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Functional & strongly-typed

After reading this heading at the Cake Solutions blog, you’re no doubt thinking of Scala. Let’s highlight the functional and strongly-typed nature of Scala, and see if we can find some commonalities between functions and types: beginners in the language will be able to spot the similarities between types and values.

Functions and their application

To define a function in Scala, we add it to a container ([case] class, object, or trait); alternatively we define a variable that holds a function.

A function here is a SAM (single anonymous method) class. Very broadly speaking, Java creates the SAM class at first application invokedynamic. Both methods and functions are then called using invokevirtual or invokeinterface.

I’ll use the term function from now on, for convenience and because they feel the same way in the Scala source code, but keep in mind that there is a difference. Let’s define trait Functions (a trait so we can use it later in object FunctionsMain extends App with Functions { …​ }):

trait Functions {
  type Result =def foo(I: Int, j: Int): Result = …

It should not be surprising that to get the result of foo, we have to supply the parameters. (More accurately, supply the parameters in all parameter lists.) The “shape” of foo is Int, Int to Result. To get to the value, we write foo(1, 2). If we do not supply the value of all the parameters; if we write val x = foo(1, _ : Int), the result is a partially-applied function. In this case, x is a variable of type Int ⇒ Result; a first-class function! When we apply it to the remaining parameter x, we get back the result—the same result we would get if we called foo(1, x). In partial application, we supply some, but not all, parameters to the function, and we get back a function that takes the remaining parameters. It is possible, though clumsy and unnecessary, to write ({ val f = foo(1, _ : Int); f })(2) instead of foo(1, 2).


To complete the discussion, let’s tackle currying. Where partial application is a process of reducing the number of parameters in a single parameter list, currying is a process of reducing the number of parameter lists. In Scala, we can define a function to have any number of parameter lists.

Most languages operate on parameters in parameter lists, and most languages have only one parameter list. A function foo with parameters of type a and b, returning type r written in a “natural” style (typically foo(p1: a, p2: b): r or r foo(a p1, b p2) is treated as (a, b) to r: single parameter list with two elements to result. ML-like languages such as Haskell and F#, however, would translate their “natural” style (foo ∷ a → b → r; foo p1 p2 = …​ or foo (p1:a) (p2:b) : r) to mean a to b to r: first parameter list to a function taking the remaining parameter list to result. Consequently, ML-style languages firstly curry, while others firstly partially apply.

trait Functions {
  type Result =def fooc(I: Int)(j: Int): Result = …

The “shape” of fooc is not Int, Int to Result, but Int to (Int to Result). To get to the final result, we write fooc(1)(2). Writing fooc(1) yields a function that takes an Int and returns a Result. Think of the call fooc(1)(2) as ({ val f = fooc(1); f(2) }). You may find this useful when writing functions that need some additional parameters, but need to be used in a place where only one parameter is used. Consider mapping over list of integers using a function that adds one to each element. We can write

def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
List(1, 2, 3).map(x => add(1, x))
List(…).map(x => add(2, x))

But it is more æsthetically pleasing and more efficient (why?) to have

def add(a: Int)(b: Int): Int = a + b
List(1, 2, 3).map(add(1))

Types & kinds

So, we’re happy with applying functions. We are also happy that there can be a thing that can be applied to parameters (or parameter lists) to yield a result. We are in a strongly-typed language, so the types of the parameters in the parameter lists are well-defined, together with the result type. We are used to saying "function from Int to Int`"; we are also used to the fact that once we supply all the parameter [lists], we get the result value. It turns out that the same principle applies to types. The types we were using earlier are concrete types—they are fully-formed, they are not waiting for any parameters to be supplied. An `Int is a fully-constructed type, just like String. We say that their kind is . Just like there are functions that take parameters, there are types that take parameters. Our familiar List is just that. The kind of List is : List on its own is not a concrete type, it is a type constructor. If it were a function, it would be a function that takes one parameter and yields a result. But it is not a function, so the parameter given to List cannot be a value; it needs to be a type. Also, the syntax is slightly different. Where function application uses parentheses, type application takes square brackets. And so, we can apply the List type constructor to type parameter Int, writing List[Int]. The kind of List[Int] is obviously : we have applied the type constructor to all its type parameters, we are left with a concrete type. (Just like applying a function to all its parameters yields the return value.) Similarly, List[List[String]] is of kind *. It is a compile error to say List[1]: 1 is a value, where List expects a type, just as much as it is a compile error to say foo(Int): Int is a type, not a value. Let’s explore this further and define a function foom:

