginopaqueid.md) | |
-| [RecursiveReadonly](./kibana-plugin-public.recursivereadonly.md) | |
-| [SavedObjectAttribute](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattribute.md) | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
-| [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattributesingle.md) | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattribute.md) |
-| [SavedObjectsClientContract](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclientcontract.md) | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclient.md) |
-| [Toast](./kibana-plugin-public.toast.md) | |
-| [ToastInput](./kibana-plugin-public.toastinput.md) | Inputs for [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) APIs. |
-| [ToastInputFields](./kibana-plugin-public.toastinputfields.md) | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./kibana-plugin-public.toastinput.md). |
-| [ToastsSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.toastssetup.md) | [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) |
-| [ToastsStart](./kibana-plugin-public.toastsstart.md) | [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) |
-| [UiSettingsClientContract](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsclientcontract.md) | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [UiSettingsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsclient.md) |
-| [UnmountCallback](./kibana-plugin-public.unmountcallback.md) | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./kibana-plugin-public.mountpoint.md) |
+[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md)
+## kibana-plugin-public package
+The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
+A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`, that implements [PluginInitializer](./kibana-plugin-public.plugininitializer.md) which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./kibana-plugin-public.plugin.md).
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`, `start`, and `stop`. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.coresetup.md) or [CoreStart](./kibana-plugin-public.corestart.md)) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+| Class | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| [SavedObjectsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclient.md) | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+| [SimpleSavedObject](./kibana-plugin-public.simplesavedobject.md) | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclient.md).It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
+| [ToastsApi](./kibana-plugin-public.toastsapi.md) | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
+| [UiSettingsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsclient.md) | |
+## Interfaces
+| Interface | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| [App](./kibana-plugin-public.app.md) | Extension of [common app properties](./kibana-plugin-public.appbase.md) with the mount function. |
+| [AppBase](./kibana-plugin-public.appbase.md) | |
+| [ApplicationSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.applicationsetup.md) | |
+| [ApplicationStart](./kibana-plugin-public.applicationstart.md) | |
+| [AppMountContext](./kibana-plugin-public.appmountcontext.md) | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. |
+| [AppMountParameters](./kibana-plugin-public.appmountparameters.md) | |
+| [Capabilities](./kibana-plugin-public.capabilities.md) | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+| [ChromeBadge](./kibana-plugin-public.chromebadge.md) | |
+| [ChromeBrand](./kibana-plugin-public.chromebrand.md) | |
+| [ChromeDocTitle](./kibana-plugin-public.chromedoctitle.md) | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
+| [ChromeNavControl](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavcontrol.md) | |
+| [ChromeNavControls](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavcontrols.md) | [APIs](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavcontrols.md) for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
+| [ChromeNavLink](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlink.md) | |
+| [ChromeNavLinks](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlinks.md) | [APIs](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlinks.md) for manipulating nav links. |
+| [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./kibana-plugin-public.chromerecentlyaccessed.md) | [APIs](./kibana-plugin-public.chromerecentlyaccessed.md) for recently accessed history. |
+| [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./kibana-plugin-public.chromerecentlyaccessedhistoryitem.md) | |
+| [ChromeStart](./kibana-plugin-public.chromestart.md) | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
+| [ContextSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.contextsetup.md) | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+| [CoreSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.coresetup.md) | Core services exposed to the Plugin
setup lifecycle |
+| [CoreStart](./kibana-plugin-public.corestart.md) | Core services exposed to the Plugin
start lifecycle |
+| [DocLinksStart](./kibana-plugin-public.doclinksstart.md) | |
+| [EnvironmentMode](./kibana-plugin-public.environmentmode.md) | |
+| [ErrorToastOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.errortoastoptions.md) | Options available for [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) APIs. |
+| [FatalErrorInfo](./kibana-plugin-public.fatalerrorinfo.md) | Represents the message
and stack
of a fatal Error |
+| [FatalErrorsSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.fatalerrorssetup.md) | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+| [HttpErrorRequest](./kibana-plugin-public.httperrorrequest.md) | |
+| [HttpErrorResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.httperrorresponse.md) | |
+| [HttpFetchOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.httpfetchoptions.md) | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./kibana-plugin-public.httphandler.md). |
+| [HttpFetchQuery](./kibana-plugin-public.httpfetchquery.md) | |
+| [HttpHeadersInit](./kibana-plugin-public.httpheadersinit.md) | |
+| [HttpInterceptor](./kibana-plugin-public.httpinterceptor.md) | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./kibana-plugin-public.ihttpinterceptcontroller.md). |
+| [HttpRequestInit](./kibana-plugin-public.httprequestinit.md) | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./kibana-plugin-public.httphandler.md)s. |
+| [HttpResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.httpresponse.md) | |
+| [HttpServiceBase](./kibana-plugin-public.httpservicebase.md) | |
+| [I18nStart](./kibana-plugin-public.i18nstart.md) | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @kbn/i18n and @elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
+| [IAnonymousPaths](./kibana-plugin-public.ianonymouspaths.md) | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
+| [IBasePath](./kibana-plugin-public.ibasepath.md) | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
+| [IContextContainer](./kibana-plugin-public.icontextcontainer.md) | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+| [IHttpFetchError](./kibana-plugin-public.ihttpfetcherror.md) | |
+| [IHttpInterceptController](./kibana-plugin-public.ihttpinterceptcontroller.md) | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./kibana-plugin-public.httpinterceptor.md). |
+| [InterceptedHttpResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.interceptedhttpresponse.md) | |
+| [LegacyCoreSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.legacycoresetup.md) | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the ui/new_platform
module. |
+| [LegacyCoreStart](./kibana-plugin-public.legacycorestart.md) | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the ui/new_platform
module. |
+| [LegacyNavLink](./kibana-plugin-public.legacynavlink.md) | |
+| [NotificationsSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.notificationssetup.md) | |
+| [NotificationsStart](./kibana-plugin-public.notificationsstart.md) | |
+| [OverlayBannersStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaybannersstart.md) | |
+| [OverlayRef](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayref.md) | Returned by [OverlayStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.md) methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
+| [OverlayStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.md) | |
+| [PackageInfo](./kibana-plugin-public.packageinfo.md) | |
+| [Plugin](./kibana-plugin-public.plugin.md) | The interface that should be returned by a PluginInitializer
. |
+| [PluginInitializerContext](./kibana-plugin-public.plugininitializercontext.md) | The available core services passed to a PluginInitializer
+| [SavedObject](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobject.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectAttributes](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattributes.md) | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the attributes
property. |
+| [SavedObjectReference](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectreference.md) | A reference to another saved object. |
+| [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbaseoptions.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbatchresponse.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkcreateobject.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkcreateoptions.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkupdateobject.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsbulkupdateoptions.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectscreateoptions.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsfindoptions.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsfindresponsepublic.md) | Return type of the Saved Objects find()
