Music Player
Stream your music library from your browser. Support desktop or mobile device.
- Stream your music library from any browser
- Display album art (and optionally get art via Spotify api)
- Make playlists
- Mark songs as your favorites!
- Drag and drop re-ordering for playlists
- Equalizer
- Replaygain support
Transcode to various mp3 quality levelsWatch your music folder for changes and automatically sync- Keyboard shortcuts for playback controls.
- space = play/pause, left arrow = previous track, right arrow = next track
- scan embedded album art
- Node
- Postgres
- Music collection:
- In the format you want to stream (mp3)
- Cleanly tagged with artist, album, albumartist, title, musicBrainzTrackId, replaygain. Maybe use MusicBrainz Picard to help.
- Album art embedded in the files or in the same folder and named folder.jpg
- Clone project
- Configure
- Fire up backend:
cd loon-be && npm i && npm run dev
- Fire up frontend:
cd loon-fe && npm i && npm run dev
- Create account via GitHub OAuth
- Go in to db and manually set your user in users table to
- Go to system settings and set up the music folder and scan