trait Functions {
  type Result =def foom[M[_]]: Result = …

The kind of M is * → : it takes one type parameter (denoted by ) and yields a concrete type. So, what type parameter can we give to the function foom[M[]]? We can’t have foom[Int]: the kind of Int is , but we need * → . Taking the Scala standard library, we can use Option, List, Future, etc; any type that needs exactly one type parameter to yield a concrete type. (For example, the kind of Option, List is ; their definition is sealed abstract class Option[+A]; sealed abstract class List[+A].) Now, we can’t write foom[Either], because the kind of Either is (, ) → *; recall that Either takes two type parameters before yielding a concrete type. After reading about partial application of functions, it would be reasonable to assume that we can partially apply a type constructor; in other words, to partially apply (, ) → * to some concrete type, yielding → *. Let’s take a long-winded route and name the partially-applied Either type. We have type EitherS[R] = Either[String, R]; we can now have foom[EitherS].

trait Functions {
  type Result =def foom[M[_]]: Result =type EitherS[R] = Either[String, R]

Sometimes we want to partially apply a type constructor, just like we can partially apply functions, without explicitly naming them. If we want to partially apply Either by fixing its first parameter to be a String, we can’t write foom[Either[String, ]]. It is not valid syntax, here does not mean “partially apply type”. Instead, we have to name a type that takes the remaining type parameters in a block, and then access it as a member of that block. We will name our partially applied type λ, and make it take one type parameter. In valid Scala syntax, we have ({type λ[R] = Either[String, R]})#λ; its kind is * → . Notice the similarity between this and partial function application: when we wanted to be difficult & verbose, we wrote ({foo(1, _ : Int)}). In case of the type partial application, we get back a type of kind → *; in case of the function partial application, we get back a function of type Int ⇒ String. Of course, the function foom cannot do anything useful (if it is to remain a pure function); perhaps it should be given a parameter of type M[]: foom[M[]](m: M[]): Result. With that parameter, we can have foom[({type λ[R] = Either[String, R]})#λ](Right(2)). That’s jolly good, but what about the body of foom? We can’t make it do anything useful, because we don’t know anything about the type M[] except that it exists and that its type parameter exists.

We could resort to doing complex pattern matching, but even that might not work as expected due to erasure.

def foom[M[_]](m: M[_]): Result = m match {
  case xs: List[Int] => // can't match erased type of List

  case xs: List[@unchecked String] => // unchecked, really?

  case f: Future[_] => // can't match erased type of List

Type classes

Knowing that something exists is nice, but it does not help us to write code. We would find it more useful if we could say something in addition to this type’s existence. To help our imaginations, let’s invent a new function, and call it fmap[M[], A, B](f: A ⇒ B, m: M[A]): M[B]. It is a very generic version of the function map. But we’re still stuck in the same position of knowing only existence. We would like to know, and allow others to specify, something about the various M[] s, but not force any kind of hierarchy. We take advantage of the fact that fmap behaves differently for different types of M, the container, but it does not care about the elements. The concept we are defining here is a functor; and we wish to have different implementations according to the types.

def fmap[M[_], A, B](f: A => B, m: M[A])(implicit F: Functor[M]): M[B] = F.fmap(f, m)

trait Functor[M[_]] {

  def fmap[A, B](f: A => B, m: M[A]): M[B]


And then instances for Option and List:

implicit object OptionFunctor extends Functor[Option] {

  override def fmap[A, B](f: A => B, m: Option[A]): Option[B] = m match {

    case Some(a) => Some(f(a))

    case None => None


implicit object ListFunctor extends Functor[List] {

  override def fmap[A, B](f: A => B, m: List[A]): List[B] = m match {

    case Nil => Nilcase h::t => f(h)::fmap(f, t)



Now, can there be an instance of Functor for Either? I hope you are all shouting “no,” Either has kind (, *) → *, but Functor needs → *.


Perhaps this question should have been at the start. Nevertheless, the motivation is to be able to extract common patterns and to apply these patterns to existing types, without introducing inheritance hierarchy. Consider our functor and its fmap function that now works on Option and List, even though the authors of List and Option did not include fmap in their definitions. If you find yourself writing similar code, you should attempt to make it as generic as possible. Once you master this in the world of values (i.e. spotting that there is a map, find, foreach operation), you should master this at the level of types. As further reading, head over to and explore Shapeless: a library for type-level programming.