method.\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+| [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsmigrationversion.md) | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+| [SavedObjectsStart](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsstart.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsupdateoptions.md) | |
+| [UiSettingsState](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsstate.md) | |
+## Type Aliases
+| Type Alias | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| [AppUnmount](./kibana-plugin-public.appunmount.md) | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
+| [ChromeBreadcrumb](./kibana-plugin-public.chromebreadcrumb.md) | |
+| [ChromeHelpExtension](./kibana-plugin-public.chromehelpextension.md) | |
+| [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./kibana-plugin-public.chromenavlinkupdateablefields.md) | |
+| [HandlerContextType](./kibana-plugin-public.handlercontexttype.md) | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerfunction.md) to represent the type of the context. |
+| [HandlerFunction](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerfunction.md) | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./kibana-plugin-public.icontextcontainer.md) |
+| [HandlerParameters](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerparameters.md) | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./kibana-plugin-public.handlerfunction.md), excluding the [HandlerContextType](./kibana-plugin-public.handlercontexttype.md). |
+| [HttpBody](./kibana-plugin-public.httpbody.md) | |
+| [HttpHandler](./kibana-plugin-public.httphandler.md) | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.httpfetchoptions.md) for options and [HttpBody](./kibana-plugin-public.httpbody.md) for the response. |
+| [HttpSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.httpsetup.md) | See [HttpServiceBase](./kibana-plugin-public.httpservicebase.md) |
+| [HttpStart](./kibana-plugin-public.httpstart.md) | See [HttpServiceBase](./kibana-plugin-public.httpservicebase.md) |
+| [IContextProvider](./kibana-plugin-public.icontextprovider.md) | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+| [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./kibana-plugin-public.toastsapi.md). |
+| [MountPoint](./kibana-plugin-public.mountpoint.md) | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
+| [PluginInitializer](./kibana-plugin-public.plugininitializer.md) | The plugin
export at the root of a plugin's public
directory should conform to this interface. |
+| [PluginOpaqueId](./kibana-plugin-public.pluginopaqueid.md) | |
+| [RecursiveReadonly](./kibana-plugin-public.recursivereadonly.md) | |
+| [SavedObjectAttribute](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattribute.md) | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+| [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattributesingle.md) | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectattribute.md) |
+| [SavedObjectsClientContract](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclientcontract.md) | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.savedobjectsclient.md) |
+| [Toast](./kibana-plugin-public.toast.md) | |
+| [ToastInput](./kibana-plugin-public.toastinput.md) | Inputs for [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) APIs. |
+| [ToastInputFields](./kibana-plugin-public.toastinputfields.md) | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./kibana-plugin-public.toastinput.md). |
+| [ToastsSetup](./kibana-plugin-public.toastssetup.md) | [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) |
+| [ToastsStart](./kibana-plugin-public.toastsstart.md) | [IToasts](./kibana-plugin-public.itoasts.md) |
+| [UiSettingsClientContract](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsclientcontract.md) | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [UiSettingsClient](./kibana-plugin-public.uisettingsclient.md) |
+| [UnmountCallback](./kibana-plugin-public.unmountcallback.md) | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./kibana-plugin-public.mountpoint.md) |
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+[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [MountPoint](./kibana-plugin-public.mountpoint.md)
+## MountPoint type
+A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it.
+export declare type MountPoint = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.md) > ["data-test-subj"](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions._data-test-subj_.md)
-## OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions."data-test-subj" property
-'data-test-subj'?: string;
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.md) > [className](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.classname.md)
-## OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions.className property
-className?: string;
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.md) > [closeButtonAriaLabel](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.closebuttonarialabel.md)
-## OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions.closeButtonAriaLabel property
-closeButtonAriaLabel?: string;
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.md)
-## OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions interface
-export interface OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions
-## Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| ["data-test-subj"](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions._data-test-subj_.md) | string
| |
-| [className](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.classname.md) | string
| |
-| [closeButtonAriaLabel](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutopenoptions.closebuttonarialabel.md) | string
| |
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayFlyoutStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutstart.md)
-## OverlayFlyoutStart interface
-APIs to open and manage fly-out dialogs.
-export interface OverlayFlyoutStart
-## Methods
-| Method | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| [open(mount, options)](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutstart.open.md) | Opens a flyout panel with the given mount point inside. You can use close()
on the returned FlyoutRef to close the flyout. |
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayFlyoutStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutstart.md) > [open](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutstart.open.md)
-## OverlayFlyoutStart.open() method
-Opens a flyout panel with the given mount point inside. You can use `close()` on the returned FlyoutRef to close the flyout.
-open(mount: MountPoint, options?: OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions): OverlayRef;
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| mount | MountPoint
| |
-| options | OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions
| |
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayModalOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.md) > ["data-test-subj"](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions._data-test-subj_.md)
-## OverlayModalOpenOptions."data-test-subj" property
-'data-test-subj'?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.classname.md b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.classname.md
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayModalOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.md) > [className](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.classname.md)
-## OverlayModalOpenOptions.className property
-className?: string;
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayModalOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.md) > [closeButtonAriaLabel](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.closebuttonarialabel.md)
-## OverlayModalOpenOptions.closeButtonAriaLabel property
-closeButtonAriaLabel?: string;
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayModalOpenOptions](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.md)
-## OverlayModalOpenOptions interface
-export interface OverlayModalOpenOptions
-## Properties
-| Property | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| ["data-test-subj"](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions._data-test-subj_.md) | string
| |
-| [className](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.classname.md) | string
| |
-| [closeButtonAriaLabel](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalopenoptions.closebuttonarialabel.md) | string
| |
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayModalStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalstart.md)
-## OverlayModalStart interface
-APIs to open and manage modal dialogs.
-export interface OverlayModalStart
-## Methods
-| Method | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| [open(mount, options)](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalstart.open.md) | Opens a modal panel with the given mount point inside. You can use close()
on the returned OverlayRef to close the modal. |
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-[Home](./index.md) > [kibana-plugin-public](./kibana-plugin-public.md) > [OverlayModalStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalstart.md) > [open](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalstart.open.md)
-## OverlayModalStart.open() method
-Opens a modal panel with the given mount point inside. You can use `close()` on the returned OverlayRef to close the modal.
