Releases: egvijayanand/dotnet-maui-toolkit
Releases · egvijayanand/dotnet-maui-toolkit
RC1 supported release of VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.* NuGet packages (Pre7)
This version of the package is built on top of .NET MAUI RC1 dependencies, the latest release as of Apr 2022.
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.Core - v1.0.0-pre7
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit - v1.0.0-pre7
Updated release of VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.* NuGet packages (Pre6)
- Includes additional Markup methods for defining Menu groups and items using Fluent API syntax
- Methods in the DialogService and ShareService have been suffixed with
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.Core - v1.0.0-pre6
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit - v1.0.0-pre6
RC1 supported release of .NET MAUI Blazor Toolkit
This version of the package is built on top of .NET MAUI RC1 dependencies, the latest release as of Apr 2022.
- VijayAnand.MauiBlazor.Markup - v1.0.0-pre5
Updated release of VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.* NuGet packages (Pre5)
Extension methods for accessing resources.
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.Core - v1.0.0-pre5
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit - v1.0.0-pre5
Fix release of VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.* NuGet packages (Pre4)
Fixed an issue in the service registration
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.Core - v1.0.0-pre4
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit - v1.0.0-pre4
Updated release of VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.* NuGet packages (Pre3)
- Semantic markup extension methods for accessibility and much more
- Theming service
- Selective registration of services
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.Core - v1.0.0-pre3
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit - v1.0.0-pre3
Updated release of VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.* NuGet packages
This version of the packages is built on top of .NET MAUI Preview 14 dependencies, the latest release as of Mar 2022.
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.Core - v1.0.0-pre2
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit - v1.0.0-pre2
Updated release of .NET MAUI Blazor Toolkit
This version of the package is built on top of .NET MAUI Preview 14 dependencies, the latest release as of Mar 2022.
- VijayAnand.MauiBlazor.Markup - v1.0.0-pre4
Initial release of VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.* NuGet packages
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit.Core - v1.0.0-pre1
- VijayAnand.MauiToolkit - v1.0.0-pre1
Updated release of .NET MAUI Blazor Toolkit
This version of the package is built on top of .NET MAUI Preview 13 dependencies, the latest release as of Feb 2022.
- VijayAnand.MauiBlazor.Markup - v1.0.0-pre3