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index 0000000000000..614af8846230e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/ccr/bi-directional-disaster-recovery.asciidoc
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+=== Tutorial: Disaster recovery based on bi-directional {ccr}
+Bi-directional disaster recovery
+PUT _data_stream/logs-generic-default
+DELETE /_data_stream/*
+Learn how to set up disaster recovery between two clusters based on
+bi-directional {ccr}. The following tutorial is designed for data streams which support
+<> and <>. You can only perform these actions on the leader index.
+This tutorial works with {ls} as the source of ingestion. It takes advantage of a {ls} feature where {logstash-ref}/plugins-outputs-elasticsearch.html[the {ls} output to {es}] can be load balanced across an array of hosts specified. {beats} and {agents} currently do not
+support multiple outputs. It should also be possible to set up a proxy
+(load balancer) to redirect traffic without {ls} in this tutorial.
+* Setting up a remote cluster on `clusterA` and `clusterB`.
+* Setting up bi-directional cross-cluster replication with exclusion patterns.
+* Setting up {ls} with multiple hosts to allow automatic load balancing and switching during disasters.
+image::images/ccr-bi-directional-disaster-recovery.png[Bi-directional cross cluster replication failover and failback]
+==== Initial setup
+. Set up a remote cluster on both clusters.
+### On cluster A ###
+PUT _cluster/settings
+ "persistent": {
+ "cluster": {
+ "remote": {
+ "clusterB": {
+ "mode": "proxy",
+ "skip_unavailable": true,
+ "server_name": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",
+ "proxy_socket_connections": 18,
+ "proxy_address": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### On cluster B ###
+PUT _cluster/settings
+ "persistent": {
+ "cluster": {
+ "remote": {
+ "clusterA": {
+ "mode": "proxy",
+ "skip_unavailable": true,
+ "server_name": "clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",
+ "proxy_socket_connections": 18,
+ "proxy_address": "clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// TEST[setup:host]
+// TEST[s/"server_name": "clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",//]
+// TEST[s/"server_name": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",//]
+// TEST[s/"proxy_socket_connections": 18,//]
+// TEST[s/clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400/\${transport_host}/]
+// TEST[s/clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400/\${transport_host}/]
+. Set up bi-directional cross-cluster replication.
+### On cluster A ###
+PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/logs-generic-default
+ "remote_cluster": "clusterB",
+ "leader_index_patterns": [
+ ".ds-logs-generic-default-20*"
+ ],
+ "leader_index_exclusion_patterns":"{{leader_index}}-replicated_from_clustera",
+ "follow_index_pattern": "{{leader_index}}-replicated_from_clusterb"
+### On cluster B ###
+PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/logs-generic-default
+ "remote_cluster": "clusterA",
+ "leader_index_patterns": [
+ ".ds-logs-generic-default-20*"
+ ],
+ "leader_index_exclusion_patterns":"{{leader_index}}-replicated_from_clusterb",
+ "follow_index_pattern": "{{leader_index}}-replicated_from_clustera"
+// TEST[setup:remote_cluster]
+// TEST[s/clusterA/remote_cluster/]
+// TEST[s/clusterB/remote_cluster/]
+IMPORTANT: Existing data on the cluster will not be replicated by
+`_ccr/auto_follow` even though the patterns may match. This function will only
+replicate newly created backing indices (as part of the data stream).
+IMPORTANT: Use `leader_index_exclusion_patterns` to avoid recursion.
+TIP: `follow_index_pattern` allows lowercase characters only.
+TIP: This step cannot be executed via the {kib} UI due to the lack of an exclusion
+pattern in the UI. Use the API in this step.
+. Set up the {ls} configuration file.
+This example uses the input generator to demonstrate the document
+count in the clusters. Reconfigure this section
+to suit your own use case.
+### On Logstash server ###
+### This is a logstash config file ###
+input {
+ generator{
+ message => 'Hello World'
+ count => 100
+ }
+output {
+ elasticsearch {
+ hosts => ["https://clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9243","https://clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9243"]
+ user => "logstash-user"
+ password => "same_password_for_both_clusters"
+ }
+IMPORTANT: The key point is that when `cluster A` is down, all traffic will be
+automatically redirected to `cluster B`. Once `cluster A` comes back, traffic
+is automatically redirected back to `cluster A` again. This is achieved by the
+option `hosts` where multiple ES cluster endpoints are specified in the
+array `[clusterA, clusterB]`.