-open(mount: MountPoint, options?: OverlayModalOpenOptions): OverlayRef;
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| mount | MountPoint
| |
-| options | OverlayModalOpenOptions
| |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.flyouts.md b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.flyouts.md
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## OverlayStart.flyouts property
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--- a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.md
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.md
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ export interface OverlayStart
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [banners](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.banners.md) | OverlayBannersStart
| [OverlayBannersStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaybannersstart.md) |
-| [flyouts](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.flyouts.md) | OverlayFlyoutStart
| [OverlayFlyoutStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlayflyoutstart.md) |
-| [modals](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.modals.md) | OverlayModalStart
| [OverlayModalStart](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaymodalstart.md) |
+| [flyouts](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.flyouts.md) | OverlayFlyoutStart
| |
+| [modals](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.modals.md) | OverlayModalStart
| |
| [openFlyout](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.openflyout.md) | OverlayFlyoutStart['open']
| |
| [openModal](./kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.openmodal.md) | OverlayModalStart['open']
| |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.modals.md b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-public.overlaystart.modals.md
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@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
## OverlayStart.modals property
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@@ -1,993 +1,999 @@
-## API Report File for "kibana"
-> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/).
-import { Breadcrumb } from '@elastic/eui';
-import { EuiGlobalToastListToast } from '@elastic/eui';
-import { IconType } from '@elastic/eui';
-import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
-import React from 'react';
-import * as Rx from 'rxjs';
-import { ShallowPromise } from '@kbn/utility-types';
-import { UiSettingsParams as UiSettingsParams_2 } from 'src/core/server/types';
-import { UserProvidedValues as UserProvidedValues_2 } from 'src/core/server/types';
-// @public
-export interface App extends AppBase {
- chromeless?: boolean;
- mount: (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface AppBase {
- capabilities?: Partial;
- euiIconType?: string;
- icon?: string;
- // (undocumented)
- id: string;
- order?: number;
- title: string;
- tooltip$?: Observable;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ApplicationSetup {
- register(app: App): void;
- registerMountContext(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider): void;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ApplicationStart {
- capabilities: RecursiveReadonly;
- getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
- path?: string;
- }): string;
- navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
- path?: string;
- state?: any;
- }): void;
- registerMountContext(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider): void;
-// @public
-export interface AppMountContext {
- core: {
- application: Pick;
- chrome: ChromeStart;
- docLinks: DocLinksStart;
- http: HttpStart;
- i18n: I18nStart;
- notifications: NotificationsStart;
- overlays: OverlayStart;
- uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
- injectedMetadata: {
- getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
- };
- };
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface AppMountParameters {
- appBasePath: string;
- element: HTMLElement;
-// @public
-export type AppUnmount = () => void;
-// @public
-export interface Capabilities {
- [key: string]: Record>;
- catalogue: Record;
- management: {
- [sectionId: string]: Record;
- };
- navLinks: Record;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ChromeBadge {
- // (undocumented)
- iconType?: IconType;
- // (undocumented)
- text: string;
- // (undocumented)
- tooltip: string;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ChromeBrand {
- // (undocumented)
- logo?: string;
- // (undocumented)
- smallLogo?: string;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ChromeBreadcrumb = Breadcrumb;
-// @public
-export interface ChromeDocTitle {
- // @internal (undocumented)
- __legacy: {
- setBaseTitle(baseTitle: string): void;
- };
- change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
- reset(): void;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ChromeHelpExtension = (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ChromeNavControl {
- // (undocumented)
- mount(targetDomElement: HTMLElement): () => void;
- // (undocumented)
- order?: number;
-// @public
-export interface ChromeNavControls {
- // @internal (undocumented)
- getLeft$(): Observable;
- // @internal (undocumented)
- getRight$(): Observable;
- registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
- registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ChromeNavLink {
- // @deprecated
- readonly active?: boolean;
- readonly baseUrl: string;
- // @deprecated
- readonly disabled?: boolean;
- readonly euiIconType?: string;
- readonly hidden?: boolean;
- readonly icon?: string;
- readonly id: string;
- // @internal
- readonly legacy: boolean;
- // @deprecated
- readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
- readonly order?: number;
- // @deprecated
- readonly subUrlBase?: string;
- readonly title: string;
- readonly tooltip?: string;
- // @deprecated
- readonly url?: string;
-// @public
-export interface ChromeNavLinks {
- enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
- get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
- getAll(): Array>;
- getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable;
- getNavLinks$(): Observable>>;
- has(id: string): boolean;
- showOnly(id: string): void;
- update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial>;
-// @public
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed {
- // Warning: (ae-unresolved-link) The @link reference could not be resolved: No member was found with name "basePath"
- add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
- get$(): Observable;
- get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem {
- // (undocumented)
- id: string;
- // (undocumented)
- label: string;
- // (undocumented)
- link: string;
-// @public
-export interface ChromeStart {
- addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
- docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
- getApplicationClasses$(): Observable;
- getBadge$(): Observable;
- getBrand$(): Observable;
- getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable;
- getHelpExtension$(): Observable;
- getIsCollapsed$(): Observable;
- getIsVisible$(): Observable;
- navControls: ChromeNavControls;
- navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
- recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
- removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
- setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
- setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
- setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
- setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
- setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
- setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
- setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
-// @public
-export interface ContextSetup {
- createContextContainer>(): IContextContainer;
-// @internal (undocumented)
-export interface CoreContext {
- // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "CoreId" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
- //
- // (undocumented)
- coreId: CoreId;
- // (undocumented)
- env: {
- mode: Readonly;
- packageInfo: Readonly;
- };
-// @public
-export interface CoreSetup {
- // (undocumented)
- application: ApplicationSetup;
- // (undocumented)
- context: ContextSetup;
- // (undocumented)
- fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
- // (undocumented)
- http: HttpSetup;
- // @deprecated
- injectedMetadata: {
- getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
- };
- // (undocumented)
- notifications: NotificationsSetup;
- // (undocumented)
- uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
-// @public
-export interface CoreStart {
- // (undocumented)
- application: ApplicationStart;
- // (undocumented)
- chrome: ChromeStart;
- // (undocumented)
- docLinks: DocLinksStart;
- // (undocumented)
- http: HttpStart;
- // (undocumented)
- i18n: I18nStart;
- // @deprecated
- injectedMetadata: {
- getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
- };
- // (undocumented)
- notifications: NotificationsStart;
- // (undocumented)
- overlays: OverlayStart;
- // (undocumented)
- savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
- // (undocumented)
- uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
-// @internal
-export class CoreSystem {
- // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Params" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
- constructor(params: Params);
- // (undocumented)
- setup(): Promise<{
- fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
- } | undefined>;
- // (undocumented)
- start(): Promise;
- // (undocumented)
- stop(): void;
- }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface DocLinksStart {
- // (undocumented)
- readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
- // (undocumented)
- readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
- // (undocumented)
- readonly links: {
- readonly filebeat: {
- readonly base: string;
- readonly installation: string;
- readonly configuration: string;
- readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
- readonly startup: string;
- readonly exportedFields: string;
- };
- readonly auditbeat: {
- readonly base: string;
- };
- readonly metricbeat: {
- readonly base: string;
- };
- readonly heartbeat: {
- readonly base: string;
- };
- readonly logstash: {
- readonly base: string;
- };
- readonly functionbeat: {
- readonly base: string;
- };
- readonly winlogbeat: {
- readonly base: string;
- };
- readonly aggs: {
- readonly date_histogram: string;
- readonly date_range: string;
- readonly filter: string;
- readonly filters: string;
- readonly geohash_grid: string;
- readonly histogram: string;
- readonly ip_range: string;
- readonly range: string;
- readonly significant_terms: string;
- readonly terms: string;
- readonly avg: string;
- readonly avg_bucket: string;
- readonly max_bucket: string;
- readonly min_bucket: string;
- readonly sum_bucket: string;
- readonly cardinality: string;
- readonly count: string;
- readonly cumulative_sum: string;
- readonly derivative: string;
- readonly geo_bounds: string;
- readonly geo_centroid: string;
- readonly max: string;
- readonly median: string;
- readonly min: string;
- readonly moving_avg: string;
- readonly percentile_ranks: string;
- readonly serial_diff: string;
- readonly std_dev: string;
- readonly sum: string;
- readonly top_hits: string;
- };
- readonly scriptedFields: {
- readonly scriptFields: string;
- readonly scriptAggs: string;
- readonly painless: string;
- readonly painlessApi: string;
- readonly painlessSyntax: string;
- readonly luceneExpressions: string;
- };
- readonly indexPatterns: {
- readonly loadingData: string;
- readonly introduction: string;
- };
- readonly kibana: string;
- readonly siem: string;
- readonly query: {
- readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
- readonly queryDsl: string;
- readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
- };
- readonly date: {
- readonly dateMath: string;
- };
- };
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface EnvironmentMode {
- // (undocumented)
- dev: boolean;
- // (undocumented)
- name: 'development' | 'production';
- // (undocumented)
- prod: boolean;
-// @public
-export interface ErrorToastOptions {
- title: string;
- toastMessage?: string;
-// @public
-export interface FatalErrorInfo {
- // (undocumented)
- message: string;
- // (undocumented)
- stack: string | undefined;
-// @public
-export interface FatalErrorsSetup {
- add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
- get$: () => Rx.Observable;
-// @public
-export type HandlerContextType> = T extends HandlerFunction ? U : never;
-// @public
-export type HandlerFunction = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
-// @public
-export type HandlerParameters> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type HttpBody = BodyInit | null | any;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface HttpErrorRequest {
- // (undocumented)
- error: Error;
- // (undocumented)
- request: Request;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface HttpErrorResponse extends HttpResponse {
- // (undocumented)
- error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
-// @public
-export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit {
- headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
- prependBasePath?: boolean;
- query?: HttpFetchQuery;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface HttpFetchQuery {
- // (undocumented)
- [key: string]: string | number | boolean | undefined;
-// @public
-export type HttpHandler = (path: string, options?: HttpFetchOptions) => Promise;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface HttpHeadersInit {
- // (undocumented)
- [name: string]: any;
-// @public
-export interface HttpInterceptor {
- request?(request: Request, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | Request | void;
- requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpErrorRequest, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | Request | void;
- response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | InterceptedHttpResponse | void;
- responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpErrorResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | InterceptedHttpResponse | void;
-// @public
-export interface HttpRequestInit {
- body?: BodyInit | null;
- cache?: RequestCache;
- credentials?: RequestCredentials;
- // (undocumented)
- headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
- integrity?: string;
- keepalive?: boolean;
- method?: string;
- mode?: RequestMode;
- redirect?: RequestRedirect;
- referrer?: string;
- referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
- signal?: AbortSignal | null;
- window?: null;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface HttpResponse extends InterceptedHttpResponse {
- // (undocumented)
- request: Readonly;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface HttpServiceBase {
- addLoadingCount(countSource$: Observable): void;
- anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
- basePath: IBasePath;
- delete: HttpHandler;
- fetch: HttpHandler;
- get: HttpHandler;
- getLoadingCount$(): Observable;
- head: HttpHandler;
- intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
- options: HttpHandler;
- patch: HttpHandler;
- post: HttpHandler;
- put: HttpHandler;
- removeAllInterceptors(): void;
- // @internal (undocumented)
- stop(): void;
-// @public
-export type HttpSetup = HttpServiceBase;
-// @public
-export type HttpStart = HttpServiceBase;
-// @public
-export interface I18nStart {
- Context: ({ children }: {
- children: React.ReactNode;
- }) => JSX.Element;
-// Warning: (ae-missing-release-tag) "IAnonymousPaths" is exported by the package, but it is missing a release tag (@alpha, @beta, @public, or @internal)
-// @public
-export interface IAnonymousPaths {
- isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
- register(path: string): void;
-// @public
-export interface IBasePath {
- get: () => string;
- prepend: (url: string) => string;
- remove: (url: string) => string;
-// @public
-export interface IContextContainer> {
- createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): (...rest: HandlerParameters) => ShallowPromise>;
- registerContext>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider): this;
-// @public
-export type IContextProvider, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType> = (context: Partial>, ...rest: HandlerParameters) => Promise[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType[TContextName];
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error {
- // (undocumented)
- readonly body?: any;
- // @deprecated (undocumented)
- readonly req: Request;
- // (undocumented)
- readonly request: Request;
- // @deprecated (undocumented)
- readonly res?: Response;
- // (undocumented)
- readonly response?: Response;
-// @public
-export interface IHttpInterceptController {
- halt(): void;
- halted: boolean;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface InterceptedHttpResponse {
- // (undocumented)
- body?: HttpBody;
- // (undocumented)
- response?: Response;
-// @public
-export type IToasts = Pick;
-// @public @deprecated
-export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup {
- // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InjectedMetadataSetup" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
- //
- // @deprecated (undocumented)
- injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
-// @public @deprecated
-export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart {
- // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InjectedMetadataStart" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
- //
- // @deprecated (undocumented)
- injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface LegacyNavLink {
- // (undocumented)
- euiIconType?: string;
- // (undocumented)
- icon?: string;
- // (undocumented)
- id: string;
- // (undocumented)
- order: number;
- // (undocumented)
- title: string;
- // (undocumented)
- url: string;
-// @public
-export type MountPoint = (element: HTMLElement) => UnmountCallback;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface NotificationsSetup {
- // (undocumented)
- toasts: ToastsSetup;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface NotificationsStart {
- // (undocumented)
- toasts: ToastsStart;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface OverlayBannersStart {
- add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
- // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OverlayBanner" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
- //
- // @internal (undocumented)
- get$(): Observable;
- // (undocumented)
- getComponent(): JSX.Element;
- remove(id: string): boolean;
- replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
-// @public
-export interface OverlayRef {
- close(): Promise;
- onClose: Promise;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface OverlayStart {
- // (undocumented)
- banners: OverlayBannersStart;
- // (undocumented)
- flyouts: OverlayFlyoutStart;
- // (undocumented)
- modals: OverlayModalStart;
- // @deprecated (undocumented)
- openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
- // @deprecated (undocumented)
- openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface PackageInfo {
- // (undocumented)
- branch: string;
- // (undocumented)
- buildNum: number;
- // (undocumented)
- buildSha: string;
- // (undocumented)
- dist: boolean;
- // (undocumented)
- version: string;
-// @public
-export interface Plugin {
- // (undocumented)
- setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise;
- // (undocumented)
- start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise;
- // (undocumented)
- stop?(): void;
-// @public
-export type PluginInitializer = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin;
-// @public
-export interface PluginInitializerContext {
- // (undocumented)
- readonly env: {
- mode: Readonly;
- packageInfo: Readonly;
- };
- readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
-// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RecursiveReadonlyArray" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type RecursiveReadonly = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray : T extends object ? Readonly<{
- [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly;
-}> : T;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObject {
- attributes: T;
- // (undocumented)
- error?: {
- message: string;
- statusCode: number;
- };
- id: string;
- migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
- references: SavedObjectReference[];
- type: string;
- updated_at?: string;
- version?: string;
-// @public
-export type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
-// @public
-export interface SavedObjectAttributes {
- // (undocumented)
- [key: string]: SavedObjectAttribute;
-// @public
-export type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
-// @public
-export interface SavedObjectReference {
- // (undocumented)
- id: string;
- // (undocumented)
- name: string;
- // (undocumented)
- type: string;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions {
- namespace?: string;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse {
- // (undocumented)
- savedObjects: Array>;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions {
- // (undocumented)
- attributes: T;
- // (undocumented)
- type: string;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions {
- overwrite?: boolean;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject {
- // (undocumented)
- attributes: T;
- // (undocumented)
- id: string;
- // (undocumented)
- references?: SavedObjectReference[];
- // (undocumented)
- type: string;
- // (undocumented)
- version?: string;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions {
- // (undocumented)
- namespace?: string;
-// @public
-export class SavedObjectsClient {
- // @internal
- constructor(http: HttpServiceBase);
- bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise>;
- bulkGet: (objects?: {
- id: string;
- type: string;
- }[]) => Promise>;
- bulkUpdate(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise>;
- create: (type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise>;
- delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
- find: (options: Pick) => Promise>;
- get: (type: string, id: string) => Promise>;
- update(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise>;
-// @public
-export type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions {
- id?: string;
- migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
- overwrite?: boolean;
- // (undocumented)
- references?: SavedObjectReference[];
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions {
- // (undocumented)
- defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
- fields?: string[];
- // (undocumented)
- filter?: string;
- // (undocumented)
- hasReference?: {
- type: string;
- id: string;
- };
- // (undocumented)
- page?: number;
- // (undocumented)
- perPage?: number;
- search?: string;
- searchFields?: string[];
- // (undocumented)
- sortField?: string;
- // (undocumented)
- sortOrder?: string;
- // (undocumented)
- type: string | string[];
-// @public
-export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse {
- // (undocumented)
- page: number;
- // (undocumented)
- perPage: number;
- // (undocumented)
- total: number;
-// @public
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion {
- // (undocumented)
- [pluginName: string]: string;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsStart {
- // (undocumented)
- client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions {
- migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
- // (undocumented)
- references?: SavedObjectReference[];
- // (undocumented)
- version?: string;
-// @public
-export class SimpleSavedObject {
- constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObject);
- // (undocumented)
- attributes: T;
- // (undocumented)
- delete(): Promise<{}>;
- // (undocumented)
- error: SavedObject['error'];
- // (undocumented)
- get(key: string): any;
- // (undocumented)
- has(key: string): boolean;
- // (undocumented)
- id: SavedObject['id'];
- // (undocumented)
- migrationVersion: SavedObject['migrationVersion'];
- // (undocumented)
- references: SavedObject['references'];
- // (undocumented)
- save(): Promise>;
- // (undocumented)
- set(key: string, value: any): T;
- // (undocumented)
- type: SavedObject['type'];
- // (undocumented)
- _version?: SavedObject['version'];
-// Warning: (ae-missing-release-tag) "Toast" is exported by the package, but it is missing a release tag (@alpha, @beta, @public, or @internal)
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
- id: string;
-// @public
-export type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
-// @public
-export type ToastInputFields = Pick> & {
- title?: string | MountPoint;
- text?: string | MountPoint;
-// @public
-export class ToastsApi implements IToasts {
- constructor(deps: {
- uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
- });
- add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
- addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
- addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
- addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
- addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
- get$(): Rx.Observable;
- // @internal (undocumented)
- registerOverlays(overlays: OverlayStart): void;
- remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
- }
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export type ToastsStart = IToasts;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export class UiSettingsClient {
- // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "UiSettingsClientParams" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
- constructor(params: UiSettingsClientParams);
- get$(key: string, defaultOverride?: any): Rx.Observable;
- get(key: string, defaultOverride?: any): any;
- getAll(): Record>;
- getSaved$(): Rx.Observable<{
- key: string;
- newValue: any;
- oldValue: any;
- }>;
- getUpdate$(): Rx.Observable<{
- key: string;
- newValue: any;
- oldValue: any;
- }>;
- getUpdateErrors$(): Rx.Observable;
- isCustom(key: string): boolean;
- isDeclared(key: string): boolean;
- isDefault(key: string): boolean;
- isOverridden(key: string): boolean;
- overrideLocalDefault(key: string, newDefault: any): void;
- remove(key: string): Promise;
- set(key: string, val: any): Promise;
- stop(): void;
- }
-// @public
-export type UiSettingsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf;
-// @public (undocumented)
-export interface UiSettingsState {
- // (undocumented)
- [key: string]: UiSettingsParams_2 & UserProvidedValues_2;
-// @public
-export type UnmountCallback = () => void;
+## API Report File for "kibana"
+> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/).