+TIP: Set up the same password for the same user on both clusters to use this load-balancing feature.
+. Start {ls} with the earlier configuration file.
+### On Logstash server ###
+bin/logstash -f multiple_hosts.conf
+. Observe document counts in data streams.
+The setup creates a data stream named `logs-generic-default` on each of the clusters. {ls} will write 50% of the documents to `cluster A` and 50% of the documents to `cluster B` when both clusters are up.
+Bi-directional {ccr} will create one more data stream on each of the clusters
+with the `-replication_from_cluster{a|b}` suffix. At the end of this step:
+* data streams on cluster A contain:
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clusterb`
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default`
+* data streams on cluster B contain:
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clustera`
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default`
+. Queries should be set up to search across both data streams.
+A query on `logs*`, on either of the clusters, returns 100
+hits in total.
+GET logs*/_search?size=0
+==== Failover when `clusterA` is down
+. You can simulate this by shutting down either of the clusters. Let's shut down
+`cluster A` in this tutorial.
+. Start {ls} with the same configuration file. (This step is not required in real
+use cases where {ls} ingests continuously.)
+### On Logstash server ###
+bin/logstash -f multiple_hosts.conf
+. Observe all {ls} traffic will be redirected to `cluster B` automatically.
+TIP: You should also redirect all search traffic to the `clusterB` cluster during this time.
+. The two data streams on `cluster B` now contain a different number of documents.
+* data streams on cluster A (down)
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clusterb`
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default`
+* data streams On cluster B (up)
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clustera`
+** 150 documents in `logs-generic-default`
+==== Failback when `clusterA` comes back
+. You can simulate this by turning `cluster A` back on.
+. Data ingested to `cluster B` during `cluster A` 's downtime will be
+automatically replicated.
+* data streams on cluster A
+** 150 documents in `logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clusterb`
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default`
+* data streams on cluster B
+** 50 documents in `logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clustera`
+** 150 documents in `logs-generic-default`
+. If you have {ls} running at this time, you will also observe traffic is
+sent to both clusters.
+==== Perform update or delete by query
+It is possible to update or delete the documents but you can only perform these actions on the leader index.
+. First identify which backing index contains the document you want to update.
+### On either of the cluster ###
+GET logs-generic-default*/_search?filter_path=hits.hits._index
+"query": {
+ "match": {
+ "event.sequence": "97"
+ }
+ }
+* If the hits returns `"_index": ".ds-logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clustera--*"`, then you need to proceed to the next step on `cluster A`.
+* If the hits returns `"_index": ".ds-logs-generic-default-replicated_from_clusterb--*"`, then you need to proceed to the next step on `cluster B`.
+* If the hits returns `"_index": ".ds-logs-generic-default--*"`, then you need to proceed to the next step on the same cluster where you performed the search query.
+. Perform the update (or delete) by query:
+### On the cluster identified from the previous step ###
+POST logs-generic-default/_update_by_query
+ "query": {
+ "match": {
+ "event.sequence": "97"
+ }
+ },
+ "script": {
+ "source": "ctx._source.event.original = params.new_event",
+ "lang": "painless",
+ "params": {
+ "new_event": "FOOBAR"
+ }
+ }
+TIP: If a soft delete is merged away before it can be replicated to a follower the following process will fail due to incomplete history on the leader, see <> for more details.
diff --git a/docs/reference/ccr/images/ccr-bi-directional-disaster-recovery.png b/docs/reference/ccr/images/ccr-bi-directional-disaster-recovery.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/reference/ccr/images/ccr-bi-directional-disaster-recovery.png differ
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index 0000000000000..ad6e19fa13812
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index e1b6e98ea5d87..f3180da1ae77e 100644
--- a/docs/reference/ccr/index.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/reference/ccr/index.asciidoc
@@ -343,3 +343,5 @@ include::getting-started.asciidoc[]
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--- /dev/null
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+=== Tutorial: Disaster recovery based on uni-directional {ccr}
+Uni-directional disaster recovery
+PUT kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
+DELETE kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
+Learn how to failover and failback between two clusters based on uni-directional {ccr}. You can also visit <> to set up replicating data streams that automatically failover and failback without human intervention.
+* Setting up uni-directional {ccr} replicated from `clusterA`
+to `clusterB`.