+import { Breadcrumb } from '@elastic/eui';
+import { EuiGlobalToastListToast } from '@elastic/eui';
+import { IconType } from '@elastic/eui';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+import React from 'react';
+import * as Rx from 'rxjs';
+import { ShallowPromise } from '@kbn/utility-types';
+import { UiSettingsParams as UiSettingsParams_2 } from 'src/core/server/types';
+import { UserProvidedValues as UserProvidedValues_2 } from 'src/core/server/types';
+// @public
+export interface App extends AppBase {
+ chromeless?: boolean;
+ mount: (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface AppBase {
+ capabilities?: Partial;
+ euiIconType?: string;
+ icon?: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ id: string;
+ order?: number;
+ title: string;
+ tooltip$?: Observable;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface ApplicationSetup {
+ register(app: App): void;
+ registerMountContext(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider): void;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface ApplicationStart {
+ capabilities: RecursiveReadonly;
+ getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
+ path?: string;
+ }): string;
+ navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
+ path?: string;
+ state?: any;
+ }): void;
+ registerMountContext(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider): void;
+// @public
+export interface AppMountContext {
+ core: {
+ application: Pick;
+ chrome: ChromeStart;
+ docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+ http: HttpStart;
+ i18n: I18nStart;
+ notifications: NotificationsStart;
+ overlays: OverlayStart;
+ uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
+ injectedMetadata: {
+ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+ };
+ };
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface AppMountParameters {
+ appBasePath: string;
+ element: HTMLElement;
+// @public
+export type AppUnmount = () => void;
+// @public
+export interface Capabilities {
+ [key: string]: Record>;
+ catalogue: Record;
+ management: {
+ [sectionId: string]: Record;
+ };
+ navLinks: Record;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface ChromeBadge {
+ // (undocumented)
+ iconType?: IconType;
+ // (undocumented)
+ text: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ tooltip: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface ChromeBrand {
+ // (undocumented)
+ logo?: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ smallLogo?: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type ChromeBreadcrumb = Breadcrumb;
+// @public
+export interface ChromeDocTitle {
+ // @internal (undocumented)
+ __legacy: {
+ setBaseTitle(baseTitle: string): void;
+ };
+ change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
+ reset(): void;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type ChromeHelpExtension = (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface ChromeNavControl {
+ // (undocumented)
+ mount(targetDomElement: HTMLElement): () => void;
+ // (undocumented)
+ order?: number;
+// @public
+export interface ChromeNavControls {
+ // @internal (undocumented)
+ getLeft$(): Observable;
+ // @internal (undocumented)
+ getRight$(): Observable;
+ registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+ registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface ChromeNavLink {
+ // @deprecated
+ readonly active?: boolean;
+ readonly baseUrl: string;
+ // @deprecated
+ readonly disabled?: boolean;
+ readonly euiIconType?: string;
+ readonly hidden?: boolean;
+ readonly icon?: string;
+ readonly id: string;
+ // @internal
+ readonly legacy: boolean;
+ // @deprecated
+ readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
+ readonly order?: number;
+ // @deprecated
+ readonly subUrlBase?: string;
+ readonly title: string;
+ readonly tooltip?: string;
+ // @deprecated
+ readonly url?: string;
+// @public
+export interface ChromeNavLinks {
+ enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
+ get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+ getAll(): Array>;
+ getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable;
+ getNavLinks$(): Observable>>;
+ has(id: string): boolean;
+ showOnly(id: string): void;
+ update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial>;
+// @public
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed {
+ // Warning: (ae-unresolved-link) The @link reference could not be resolved: No member was found with name "basePath"
+ add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
+ get$(): Observable;
+ get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem {
+ // (undocumented)
+ id: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ label: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ link: string;
+// @public
+export interface ChromeStart {
+ addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+ docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
+ getApplicationClasses$(): Observable;
+ getBadge$(): Observable;
+ getBrand$(): Observable;
+ getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable;
+ getHelpExtension$(): Observable;
+ getIsCollapsed$(): Observable;
+ getIsVisible$(): Observable;
+ navControls: ChromeNavControls;
+ navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
+ recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
+ removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+ setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
+ setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
+ setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
+ setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
+ setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
+ setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
+ setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
+// @public
+export interface ContextSetup {
+ createContextContainer>(): IContextContainer;
+// @internal (undocumented)
+export interface CoreContext {
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "CoreId" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ //
+ // (undocumented)
+ coreId: CoreId;
+ // (undocumented)
+ env: {
+ mode: Readonly;
+ packageInfo: Readonly;
+ };
+// @public
+export interface CoreSetup {
+ // (undocumented)
+ application: ApplicationSetup;
+ // (undocumented)
+ context: ContextSetup;
+ // (undocumented)
+ fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
+ // (undocumented)
+ http: HttpSetup;
+ // @deprecated
+ injectedMetadata: {
+ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+ };
+ // (undocumented)
+ notifications: NotificationsSetup;
+ // (undocumented)
+ uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
+// @public
+export interface CoreStart {
+ // (undocumented)
+ application: ApplicationStart;
+ // (undocumented)
+ chrome: ChromeStart;
+ // (undocumented)
+ docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+ // (undocumented)
+ http: HttpStart;
+ // (undocumented)
+ i18n: I18nStart;
+ // @deprecated
+ injectedMetadata: {
+ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+ };
+ // (undocumented)
+ notifications: NotificationsStart;
+ // (undocumented)
+ overlays: OverlayStart;
+ // (undocumented)
+ savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
+ // (undocumented)
+ uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
+// @internal
+export class CoreSystem {
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Params" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ constructor(params: Params);
+ // (undocumented)
+ setup(): Promise<{
+ fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
+ } | undefined>;
+ // (undocumented)
+ start(): Promise;
+ // (undocumented)
+ stop(): void;
+ }
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface DocLinksStart {
+ // (undocumented)
+ readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ readonly links: {
+ readonly filebeat: {
+ readonly base: string;
+ readonly installation: string;
+ readonly configuration: string;
+ readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
+ readonly startup: string;
+ readonly exportedFields: string;
+ };
+ readonly auditbeat: {
+ readonly base: string;
+ };
+ readonly metricbeat: {
+ readonly base: string;
+ };
+ readonly heartbeat: {
+ readonly base: string;
+ };
+ readonly logstash: {
+ readonly base: string;
+ };
+ readonly functionbeat: {
+ readonly base: string;
+ };
+ readonly winlogbeat: {
+ readonly base: string;
+ };
+ readonly aggs: {
+ readonly date_histogram: string;
+ readonly date_range: string;
+ readonly filter: string;
+ readonly filters: string;
+ readonly geohash_grid: string;
+ readonly histogram: string;
+ readonly ip_range: string;
+ readonly range: string;
+ readonly significant_terms: string;
+ readonly terms: string;
+ readonly avg: string;
+ readonly avg_bucket: string;
+ readonly max_bucket: string;
+ readonly min_bucket: string;
+ readonly sum_bucket: string;
+ readonly cardinality: string;
+ readonly count: string;
+ readonly cumulative_sum: string;
+ readonly derivative: string;
+ readonly geo_bounds: string;
+ readonly geo_centroid: string;
+ readonly max: string;
+ readonly median: string;
+ readonly min: string;
+ readonly moving_avg: string;
+ readonly percentile_ranks: string;
+ readonly serial_diff: string;
+ readonly std_dev: string;
+ readonly sum: string;
+ readonly top_hits: string;
+ };
+ readonly scriptedFields: {
+ readonly scriptFields: string;
+ readonly scriptAggs: string;
+ readonly painless: string;
+ readonly painlessApi: string;
+ readonly painlessSyntax: string;
+ readonly luceneExpressions: string;
+ };
+ readonly indexPatterns: {
+ readonly loadingData: string;
+ readonly introduction: string;
+ };
+ readonly kibana: string;
+ readonly siem: string;
+ readonly query: {
+ readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
+ readonly queryDsl: string;
+ readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
+ };
+ readonly date: {
+ readonly dateMath: string;
+ };
+ };
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface EnvironmentMode {
+ // (undocumented)
+ dev: boolean;
+ // (undocumented)
+ name: 'development' | 'production';
+ // (undocumented)
+ prod: boolean;
+// @public
+export interface ErrorToastOptions {
+ title: string;
+ toastMessage?: string;
+// @public
+export interface FatalErrorInfo {
+ // (undocumented)
+ message: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ stack: string | undefined;
+// @public
+export interface FatalErrorsSetup {
+ add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
+ get$: () => Rx.Observable;
+// @public
+export type HandlerContextType> = T extends HandlerFunction ? U : never;
+// @public
+export type HandlerFunction = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
+// @public
+export type HandlerParameters> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type HttpBody = BodyInit | null | any;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface HttpErrorRequest {
+ // (undocumented)
+ error: Error;
+ // (undocumented)
+ request: Request;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface HttpErrorResponse extends HttpResponse {
+ // (undocumented)
+ error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
+// @public
+export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit {
+ headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
+ prependBasePath?: boolean;
+ query?: HttpFetchQuery;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface HttpFetchQuery {
+ // (undocumented)
+ [key: string]: string | number | boolean | undefined;
+// @public
+export type HttpHandler = (path: string, options?: HttpFetchOptions) => Promise;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface HttpHeadersInit {
+ // (undocumented)
+ [name: string]: any;
+// @public
+export interface HttpInterceptor {
+ request?(request: Request, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | Request | void;
+ requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpErrorRequest, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | Request | void;
+ response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | InterceptedHttpResponse | void;
+ responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpErrorResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): Promise | InterceptedHttpResponse | void;
+// @public
+export interface HttpRequestInit {
+ body?: BodyInit | null;
+ cache?: RequestCache;
+ credentials?: RequestCredentials;
+ // (undocumented)
+ headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
+ integrity?: string;
+ keepalive?: boolean;
+ method?: string;
+ mode?: RequestMode;
+ redirect?: RequestRedirect;
+ referrer?: string;
+ referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
+ signal?: AbortSignal | null;
+ window?: null;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface HttpResponse extends InterceptedHttpResponse {
+ // (undocumented)
+ request: Readonly;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface HttpServiceBase {
+ addLoadingCount(countSource$: Observable): void;
+ anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
+ basePath: IBasePath;
+ delete: HttpHandler;
+ fetch: HttpHandler;
+ get: HttpHandler;
+ getLoadingCount$(): Observable;
+ head: HttpHandler;
+ intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
+ options: HttpHandler;
+ patch: HttpHandler;
+ post: HttpHandler;
+ put: HttpHandler;
+ removeAllInterceptors(): void;
+ // @internal (undocumented)
+ stop(): void;
+// @public
+export type HttpSetup = HttpServiceBase;
+// @public
+export type HttpStart = HttpServiceBase;
+// @public
+export interface I18nStart {
+ Context: ({ children }: {
+ children: React.ReactNode;
+ }) => JSX.Element;
+// Warning: (ae-missing-release-tag) "IAnonymousPaths" is exported by the package, but it is missing a release tag (@alpha, @beta, @public, or @internal)
+// @public
+export interface IAnonymousPaths {
+ isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
+ register(path: string): void;
+// @public
+export interface IBasePath {
+ get: () => string;
+ prepend: (url: string) => string;
+ remove: (url: string) => string;
+// @public
+export interface IContextContainer> {
+ createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): (...rest: HandlerParameters) => ShallowPromise>;
+ registerContext>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider): this;
+// @public
+export type IContextProvider, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType> = (context: Partial>, ...rest: HandlerParameters) => Promise[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType[TContextName];
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error {
+ // (undocumented)
+ readonly body?: any;
+ // @deprecated (undocumented)
+ readonly req: Request;
+ // (undocumented)
+ readonly request: Request;
+ // @deprecated (undocumented)
+ readonly res?: Response;
+ // (undocumented)
+ readonly response?: Response;
+// @public
+export interface IHttpInterceptController {
+ halt(): void;
+ halted: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface InterceptedHttpResponse {
+ // (undocumented)
+ body?: HttpBody;
+ // (undocumented)
+ response?: Response;
+// @public
+export type IToasts = Pick;
+// @public @deprecated
+export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup {
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InjectedMetadataSetup" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ //
+ // @deprecated (undocumented)
+ injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
+// @public @deprecated
+export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart {
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InjectedMetadataStart" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ //
+ // @deprecated (undocumented)
+ injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface LegacyNavLink {
+ // (undocumented)
+ euiIconType?: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ icon?: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ id: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ order: number;
+ // (undocumented)
+ title: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ url: string;
+// @public
+export type MountPoint = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface NotificationsSetup {
+ // (undocumented)
+ toasts: ToastsSetup;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface NotificationsStart {
+ // (undocumented)
+ toasts: ToastsStart;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface OverlayBannersStart {
+ add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OverlayBanner" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ //
+ // @internal (undocumented)
+ get$(): Observable;
+ // (undocumented)
+ getComponent(): JSX.Element;
+ remove(id: string): boolean;
+ replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+// @public
+export interface OverlayRef {
+ close(): Promise;
+ onClose: Promise;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface OverlayStart {