+* Failover - If `clusterA` goes offline, `clusterB` needs to "promote" follower
+indices to regular indices to allow write operations. All ingestion will need to
+be redirected to `clusterB`, this is controlled by the clients ({ls}, {beats},
+{agents}, etc).
+* Failback - When `clusterA` is back online, it assumes the role of a follower
+and replicates the leader indices from `clusterB`.
+image::images/ccr-uni-directional-disaster-recovery.png[Uni-directional cross cluster replication failover and failback]
+NOTE: {ccr-cap} provides functionality to replicate user-generated indices only.
+{ccr-cap} isn't designed for replicating system-generated indices or snapshot
+settings, and can't replicate {ilm-init} or {slm-init} policies across clusters.
+Learn more in {ccr} <>.
+==== Prerequisites
+Before completing this tutorial,
+<> to connect two
+clusters and configure a follower index.
+In this tutorial, `kibana_sample_data_ecommerce` is replicated from `clusterA` to `clusterB`.
+### On clusterB ###
+PUT _cluster/settings
+ "persistent": {
+ "cluster": {
+ "remote": {
+ "clusterA": {
+ "mode": "proxy",
+ "skip_unavailable": "true",
+ "server_name": "clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",
+ "proxy_socket_connections": "18",
+ "proxy_address": "clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// TEST[setup:host]
+// TEST[s/"server_name": "clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",//]
+// TEST[s/"proxy_socket_connections": 18,//]
+// TEST[s/clustera.es.region-a.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400/\${transport_host}/]
+// TEST[s/clusterA/remote_cluster/]
+### On clusterB ###
+PUT /kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2/_ccr/follow?wait_for_active_shards=1
+ "remote_cluster": "clusterA",
+ "leader_index": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce"
+// TEST[continued]
+// TEST[s/clusterA/remote_cluster/]
+IMPORTANT: Writes (such as ingestion or updates) should occur only on the leader
+index. Follower indices are read-only and will reject any writes.
+==== Failover when `clusterA` is down
+. Promote the follower indices in `clusterB` into regular indices so
+that they accept writes. This can be achieved by:
+* First, pause indexing following for the follower index.
+* Next, close the follower index.
+* Unfollow the leader index.
+* Finally, open the follower index (which at this point is a regular index).
+### On clusterB ###
+POST /kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2/_ccr/pause_follow
+POST /kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2/_close
+POST /kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2/_ccr/unfollow
+POST /kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2/_open
+// TEST[continued]
+. On the client side ({ls}, {beats}, {agent}), manually re-enable ingestion of
+`kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2` and redirect traffic to the `clusterB`. You should
+also redirect all search traffic to the `clusterB` cluster during
+this time. You can simulate this by ingesting documents into this index. You should
+notice this index is now writable.
+### On clusterB ###
+POST kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2/_doc/
+ "user": "kimchy"
+// TEST[continued]
+==== Failback when `clusterA` comes back
+When `clusterA` comes back, `clusterB` becomes the new leader and `clusterA` becomes the follower.
+. Set up remote cluster `clusterB` on `clusterA`.
+### On clusterA ###
+PUT _cluster/settings
+ "persistent": {
+ "cluster": {
+ "remote": {
+ "clusterB": {
+ "mode": "proxy",
+ "skip_unavailable": "true",
+ "server_name": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",
+ "proxy_socket_connections": "18",
+ "proxy_address": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// TEST[setup:host]
+// TEST[s/"server_name": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",//]
+// TEST[s/"proxy_socket_connections": 18,//]
+// TEST[s/clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400/\${transport_host}/]
+// TEST[s/clusterB/remote_cluster/]
+. Existing data needs to be discarded before you can turn any index into a
+follower. Ensure the most up-to-date data is available on `clusterB` prior to
+deleting any indices on `clusterA`.
+### On clusterA ###
+DELETE kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
+// TEST[skip:need dual cluster setup]
+. Create a follower index on `clusterA`, now following the leader index in
+### On clusterA ###
+PUT /kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_ccr/follow?wait_for_active_shards=1
+ "remote_cluster": "clusterB",
+ "leader_index": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2"
+// TEST[continued]
+// TEST[s/clusterB/remote_cluster/]
+. The index on the follower cluster now contains the updated documents.
+### On clusterA ###
+GET kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_search?q=kimchy
+// TEST[continued]
+TIP: If a soft delete is merged away before it can be replicated to a follower the following process will fail due to incomplete history on the leader, see <> for more details.