+ // (undocumented)
+ banners: OverlayBannersStart;
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OverlayFlyoutStart" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ // Warning: (ae-unresolved-link) The @link reference could not be resolved: The package "kibana" does not have an export "OverlayFlyoutStart"
+ //
+ // (undocumented)
+ flyouts: OverlayFlyoutStart;
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OverlayModalStart" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ // Warning: (ae-unresolved-link) The @link reference could not be resolved: The package "kibana" does not have an export "OverlayModalStart"
+ //
+ // (undocumented)
+ modals: OverlayModalStart;
+ // @deprecated (undocumented)
+ openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
+ // @deprecated (undocumented)
+ openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface PackageInfo {
+ // (undocumented)
+ branch: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ buildNum: number;
+ // (undocumented)
+ buildSha: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ dist: boolean;
+ // (undocumented)
+ version: string;
+// @public
+export interface Plugin {
+ // (undocumented)
+ setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise;
+ // (undocumented)
+ start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise;
+ // (undocumented)
+ stop?(): void;
+// @public
+export type PluginInitializer = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin;
+// @public
+export interface PluginInitializerContext {
+ // (undocumented)
+ readonly env: {
+ mode: Readonly;
+ packageInfo: Readonly;
+ };
+ readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
+// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RecursiveReadonlyArray" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type RecursiveReadonly = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray : T extends object ? Readonly<{
+ [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly;
+}> : T;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObject {
+ attributes: T;
+ // (undocumented)
+ error?: {
+ message: string;
+ statusCode: number;
+ };
+ id: string;
+ migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+ references: SavedObjectReference[];
+ type: string;
+ updated_at?: string;
+ version?: string;
+// @public
+export type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
+// @public
+export interface SavedObjectAttributes {
+ // (undocumented)
+ [key: string]: SavedObjectAttribute;
+// @public
+export type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
+// @public
+export interface SavedObjectReference {
+ // (undocumented)
+ id: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ name: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ type: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions {
+ namespace?: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse {
+ // (undocumented)
+ savedObjects: Array>;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions {
+ // (undocumented)
+ attributes: T;
+ // (undocumented)
+ type: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions {
+ overwrite?: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject {
+ // (undocumented)
+ attributes: T;
+ // (undocumented)
+ id: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+ // (undocumented)
+ type: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ version?: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions {
+ // (undocumented)
+ namespace?: string;
+// @public
+export class SavedObjectsClient {
+ // @internal
+ constructor(http: HttpServiceBase);
+ bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise>;
+ bulkGet: (objects?: {
+ id: string;
+ type: string;
+ }[]) => Promise>;
+ bulkUpdate(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise>;
+ create: (type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise>;
+ delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
+ find: (options: Pick) => Promise>;
+ get: (type: string, id: string) => Promise>;
+ update(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise>;
+// @public
+export type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions {
+ id?: string;
+ migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+ overwrite?: boolean;
+ // (undocumented)
+ references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions {
+ // (undocumented)
+ defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
+ fields?: string[];
+ // (undocumented)
+ filter?: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ hasReference?: {
+ type: string;
+ id: string;
+ };
+ // (undocumented)
+ page?: number;
+ // (undocumented)
+ perPage?: number;
+ search?: string;
+ searchFields?: string[];
+ // (undocumented)
+ sortField?: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ sortOrder?: string;
+ // (undocumented)
+ type: string | string[];
+// @public
+export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse {
+ // (undocumented)
+ page: number;
+ // (undocumented)
+ perPage: number;
+ // (undocumented)
+ total: number;
+// @public
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion {
+ // (undocumented)
+ [pluginName: string]: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsStart {
+ // (undocumented)
+ client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions {
+ migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+ // (undocumented)
+ references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+ // (undocumented)
+ version?: string;
+// @public
+export class SimpleSavedObject {
+ constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObject);
+ // (undocumented)
+ attributes: T;
+ // (undocumented)
+ delete(): Promise<{}>;
+ // (undocumented)
+ error: SavedObject['error'];
+ // (undocumented)
+ get(key: string): any;
+ // (undocumented)
+ has(key: string): boolean;
+ // (undocumented)
+ id: SavedObject['id'];
+ // (undocumented)
+ migrationVersion: SavedObject['migrationVersion'];
+ // (undocumented)
+ references: SavedObject['references'];
+ // (undocumented)
+ save(): Promise>;
+ // (undocumented)
+ set(key: string, value: any): T;
+ // (undocumented)
+ type: SavedObject['type'];
+ // (undocumented)
+ _version?: SavedObject['version'];
+// Warning: (ae-missing-release-tag) "Toast" is exported by the package, but it is missing a release tag (@alpha, @beta, @public, or @internal)
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
+ id: string;
+// @public
+export type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
+// @public
+export type ToastInputFields = Pick> & {
+ title?: string | MountPoint;
+ text?: string | MountPoint;
+// @public
+export class ToastsApi implements IToasts {
+ constructor(deps: {
+ uiSettings: UiSettingsClientContract;
+ });
+ add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+ addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+ addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
+ addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+ addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+ get$(): Rx.Observable;
+ // @internal (undocumented)
+ registerOverlays(overlays: OverlayStart): void;
+ remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
+ }
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type ToastsStart = IToasts;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export class UiSettingsClient {
+ // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "UiSettingsClientParams" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+ constructor(params: UiSettingsClientParams);
+ get$(key: string, defaultOverride?: any): Rx.Observable;
+ get(key: string, defaultOverride?: any): any;
+ getAll(): Record>;
+ getSaved$(): Rx.Observable<{
+ key: string;
+ newValue: any;
+ oldValue: any;
+ }>;
+ getUpdate$(): Rx.Observable<{
+ key: string;
+ newValue: any;
+ oldValue: any;
+ }>;
+ getUpdateErrors$(): Rx.Observable;
+ isCustom(key: string): boolean;
+ isDeclared(key: string): boolean;
+ isDefault(key: string): boolean;
+ isOverridden(key: string): boolean;
+ overrideLocalDefault(key: string, newDefault: any): void;
+ remove(key: string): Promise;
+ set(key: string, val: any): Promise;
+ stop(): void;
+ }
+// @public
+export type UiSettingsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export interface UiSettingsState {
+ // (undocumented)
+ [key: string]: UiSettingsParams_2 & UserProvidedValues_2;
+// @public
+export type UnmountCallback = () => void;